
Albert riddles

Albert riddles

Q: What did Albert say when he solved a difficult math problem? A: “Eureka, I’ve found the solution!” Q: Why did Albert refuse to play hide and seek? A: Because ...

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Hummingbird riddles

Hummingbird riddles

Question: What creature darts with wings aflutter, a miniature marvel of color and grace? Answer: The hummingbird. Question: What avian gem sips from floral cups, a blur of motion in ...

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Neuroscience riddles

Neuroscience riddles

Q: What kind of brain cell is always in a rush? A: The axon, because it’s always conducting! Q: What do you call a neuron with a sweet tooth? A: ...

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Number riddles

Number riddles

Question: I am the first perfect number, what am I?Answer: Six Question: What number can be written as the sum of three consecutive primes?Answer: Ten Question: I am a prime ...

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Dermatology riddles

Dermatology riddles

Question: What do you call a dermatologist’s favorite fruit? Answer: Pimple-aya! Question: What did the dermatologist say to the patient with a rash? Answer: Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! ...

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Lab riddles

Lab riddles

Q: I have keys but open no locks, I have space but no room. What am I in the lab? A: A spectrophotometer. less Copy code Q: I’m a tiny ...

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Pancreas riddles

Pancreas riddles

Question: I help regulate blood sugar, what am I? Answer: Pancreas Question: I produce insulin, yet I’m not a pharmacy. What am I? Answer: Pancreas Question: I’m shaped like a ...

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Water riddles

Water riddles

Question: What runs but never walks, murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, and a mouth but never eats? Answer: A river. Question: What is always thirsty ...

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Antler riddles

Antler riddles

Question: I am crowned with points, yet I am not a king. What am I? Answer: An antler. Question: I grow in forests, but I’m not a tree. What am ...

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Jelly riddles

Jelly riddles

What wobbles without legs, and brings joy in its jiggly dance? Jelly! What’s a gelatinous delight that wiggles with delight but never speaks? Jelly! What quivers in anticipation, waiting to ...

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Germ riddles

Germ riddles

What is small, but can cause a fever? A virus. What spreads like wildfire, yet remains unseen? Contagion. What hides in the shadows, waiting to strike? Bacteria. What travels on ...

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Beedrill riddles

Beedrill riddles

What Pokémon flies with a buzz and a sting, a royal guard with a venomous zing? (Beedrill) With needle-sharp points, I pierce through the air, a swift-flying knight with a ...

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Doctor riddles

Doctor riddles

Q: What type of doctor is always on call? A: A cardiologist, because they’re always ready to mend broken hearts. Q: Why did the doctor carry a ladder? A: To ...

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Geode riddles

Geode riddles

1. I’m a treasure hidden in stone, sparkling and bright, yet not fully grown. What am I? 2. I’m a rocky shell with a crystal surprise, crack me open for ...

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Finger riddles

Finger riddles

Question: I am slender and long, yet I cannot walk or run. What am I? Answer: A finger Question: I point to the sky but cannot reach it. What am ...

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Python riddles

Python riddles

Q: What do you call a snake that is good at math? A: A pi-thon. php Copy code Q: Why did the Python programmer go broke? A: Because he used ...

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Thistle riddles

Thistle riddles

1. I am prickly yet regal, with purple hue, what am I? 2. Crowned in thorns, I stand tall and proud, who am I? 3. My leaves are like swords, ...

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Bog riddles

Bog riddles

Question: I’m a cloak of darkness, yet I bring life to the bog. What am I?Answer: Nightshade Question: I’m cold and slick, yet I harbor warmth within. What am I?Answer: ...

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Catastrophe riddles

Catastrophe riddles

Question: I am a force of nature, feared by sailors and beachcombers alike. What am I? Answer: A tsunami. Question: I bring cities to a standstill, yet I am invisible. ...

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Optical riddles

Optical riddles

Question: What has an eye but cannot see? Answer: A needle. Question: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? Answer: The future. Question: What can travel ...

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Land riddles

Land riddles

I’m where mountains stand tall, yet I’m not made of rock. What am I? Answer: Soil I’m a patchwork of green, a blanket for the earth. What am I? Answer: ...

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Frankenstein riddles

Frankenstein riddles

Question: What did Frankenstein’s monster say when he was asked why he didn’t like the sun? Answer: Because he was afraid of getting “re-volted.” Question: What did the monster say ...

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Shark riddles

Shark riddles

Q: What do you call a shark that always takes the lead in a race? A: The alpha fin. Q: What did the hammerhead shark say to the detective? A: ...

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Barometer riddles

Barometer riddles

Question: What can predict a tempest’s might, yet holds no power to halt its flight? Answer: A barometer, with its glassy sight. Question: What instrument echoes the sky’s decree, whispering ...

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Corn riddles

Corn riddles

Q: What do you call a funny corn? A: A corny jokester! Q: What do you get when you cross a kernel with a sheep? A: Popcorn fleece! Q: Why ...

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Electron riddles

Electron riddles

Q: I am small yet mighty, a fundamental part of all matter. What am I? A: Electron Q: I whiz around the nucleus with effortless grace, charged with energy in ...

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Dental riddles

Dental riddles

Q: What do you call a dentist’s favorite animal? A: A molar bear. Q: What did the tooth say to the departing dentist? A: “Don’t leave me hanging, I’m feeling ...

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Beryllium riddles

Beryllium riddles

Q: I am a metal with an atomic number of 4, prized for my lightweight strength. What am I? A: Beryllium Q: I’m the first element in the alkaline earth ...

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Ant riddles

Ant riddles

What has a crown but isn’t a king? An ant hill. What is small yet mighty, ruling its domain without a throne? An ant. What carries a burden heavier than ...

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Abbreviation riddles

Abbreviation riddles

Question: What abbreviation makes the world go ’round? Answer: RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) Question: What abbreviation is a magician’s favorite? Answer: ABRA (Alakazam, Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo, Razzle-Dazzle) Question: What abbreviation is always ...

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Evolution riddles

Evolution riddles

Q: I am the silent architect of life’s diversity, shaping forms both grand and minute. What am I? A: Natural selection. Q: I herald the dawn of life, yet am ...

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Solution riddles

Solution riddles

What gets wetter as it dries? A towel. What has keys but can’t open locks? A piano. What has a head and a tail but no body? A coin. What ...

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Protractor riddles

Protractor riddles

Q: What tool can measure angles with grace, yet holds no power to show your face? A: A protractor. Q: What’s circular but not a wheel, and helps you measure ...

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Narwhal riddles

Narwhal riddles

1. What sea creature has a spiral tusk and roams the Arctic’s vast expanse? (Narwhal) 2. I swim in icy seas with a horn upon my head, what am I? ...

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Attack riddles

Attack riddles

Question: What has a mouth but cannot eat, moves swiftly, and strikes without a sound? Answer: A whisper. Question: I am always hungry, I must be fed. The finger I ...

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Badger riddles

Badger riddles

What animal is black and white and digs with might? (A badger) Who wears a stripe and digs all night? (A badger) Which creature is wise with a furry disguise? ...

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Mind riddles

Mind riddles

What is it that has a key, yet no lock, and enters the realms of thought with a click? A brainstorm. What starts with a spark and travels through the ...

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Fruit riddles

Fruit riddles

I am small and red, but pack a punch in flavor. What am I? (Answer: Strawberry) I’m yellow when I’m ripe, and you can find me in tropical climates. What ...

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Dragonfruit riddles

Dragonfruit riddles

Question: What is a dragonfruit’s favorite dance move? Answer: The Dragon Twist! Question: What did the dragonfruit say to the curious explorer? Answer: “Peel the mystery, taste the magic!” Question: ...

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Fog riddles

Fog riddles

Question: What is the fog’s favorite game? Answer: Hide and Seek. Question: What travels through the fog without ever moving? Answer: Sound waves. Question: What is the fog’s preferred type ...

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Unintended riddles

Unintended riddles

What starts as a whisper, grows into a shout, yet was never intended to be heard? Answer: Echo What flies without wings, leaving trails unseen, a serendipitous journey, though unintended, ...

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Orchid riddles

Orchid riddles

What flower is a silent symphony of grace, its name whispered in the gardens of old? Answer: Orchid What blooms in secrecy, its beauty a whispered secret among the petals? ...

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Hepatic riddles

Hepatic riddles

Question: I’m a vital filter, a metabolic wonderland. What am I? Answer: The liver! Question: I detoxify, I regenerate, I’m the ultimate detox hero. What organ am I? Answer: The ...

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Meteor riddles

Meteor riddles

What cosmic traveler, a fiery sprite, Burns through the night, a fleeting light? Answer: Meteor I streak across the vast expanse, A celestial dance, a fleeting glance. Answer: Shooting Star ...

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Frozen riddles

Frozen riddles

Q: I am born in fire but thrive in ice, what am I? A: Frostfire. Q: What falls from the sky as light as a feather but can bring an ...

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Deciduous riddles

Deciduous riddles

Question: I wear a cloak of green in spring, but shed it in the fall. What am I? Answer: A deciduous tree. Question: I stand tall and proud, adorned with ...

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Crystal riddles

Crystal riddles

What is as clear as glass but not made of sand, often held in a ring but not on a hand? Sparkling and bright, yet not made of light. What ...

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Fear riddles

Fear riddles

What is it that you face, but cannot see; it hides in shadows, yet fills you with unease? (Answer: Fear) I am the darkness that lurks in your mind, the ...

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Manganese riddles

Manganese riddles

Q: I’m a trace element in your body, crucial for enzymes to thrive. What am I? A: Manganese Q: In alloys, I lend strength and resilience, yet I remain a ...

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Memory riddles

Memory riddles

Question: I fade with time, yet hold onto the past. What am I? Answer: Memory Question: What gets sharper as it fades? Answer: Memory Question: What can remember without thinking? ...

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Caffeine riddles

Caffeine riddles

Question: I’m a little bean that perks you up, what am I? Answer: Coffee Question: I’m bitter and black, but I bring you joy in every sip. What am I? ...

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Ovary riddles

Ovary riddles

What organ hides behind a veil of mystery, where eggs are stored in their symphony? (Answer: Ovary) I’m the treasure trove where life’s seeds dwell, what am I? (Answer: Ovary) ...

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Document riddles

Document riddles

I’m a keeper of secrets, yet I’m always transparent. What am I? (Answer: Document) I hold the wisdom of the ages, yet I weigh nothing. What am I? (Answer: Document) ...

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Helium riddles

Helium riddles

Q: I’m the noble gas that makes voices squeaky high, what am I? A: Helium Q: What gas lifts balloons high into the sky? A: Helium Q: I’m lighter than ...

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Ape riddles

Ape riddles

Q: What’s an ape’s favorite snack? A: Banana splits! Q: What do you call an ape that’s good at math? A: An algeb-ape! Q: Why did the ape bring a ...

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Stats riddles

Stats riddles

Question: What statistical measure describes the average distance between data points in a dataset? Answer: Mean deviation. Question: What statistical concept is illustrated by the point where a cumulative distribution ...

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Cardinal riddles

Cardinal riddles

Question: What bird wears a cloak of crimson fire? Answer: The cardinal. Question: Who rules the roost with feathers ablaze? Answer: The cardinal. Question: What avian monarch flaunts scarlet robes? ...

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Obesity riddles

Obesity riddles

Question: What’s a vessel that carries extra cargo and never sets sail?Answer: The human body with excess weight. Question: What can grow bigger with every meal but never gets satisfied?Answer: ...

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Lizard riddles

Lizard riddles

What creature slinks with scales so bright, blending with day and blending with night? Who is the master of disguise, changing colors before your eyes? What reptile’s tail can break, ...

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Green riddles

Green riddles

Question: What is a green jacket that everyone wants to win?Answer: The Masters’ Tournament jacket. Question: I can be as light as a feather, yet no man can hold me ...

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Phlegm riddles

Phlegm riddles

Question: What sticky substance guards the gates of our respiratory realm, yet often finds itself expelled? Answer: Phlegm. Question: What is the silent guardian that lurks in the shadows of ...

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Lake riddles

Lake riddles

Question: What has a bed but never sleeps? Answer: A lake. Question: I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. ...

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Dolphin riddles

Dolphin riddles

What mammal glides through the sea, so free? A dolphin! Who’s the ocean’s acrobat, with flips and spins? The playful dolphin grins! What creature greets the dawn with clicks and ...

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Imagination riddles

Imagination riddles

Question: I can soar without wings, and paint without a brush. What am I? Answer: Imagination less Copy code Question: What is the key that unlocks the door to worlds ...

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Cold riddles

Cold riddles

What begins as a shiver, dances on your skin, and ends as a sneeze? What freezes with a touch, yet melts with a glance? What is the chilly ninja that ...

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Stuck riddles

Stuck riddles

Question: What gets harder to break the more you try to solve it? Answer: A riddle. Question: What has keys but can’t open any doors? Answer: A piano. Question: What ...

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Alchemy riddles

Alchemy riddles

Question: I am sought by alchemists, yet cannot be found. What am I? Answer: The elusive quintessence. Question: What is it that the more you take, the more you leave ...

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Moss riddles

Moss riddles

What is nature’s velvet cloak, adorning rocks and trees alike? (Answer: Moss) Which verdant carpet blankets forest floors, a haven for tiny creatures galore? (Answer: Moss) What whispers secrets of ...

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Clock riddles

Clock riddles

Question: What has hands but can’t clap? Answer: A clock. Question: I have keys but can’t open locks. What am I? Answer: A wind-up clock. Question: What has a face ...

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Flygon riddles

Flygon riddles

Q: What creature dances with the desert wind, its emerald wings a shimmering mirage? A: Flygon. Q: What dragon roams the dunes, its gaze a beacon in the golden sands? ...

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Explosive riddles

Explosive riddles

What is a firework’s favorite type of humor? Answer: PUN-derful! What’s a dynamite’s favorite kind of music? Answer: BOOM-bastic tunes! What do you call an explosive dog? Answer: A bomb-barker! ...

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Hemoglobin riddles

Hemoglobin riddles

Question: I am the iron-hearted carrier of life’s breath. What am I? Answer: Hemoglobin Question: What binds oxygen with a fervent embrace, yet releases it with grace? Answer: Hemoglobin Question: ...

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Coconuts riddles

Coconuts riddles

What’s full of milk but never cries? What’s a hairy sphere that loves to swing? What’s a tree’s treasure that defies gravity? What’s a brown bombshell with a secret stash? ...

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Tracing riddles

Tracing riddles

1. I’m a line that curves and bends, following paths that have no ends. What am I? 2. I start from a point, twist and turn, sometimes looping back, never ...

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Squid riddles

Squid riddles

Q: What did the squid say to the shrimp who asked for a loan? A: “Sorry, I’m a little short on ink!” Q: Why don’t squid like to share their ...

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Google riddles

Google riddles

What’s a virtual vault, a digital lair, where bytes are guarded with the utmost care? What’s the genie of the web, granting wishes with each click, but demands no lamp ...

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Ocean riddles

Ocean riddles

Question: I have no lungs, but I need air. What am I? Answer: A whale’s blowhole. Question: I’m as light as a feather, yet the strongest storms can’t move me. ...

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Glow riddles

Glow riddles

Question: I’m a silent beacon in the night, a shimmering spectacle of starlight. What am I? Answer: The glow of a firefly’s flight. Question: I dance upon the waves, a ...

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Sustainable riddles

Sustainable riddles

Q: I am tall and strong, yet I bend with ease. What am I? A: A bamboo stalk. Q: I am old and wise, yet I provide life anew. What ...

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Hexagon riddles

Hexagon riddles

Question: I’m a shape with six equal sides and angles, what am I? Answer: A hexagon. Question: What insect’s home is often shaped like a hexagon? Answer: A bee’s honeycomb. ...

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Education riddles

Education riddles

Question: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have knowledge but never went to school. What am I? Answer: A book. Question: I am taken from a ...

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Caterpillar riddles

Caterpillar riddles

Question: What do you call a caterpillar with a musical talent? Answer: A hummable-bug! Question: What did the caterpillar say when it fell off the tree? Answer: “I’m branching out!” ...

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Ladybug riddles

Ladybug riddles

Question: What is black and red and has spots but can’t be used for playing cards? Answer: A ladybug! Question: What insect is a gardener’s best friend because it eats ...

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Roof riddles

Roof riddles

What has a peak but no mountain underneath? It shields from rain, sun, and snow, what am I? What structure stands tall yet never walks? I’m above you but not ...

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Cobalt riddles

Cobalt riddles

1. I’m found in rechargeable batteries, My color is distinct, just like the sea. What am I? 2. In magnets, I hold my sway, My presence makes things blue, they ...

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Vacuum riddles

Vacuum riddles

Question: What kind of vacuum can clean up a room without ever being plugged in?Answer: A tornado! Question: What’s a vacuum’s favorite dance?Answer: The Suck-shuffle! Question: What did the vacuum ...

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Super riddles

Super riddles

Q: I can soar through the sky without wings, yet I never leave the ground. What am I?A: A superhero on a zipline. Q: What travels around the world while ...

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Orca riddles

Orca riddles

What’s the orca’s favorite subject in school?Answer: Pod-casting! What do you call an orca who performs in a band?Answer: An orca-stra member! Why did the orca bring a ladder to ...

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Textbook riddles

Textbook riddles

Question: What starts with ‘e’, ends with ‘e’, and has one letter in it? Answer: Envelope. Question: I have keys but no locks. I have space but no room. You ...

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Dirt riddles

Dirt riddles

Question: What becomes lighter as it gets dirtier? Answer: A shovel. Question: What’s a soil’s favorite type of dance? Answer: The worm wiggle. Question: What’s as strong as steel but ...

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Whale riddles

Whale riddles

Q: What kind of whale is always gambling? A: A Betta-Whale! Q: Which whale is the best dancer? A: The Humpback Jiver! Q: What do you call a whale magician? ...

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Random riddles

Random riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks?Answer: A piano. Question: What travels around the world but stays in one corner?Answer: A stamp. Question: What has a neck but no ...

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Tomato riddles

Tomato riddles

Q: What did the tomato say to the salad? A: “Lettuce be friends!” Q: Why did the tomato turn red? A: Because it saw the salad dressing! Q: What do ...

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Relativity riddles

Relativity riddles

Question: What flies faster than the speed of light? Answer: A rumor in a vacuum. Question: What gets heavier the faster it goes? Answer: A relativistic elephant. Question: What travels ...

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Bolt riddles

Bolt riddles

Q: What kind of bolt can you always count on? A: A lightning bolt. Q: What bolt can hold a secret? A: A bolt of fabric. Q: What bolt can ...

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Aorta riddles

Aorta riddles

Question: I am the main artery from your heart, carrying blood bright and red, what am I? Answer: Aorta Question: In your body’s core, I begin my race, pumping life ...

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Sun riddles

Sun riddles

What am I that rises in the east,With golden rays, a radiant feast?Bringing warmth to all I see,I’m the center of the sky’s glee.Answer: The Sun I’m a ball of ...

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Decade riddles

Decade riddles

I’m where the Roaring Twenties had their heyday. Which decade am I? Born from the ashes of war, I ushered in a time of prosperity. What decade do I represent? ...

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Park riddles

Park riddles

Question: I have keys but no locks, space but no room. What am I? Answer: A keyboard (found in a park’s computer area). Question: I speak without a mouth and ...

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Spinning riddles

Spinning riddles

What spins faster as it gets smaller? I can spin but never get dizzy. What am I? What goes round and round the wood but never cuts it? I have ...

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