
Nacho riddles

Nacho riddles

Question: What do you call a nacho that isn’t yours? Answer: Not-chos! Question: What do you get when you cross a nacho with a laptop? Answer: Chip technology! Question: Why ...

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Ghost riddles

Ghost riddles

Q: What do ghosts use to wash their hair?A: Sham-boo! Q: What do you call a ghost’s favorite dessert?A: Boo-berry pie! Q: Why don’t ghosts like rain?A: It dampens their ...

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Spooky riddles

Spooky riddles

What has a face but no eyes, a mouth but no voice, and whispers in the dead of night? Answer: A spooky mask. What creeps in the darkness, hiding its ...

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Litigator riddles

Litigator riddles

Question: What do you call a litigator who can navigate any legal maze? Answer: A juris-trickster. Question: What’s the litigator’s favorite type of footwear? Answer: Lawsuits. Question: What’s a litigator’s ...

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Julia riddles

Julia riddles

Q: I’m found in the garden, adorned with grace. What am I? A: A blooming Julia rose. Q: In the realm of music, I am a melody sweet. What am ...

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Cheaters riddles

Cheaters riddles

Question: I speak without a voice, yet my lies echo loud. Who am I? Answer: An echo. Question: I have a key but never lock, a clock but never time, ...

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Edward riddles

Edward riddles

Q: What does Edward possess that can crack codes and open minds? A: A cryptic key to intellect. Q: In the realm of words, what turns silent but is always ...

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Frankenstein riddles

Frankenstein riddles

Question: What did Frankenstein’s monster say when he was asked why he didn’t like the sun? Answer: Because he was afraid of getting “re-volted.” Question: What did the monster say ...

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Airbending riddles

Airbending riddles

Q: What whispers softly but moves mountains with ease?A: Airbending Q: What dances in unseen currents, painting the sky with grace?A: The airbender’s touch Q: What caresses the leaves and ...

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Retro riddles

Retro riddles

Question: I’m round and shiny, spinning with glee. Put a needle on me, and I’ll play your memories. What am I? Answer: A vinyl record. Question: I’m not a book, ...

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Cue riddles

Cue riddles

Question: I’m whispered before action, yet never spoken aloud. What am I? Answer: Cue Question: I’m a silent prompter on life’s grand stage. What role do I play? Answer: Cue ...

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Humour riddles

Humour riddles

What has keys but can’t open locks? A piano! Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field! What do you call fake spaghetti? An ...

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Monster riddles

Monster riddles

I am born in darkness, with fangs sharp as knives. What am I? (Answer: Vampire) I dwell in murky depths, my gaze a chilling sight. Who am I? (Answer: Kraken) ...

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Review riddles

Review riddles

Question: What’s always the first step in a review? Answer: Opening the gate to knowledge. Question: What do reviewers use to explore the depths of understanding? Answer: Their curiosity compass. ...

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Pixar riddles

Pixar riddles

What magical object helps toys communicate in secret, yet always stays quiet? Answer: The Toy-Whisperer php Copy code Which Pixar character can defy gravity and soar through the sky, yet ...

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Ghoul riddles

Ghoul riddles

Question: What creature lurks in shadows deep, with eyes aglow in ghastly sleep? Answer: The Ghoul, whose hunger never wanes, in moonlit lands forever reigns. Question: In crypts and tombs ...

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Hercules riddles

Hercules riddles

Question: What is the Herculean task that ends with a great thirst? Answer: Slaying the Hydra and quenching its many heads’ desires. Question: What did Hercules say when asked about ...

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Tragedy riddles

Tragedy riddles

Question: What is always hungry but never eats, and when it strikes, it leaves hearts in defeat? Answer: Tragedy. Question: I am a fleeting moment, yet my impact lasts a ...

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Fear riddles

Fear riddles

What is it that you face, but cannot see; it hides in shadows, yet fills you with unease? (Answer: Fear) I am the darkness that lurks in your mind, the ...

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Wolf riddles

Wolf riddles

What has a fur coat but can’t brush its own hair? (Answer: A wolf) What creature prowls the night with a haunting howl? (Answer: A wolf) What animal is both ...

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Gryffindor riddles

Gryffindor riddles

Question: I am the symbol of courage and bravery, found on a banner high. Who am I? Answer: The lion, roaring Gryffindor’s pride. less Copy code Question: In the heart ...

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Ironic riddles

Ironic riddles

Q: What is always coming but never arrives? A: Tomorrow. Q: What gets wetter as it dries? A: A towel. Q: What can travel around the world while staying in ...

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Nicole riddles

Nicole riddles

Question: I am a word with five letters. Take away the first and last, I sound the same. What am I? Answer: Nicole Question: I am something that everyone wants, ...

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Horse riddles

Horse riddles

Question: What is a horse’s favorite kind of music? Answer: Neigh-soul! Question: What do you call a horse that lives next door? Answer: A neigh-bor! Question: Why did the horse ...

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Bardock riddles

Bardock riddles

Q: Born of stars, yet bound by fate, who is the warrior who defies his Saiyan state?A: Bardock, the celestial renegade. Q: In the tempest’s eye, amidst the fray, whose ...

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Zombie riddles

Zombie riddles

Q: What do zombies use to write down their thoughts? A: A dead-ication book. Q: What did the zombie say to the comedian? A: “You slay me!” Q: Why did ...

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Super riddles

Super riddles

Q: I can soar through the sky without wings, yet I never leave the ground. What am I?A: A superhero on a zipline. Q: What travels around the world while ...

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Fish riddles

Fish riddles

What fish is always ready to lend an ear? An al-cat-fish! Which fish is the most musical? The bassoon fish! What fish is the best at math? The counting fish! ...

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Chewbacca riddles

Chewbacca riddles

Q: What did Chewbacca say to the hairdresser? A: Trim it, don’t Wookiee it! Q: What does Chewbacca use to fix his spaceship? A: Wookiee wrenches! Q: Why did Chewbacca ...

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Soliloquy riddles

Soliloquy riddles

Question: I speak my thoughts aloud, yet no one hears but me. Who am I? Answer: A soliloquy. What am I when spoken alone, yet silenced in a crowd? Who ...

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Muppet riddles

Muppet riddles

Question: I’m green and grouchy, with a trash can nearby. Who am I? Answer: Oscar the Grouch! Question: I’m big, blue, and fuzzy, with a penchant for cookies. Who could ...

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Anime riddles

Anime riddles

What anime features a young boy named Gon searching for his father and encountering exotic creatures along the way? (Hunter x Hunter) In which anime does a group of high ...

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Copyright riddles

Copyright riddles

Q: What is the author’s silent ally, guarding their creations with invisible armor? A: Copyright. Q: What legal concept ensures that your ideas are shielded from the claws of plagiarism? ...

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Geek riddles

Geek riddles

Q: I have keys but open no locks, I have space but no room, you can enter, but you can’t go inside. What am I? A: A keyboard. less Copy ...

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Do riddles

Do riddles

What do you do every day without even thinking about it? – Breathe What can you do in the blink of an eye that can change everything? – Blink What ...

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Dog riddles

Dog riddles

Q: What kind of dog loves to take baths?A: A sham-poodle! Q: What do you call a dog magician?A: Labra-cadabra! Q: Why was the dog such a good storyteller?A: Because ...

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Doberman riddles

Doberman riddles

What is the Doberman’s favorite type of music? Answer: Rhythm and Blues. What do you call a Doberman who loves to surf? Answer: A Wave Rider. Why did the Doberman ...

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Bored riddles

Bored riddles

Question: What gets more bored the more it is used? Answer: A pencil. Question: What is always bored but never complains? Answer: A refrigerator. Question: What can you catch but ...

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Duck riddles

Duck riddles

Q: What do you call a duck that steals? A: A “quacktitioner.” Q: What do you call a duck that loves to dance? A: Disco duck. Q: Why did the ...

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Tuna riddles

Tuna riddles

Question: What do you call a tuna’s favorite TV show? Answer: “The Sea-sational Adventures of Tuna Tom!” Question: What did the tuna say to the fisherman? Answer: “You’ve hooked me, ...

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Screwed riddles

Screwed riddles

What gets tighter when you screw it, yet holds everything together? (A screw) What’s the tool that tightens but can also loosen the grip of chaos? (A screwdriver) What has ...

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Animation riddles

Animation riddles

Question: What do you call a sheep who loves to animate? Answer: A woolly animator! Question: What software do ghosts use to create animations? Answer: Scarespire! Question: Why did the ...

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Kill riddles

Kill riddles

What has a tongue but cannot taste, and kills without haste? A sword. Alive without breath, as cold as death; never thirsty, ever drinking. What is it? A sponge. What ...

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Render riddles

Render riddles

Question: I can take a shape, yet remain unseen. What am I?Answer: Shadow Question: I transform the blank into the vibrant, the mundane into the marvelous. What am I?Answer: Imagination ...

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Velociraptor riddles

Velociraptor riddles

What is swift as the wind, adorned with claws sharp as daggers, yet cunning enough to outwit even the cleverest prey? (Answer: Velociraptor) What ancient predator boasts a sickle-shaped claw, ...

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Minion riddles

Minion riddles

Q: What do minions use to mend their clothes?A: A despicable sewing machine! Q: Why did the minion bring a ladder to the banana tree?A: Because it wanted to go ...

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Santa riddles

Santa riddles

Question: What does Santa use to clean his sleigh? Answer: Jingle soap! Question: What do you get if you cross Santa with a detective? Answer: Santa Clues! Question: What do ...

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Jump riddles

Jump riddles

Q: What can make a kangaroo jealous? A: My ability to jump without a tail! Q: What kind of a party does a frog like best? A: One with lots ...

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Marvel riddles

Marvel riddles

What has a suit of armor, but is not a knight? (Iron Man) Who spins a web of justice, swift and tight? (Spider-Man) What is green, mean, and incredibly strong? ...

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Nude riddles

Nude riddles

Question: What is always undressed but never naked? Answer: A shadow. Question: What covers you completely but leaves you exposed? Answer: A veil. Question: What can be seen through but ...

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Werewolf riddles

Werewolf riddles

What creature prowls beneath the moon’s bright glow, with fur of midnight hue and eyes that fiercely show? A beast of legend, fierce and wild, by day a man, by ...

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Barbie riddles

Barbie riddles

Question: What do you call it when Barbie gets a new pet?Answer: A fur-bie! Question: Why did Barbie bring a ladder to the party?Answer: Because she heard it was going ...

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Lotr riddles

Lotr riddles

What rests in the heart of Moria, yet is never still, echoing whispers of old, and making dwarves thrill? Alive without breath, as cold as death, it slumbers in shadows, ...

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Camp riddles

Camp riddles

Question: I’m tall and sturdy, yet easily folded away. What am I? Answer: A camping tent. Question: I’m silent during the day but sing loudly at night. What am I? ...

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Cat riddles

Cat riddles

Q: What do you call a cat who loves to take naps? A: A purr-nap-tual sleeper! Q: What did the cat say to the computer? A: You’ve got to be ...

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Cowardly riddles

Cowardly riddles

Q: What creature is always shaking with fear? A: A quivering mouse. Q: What runs but never stands its ground, afraid of its own shadow? A: A frightened river. Q: ...

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Stab riddles

Stab riddles

What has a pointed end but lacks a sharp edge, yet with a single motion, it can pierce a heart? (Answer: A needle) What can be given but not taken, ...

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Mystery riddles

Mystery riddles

I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?Answer: An Echo What runs around the whole yard ...

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Borg riddles

Borg riddles

Question: What do Borg drones call their favorite holiday destination? Answer: Cybervacation. Question: What do you call a Borg who’s great at solving puzzles? Answer: Riddletron. Question: Why did the ...

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Run riddles

Run riddles

What runs around the yard without legs? It’s not alive, yet it runs and runs. What is it? What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks? ...

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Lawyer riddles

Lawyer riddles

Q: What do you call a lawyer who doesn’t chase ambulances? A: Retired! Q: Why did the lawyer bring a ladder to court? A: To reach the high bar! Q: ...

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Pack riddles

Pack riddles

Question: What always gets packed but never travels? Answer: A suitcase. Question: What can be opened without a key, yet still holds a pack of secrets? Answer: A book. Question: ...

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Hawkey riddles

Hawkey riddles

Q: I have a keen eye for detail, yet I am never seen. What am I? A: A hawkeye Q: What bird can see through walls and into the future? ...

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Double riddles

Double riddles

Question: I am two-faced but bear no expression, I can be found on clocks but never in session. What am I? Answer: A clock Question: I’m a pair of eyes, ...

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Stop riddles

Stop riddles

What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A piano, but when you play, it makes time stop. What has hands but can’t clap? Answer: A clock, when its hands ...

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Chicken riddles

Chicken riddles

Q: What do you call a chicken crossing the road in style? A: A “poultry in motion!” Q: Why did the chicken join a band? A: Because it had the ...

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Foreshadowing riddles

Foreshadowing riddles

Question: I am a silent omen, a feathered messenger of what’s to come. What am I? Answer: A crow cawing in the moonlight, heralding fate’s decree. Question: What lies beneath ...

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Undercover riddles

Undercover riddles

Question: What gets shorter when you add two letters to it? Answer: “Short” becomes “shorter” when you add “er” making it go undercover. Question: What has keys but can’t open ...

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Superhero riddles

Superhero riddles

Question: Born in the depths, yet rises above all, who am I?Answer: Aquaman Question: With webs that weave a tangled fate, who am I?Answer: Spider-Man Question: A symbol of hope, ...

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Prison riddles

Prison riddles

Q: What is the prisoner’s favorite punctuation mark?A: The sentence. Q: What kind of keys do ghosts use to escape prison?A: Scream keys. Q: What did the calculator say to ...

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Alice riddles

Alice riddles

Question: What does Alice drink to make her smaller? Answer: Potion of Diminution Question: What kind of creature was Alice mistaken for at the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party? Answer: A ...

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Assassin riddles

Assassin riddles

Q: I strike from the shadows, swift and unseen. Who am I? A: The Whispering Blade. less Copy code Q: What is my domain, where silence reigns supreme and secrets ...

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Rip riddles

Rip riddles

Question: What has a tear but doesn’t cry? Answer: A book. Question: What can break without being touched? Answer: Silence. Question: What is always in pieces, yet never falls apart? ...

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Catfish riddles

Catfish riddles

Q: What creature is a master of disguise in muddy waters, with a cat-like grace beneath the surface?A: The catfish! Q: What aquatic feline boasts whiskers as long as rivers ...

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Roll riddles

Roll riddles

Question: What has an end but no beginning, and loves to roll? Answer: A roll of tape. Question: I start flat, but with a little push, I can roll away. ...

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Gandalf riddles

Gandalf riddles

Question: I’m a traveler through realms untold, with a staff of wisdom, I walk bold. Who am I? Answer: Gandalf the Grey. Question: In shadows deep, where dangers lurk, which ...

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Popcorn riddles

Popcorn riddles

What’s a popcorn’s favorite dance move? Answer: The kernel shuffle. What did the popcorn say when it was in a hurry? Answer: “I’m popping outta here!” Why did the popcorn ...

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Fantasy riddles

Fantasy riddles

What flies without wings, yet traverses the skies, guarding secrets and ancient ties? – A cloud. What whispers through the forest, unseen and sly, with eyes of emerald and a ...

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Overall riddles

Overall riddles

Question: I have keys but no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter, but you can’t go outside. What am I? Answer: A keyboard. Question: I’m not ...

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Movie riddles

Movie riddles

What movie features a fish named Nemo searching for his lost son? In which film does a young boy befriend an alien and help him return to his home planet? ...

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Pug riddles

Pug riddles

What furry friend loves to snore, with a curled-up tail they often adore? With wrinkled face and a bark that’s not loud, what breed is often found in a playful ...

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Elephant riddles

Elephant riddles

What has a memory so great, it never forgets? An elephant! What do you call an elephant that can play music? A trunkist! What’s an elephant’s favorite snack on a ...

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Fighting riddles

Fighting riddles

Question: What is a boxer’s favorite part of a joke?Answer: The punchline! Question: What did one martial artist say to the other during a fight?Answer: “You’re in for a kick ...

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Best riddles

Best riddles

What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? A stamp. What has keys but can’t open locks? A piano. What can you catch but not throw? A ...

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Gravity riddles

Gravity riddles

Question: What makes objects fall towards the Earth? Answer: Gravity. Question: What force keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun? Answer: Gravity. Question: What pulls you down when you ...

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Midget riddles

Midget riddles

Q: What do you call a midget fortune teller who escapes from prison? A: A small medium at large. Q: Why don’t midgets ever get lost? A: Because they always ...

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Fan riddles

Fan riddles

What am I, turning swiftly with glee, in the summer’s warm and cooling spree? I circulate the whispers of a room, yet possess no vocal tune. What am I? Though ...

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Abomination riddles

Abomination riddles

1. What is a creature born from nightmares, yet craves the light of day? 2. I have the body of a serpent, the wings of a bat, and the hunger ...

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Corgi riddles

Corgi riddles

Question: What did the corgi say when it wanted a snack?Answer: “I’m pawsitive I deserve a treat!” Question: What do you call a corgi who’s an expert at math?Answer: A ...

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Donkey riddles

Donkey riddles

What animal is known for its stubbornness and long ears? Answer: A donkey! What has four legs, but isn’t a table, and brays in the morning? Answer: A donkey! What ...

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Arrow riddles

Arrow riddles

What flies without wings, leaving its mark as it goes? It points the way, yet never moves. What am I? I’m swift and straight, never missing my mark. What am ...

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Feline riddles

Feline riddles

1. I’m sleek and silent, with fur soft and fine. What am I? 2. I prowl at night, with eyes shining bright. What am I? 3. I have claws but ...

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Hollywood riddles

Hollywood riddles

Question: What Hollywood actor is always ready to make you laugh? Answer: Jim Carrey. Question: Which Hollywood director is known for his mind-bending narratives? Answer: Christopher Nolan. Question: What Hollywood ...

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Godzilla riddles

Godzilla riddles

Q: What creature’s steps make the ground quake, with each stomp a city does shake? A: Godzilla! Q: Born of radiation’s embrace, who emerges from the ocean’s vast space? A: ...

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Mongoose riddles

Mongoose riddles

Question: What animal is renowned for its ability to defeat serpents? Answer: The mongoose. Question: What creature is a master of swift, serpentine combat? Answer: The mongoose. Question: What agile ...

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Unbearable riddles

Unbearable riddles

What is the unbearable burden that speaks without a voice, yet grows heavier with every choice? What is the unbearable puzzle, a silent scream in the night, that tightens its ...

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Image riddles

Image riddles

What has a reflection but no mirror? What is a silent observer, capturing moments without a voice? What has colors that dance but never tire? What is a window to ...

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Fantastic riddles

Fantastic riddles

Question: I have keys but no locks, I have space but no room, You can enter, but can’t go outside. What am I? Answer: A keyboard. less Copy code Question: ...

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Lisa riddles

Lisa riddles

Q: I’m elusive, hiding in plain sight, yet always sought after. Who am I? A: Lisa’s secrets. Q: I’m a whisper in the wind, a flicker in the night sky. ...

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Monkey riddles

Monkey riddles

What’s a monkey’s favorite fruit? Ape-racots! Why did the monkey like the banana? Because it had appeal! What do you call a monkey that loves potato chips? A chip-chimp! What ...

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