Super riddles

100+ Super riddles


100+ Super riddles

  • Q: I can soar through the sky without wings, yet I never leave the ground. What am I?
    A: A superhero on a zipline.
  • Q: What travels around the world while staying in a corner?
    A: A superhero’s invisible jet.
  • Q: What has cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water?
    A: The world-saving map of a superhero.
  • Q: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with super strength. What am I?
    A: A telepathic superhero’s thoughts.
  • Q: What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps?
    A: The flash of a superhero’s speed.
  • Q: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
    A: A superhero’s secret identity.
  • Q: What has keys but can’t open locks?
    A: A superhero’s arsenal of gadgets.
  • Q: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
    A: The arrival of a superhero in distress.
  • Q: What has a heart that doesn’t beat?
    A: A superhero’s unyielding resolve.
  • Q: What has many ears but cannot hear?
    A: A superhero’s surveillance network.
  • Q: What is always hungry, but you can’t feed it?
    A: A superhero’s insatiable thirst for justice.
  • Q: What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you do?
    A: A superhero’s reputation.
  • Q: What has eyes but cannot see?
    A: A superhero’s mask.
  • Q: What gets wetter as it dries?
    A: A superhero’s cape after a rainy night of crime-fighting.
  • Q: What has a neck but no head?
    A: A superhero’s costume.
  • Q: What is full of holes but still holds water?
    A: A superhero’s utility belt.
  • Q: What begins with T, ends with T, and has T in it?
    A: A superhero’s triumphant victory.
  • Q: What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it?
    A: A superhero’s secret code.
  • Q: What has keys that open no locks, with space but no room, and allows you to enter but not go inside?
    A: A superhero’s origin story.
  • Q: What runs around the whole yard without moving?
    A: A superhero’s emblem on a flag.
  • Q: What has a face but cannot smile?
    A: A superhero’s stone-cold determination.
  • Q: What travels the world while staying in one corner?
    A: A superhero’s global surveillance system.
  • Q: What is always ahead but never arrives?
    A: A superhero’s quest for justice.
  • Q: What can be cracked, made, told, and played?
    A: A superhero’s code of conduct.
  • Q: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
    A: A superhero’s unseen ally.
  • Q: What has no weight, can be seen by the naked eye, and if put in a barrel, it makes it lighter?
    A: A superhero’s spirit of determination.
  • Q: What has keys but can’t open locks?
    A: A superhero’s vault of wisdom.
  • Q: What goes up but never comes down?
    A: A superhero’s fame.
  • Q: What has a bottom at its top?
    A: A superhero’s gravity-defying abilities.
  • Q: What has a head, a tail, but no body?
    A: A superhero’s enigmatic insignia.
  • Q: What has many hearts but no organs?
    A: A superhero’s legion of devoted fans.
  • Q: What gets bigger as it takes more away?
    A: A superhero’s nemesis.
  • Q: What has keys but can’t open locks, and space but no room?
    A: A superhero’s dimensional portal.
  • Q: What can speak all languages and is always heard but never seen?
    A: A superhero’s universal translator.
  • Q: What has a head, a foot, but no body?
    A: A superhero’s footprints of justice.
  • Q: What runs but has no legs?
    A: A superhero’s electric currents.
  • Q: What has teeth but can’t bite?
    A: A superhero’s unstoppable determination.
  • Q: What has eyes but can’t see, and hands but can’t touch?
    A: A superhero’s holographic projection.
  • Q: What has wings but cannot fly?
    A: A superhero’s armored suit.
  • Q: What is always on its way here, but never arrives?
    A: A superhero’s sense of impending danger.

Another Super riddles

  • Q: What has no beginning, end, or middle, but keeps growing?
    A: A superhero’s legacy.
  • Q: What has keys that open no locks, and yet, it holds the answers?
    A: A superhero’s encrypted database.
  • Q: What can fill a room but takes up no space?
    A: A superhero’s presence.
  • Q: What can you catch but never throw?
    A: A superhero’s determination.
  • Q: What can be seen in the dark, yet disappears in the light?
    A: A superhero’s shadow.
  • Q: What can be broken without being touched?
    A: A superhero’s spirit.
  • Q: What has wings but never flies, a bed but never sleeps?
    A: A superhero’s headquarters.
  • Q: What is as light as a feather, yet the strongest force on Earth?
    A: A superhero’s sense of justice.
  • Q: What has keys but can’t open doors?
    A: A superhero’s encrypted communication channel.
  • Q: What can be given but never taken?
    A: A superhero’s trust.
  • Q: What can speak without a mouth, hear without ears, and see without eyes?
    A: A superhero’s telepathic abilities.
  • Q: What has a neck but no head, arms but no hands?
    A: A superhero’s costume on a mannequin.
  • Q: What has many arms but no fingers?
    A: A superhero’s network of allies.
  • Q: What has no voice but can be heard?
    A: A superhero’s silent signal.
  • Q: What can be found in the center of gravity?
    A: A superhero’s emblem.
  • Q: What can be broken but never held?
    A: A superhero’s trust.
  • Q: What can create everything but can’t be seen?
    A: A superhero’s imagination.
  • Q: What has keys that open no locks, space but no room?
    A: A superhero’s pocket dimension.
  • Q: What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it, you’ll die?
    A: A superhero’s reputation.
  • Q: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
    A: A superhero’s guiding light.
  • Q: What has no heart but can still break?
    A: A superhero’s resolve in the face of tragedy.
  • Q: What can be seen but never touched?
    A: A superhero’s aura of invincibility.
  • Q: What can be opened but never closed?
    A: A superhero’s Pandora’s box of secrets.
  • Q: What can be heard but never spoken?
    A: A superhero’s silent cry for help.
  • Q: What has no end but is always followed by a beginning?
    A: A superhero’s eternal battle against evil.
  • Q: What can fly without wings, cry without eyes, and run without legs?
    A: A superhero’s emblem in the wind.
  • Q: What can be broken but still holds everything together?
    A: A superhero’s unyielding determination.
  • Q: What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps?
    A: A superhero’s lightning-fast reflexes.
  • Q: What can be given away without losing?
    A: A superhero’s compassion.
  • Q: What is always hungry but never eats?
    A: A superhero’s insatiable thirst for justice.
  • Q: What can cut without a blade?
    A: A superhero’s sharp wit.
  • Q: What can be filled but never emptied?
    A: A superhero’s reservoir of hope.
  • Q: What has eyes but can’t see?
    A: A superhero’s mask.
  • Q: What can’t be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, but is always given?
    A: A superhero’s trust.
  • Q: What can be broken but is never held?
    A: A superhero’s vow.
  • Q: What is always behind you, but you can never escape?
    A: A superhero’s shadow of doubt.
  • Q: What has no shadow, but follows you everywhere?
    A: A superhero’s legacy.
  • Q: What can be seen in the dark, but not in the light?
    A: A superhero’s silhouette against the moon.
  • Q: What can be lost but never found?
    A: A superhero’s sense of innocence.
  • Q: What can be turned but never twisted?
    A: A superhero’s moral compass.

Getting over with Super riddles

  • Q: What can be seen through darkness, heard through silence, and felt without touch?
    A: A superhero’s beacon of hope.
  • Q: What can’t be seen, heard, or touched, but can be felt deeply?
    A: A superhero’s unwavering determination.
  • Q: What is a bridge between worlds, yet never crosses?
    A: A superhero’s interdimensional portal.
  • Q: What can break with a word, but is mended with silence?
    A: A superhero’s fragile trust.
  • Q: What can be passed down but never inherited?
    A: A superhero’s legacy of heroism.
  • Q: What can hide in plain sight but is always found?
    A: A superhero’s secret identity.
  • Q: What can be seen through a mask but remains unseen?
    A: A superhero’s true emotions.
  • Q: What can be shaped by thought but never seen?
    A: A superhero’s telekinetic force.
  • Q: What can be broken without a sound?
    A: A superhero’s trust betrayed.
  • Q: What can be felt but never touched?
    A: A superhero’s invisible force field.
  • Q: What can be made but never manufactured?
    A: A superhero’s destiny.
  • Q: What can be caught but never held?
    A: A superhero’s fleeting moment of victory.
  • Q: What can be found without searching?
    A: A superhero’s calling.
  • Q: What can be built without bricks?
    A: A superhero’s legacy of heroism.
  • Q: What can’t be seen but always guides the way?
    A: A superhero’s moral compass.
  • Q: What can be lost but never forgotten?
    A: A superhero’s sacrifice.
  • Q: What can’t be owned but can be shared?
    A: A superhero’s sense of duty.
  • Q: What can’t be tamed but can be harnessed?
    A: A superhero’s raw power.
  • Q: What can’t be bought but is invaluable?
    A: A superhero’s courage.
  • Q: What can’t be extinguished but can be ignited?
    A: A superhero’s passion for justice.

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