Hobbies & Interests

Albert riddles

Albert riddles

Q: What did Albert say when he solved a difficult math problem? A: “Eureka, I’ve found the solution!” Q: Why did Albert refuse to play hide and seek? A: Because ...

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Nacho riddles

Nacho riddles

Question: What do you call a nacho that isn’t yours? Answer: Not-chos! Question: What do you get when you cross a nacho with a laptop? Answer: Chip technology! Question: Why ...

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Hummingbird riddles

Hummingbird riddles

Question: What creature darts with wings aflutter, a miniature marvel of color and grace? Answer: The hummingbird. Question: What avian gem sips from floral cups, a blur of motion in ...

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Neuroscience riddles

Neuroscience riddles

Q: What kind of brain cell is always in a rush? A: The axon, because it’s always conducting! Q: What do you call a neuron with a sweet tooth? A: ...

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Fall riddles

Fall riddles

Q: I’m a cloak of amber hues, whispering secrets through the trees. What am I? A: Autumn’s vibrant foliage Q: I herald the fall with a symphony of crackles underfoot. ...

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Graffiti riddles

Graffiti riddles

Q: What runs without legs, leaves its mark without hands, and speaks without words? A: Graffiti Q: What hides in plain sight, yet whispers tales of rebellion? A: Street art ...

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Bdsm riddles

Bdsm riddles

Q: I’m wielded with precision, yet I bind without constraint. What am I? A: Rope. Q: I sting with pleasure, marking skin with desire. What am I? A: Whip. Q: ...

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Bethany riddles

Bethany riddles

Question: I’m a puzzle unsolved, a mystery unbound, who am I? Answer: Bethany, the enigma incarnate. Question: In the realm of riddles, I reign supreme, who holds the crown? Answer: ...

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Spooky riddles

Spooky riddles

What has a face but no eyes, a mouth but no voice, and whispers in the dead of night? Answer: A spooky mask. What creeps in the darkness, hiding its ...

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Blowjob riddles

Blowjob riddles

Question: What has a tip, but doesn’t write, and makes you gasp with delight? Answer: A tongue, in the throes of a blowjob’s flight. Question: What starts with a “B,” ...

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Tumblr riddles

Tumblr riddles

What’s always trending on Tumblr but never gets old? What’s the favorite accessory of Tumblr bloggers? What do you call a post that gets reblogged by everyone? What’s the one ...

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Pup riddles

Pup riddles

Q: What do you call a pup who loves to play hide and seek? A: A hide-and-squeak champion! Q: What did the pup say to the bone? A: “I find ...

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Tax riddles

Tax riddles

Question: What’s the accountant’s favorite dessert? Answer: A “tax” return cake! Question: What do you call a room full of tax auditors? Answer: A “tax” haven! Question: Why did the ...

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Hyperbole riddles

Hyperbole riddles

Q: What weighs more than a ton of feathers and can make time stand still?A: An elephant with a watch that boasts the weight of a galaxy. Q: What can ...

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Hockey riddles

Hockey riddles

What has teeth but never bites, and glides swiftly in icy fights? (A hockey puck) What object dances on ice, chased by players precise? (The puck) What glides on ice ...

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Litigator riddles

Litigator riddles

Question: What do you call a litigator who can navigate any legal maze? Answer: A juris-trickster. Question: What’s the litigator’s favorite type of footwear? Answer: Lawsuits. Question: What’s a litigator’s ...

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Jelly riddles

Jelly riddles

What wobbles without legs, and brings joy in its jiggly dance? Jelly! What’s a gelatinous delight that wiggles with delight but never speaks? Jelly! What quivers in anticipation, waiting to ...

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Beedrill riddles

Beedrill riddles

What Pokémon flies with a buzz and a sting, a royal guard with a venomous zing? (Beedrill) With needle-sharp points, I pierce through the air, a swift-flying knight with a ...

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Keyboard riddles

Keyboard riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A keyboard. Question: What travels around the world but stays in one corner of the keyboard? Answer: The spacebar. Question: What ...

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Heffer riddles

Heffer riddles

Question: What do you call a heifer who loves to dance? Answer: A moo-ving groover! Question: Why did the heifer bring a ladder to the field? Answer: To reach the ...

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Pee riddles

Pee riddles

Q: What runs but never walks, murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, and fills a pot but never pees? A: A faucet! Q: I come out ...

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Geode riddles

Geode riddles

1. I’m a treasure hidden in stone, sparkling and bright, yet not fully grown. What am I? 2. I’m a rocky shell with a crystal surprise, crack me open for ...

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Finger riddles

Finger riddles

Question: I am slender and long, yet I cannot walk or run. What am I? Answer: A finger Question: I point to the sky but cannot reach it. What am ...

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Cabin riddles

Cabin riddles

Question: I have keys but no locks, space but no room. What am I? Answer: A keyboard. What has walls but no windows, a roof but no doors, and is ...

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Cheaters riddles

Cheaters riddles

Question: I speak without a voice, yet my lies echo loud. Who am I? Answer: An echo. Question: I have a key but never lock, a clock but never time, ...

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Purple riddles

Purple riddles

Question: I am a royal hue, a blend of red and blue. What am I? Answer: Purple Question: I’m a flower known for my fragrant purple blooms. What am I? ...

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Peace riddles

Peace riddles

Question: What is a peaceful traveler’s favorite mode of transportation?Answer: Tranquility Train. Question: What is the quietest room in the world?Answer: Serenity Chamber. Question: What do you call a peaceful ...

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Calculator riddles

Calculator riddles

Question: What do you call a calculator that can dance? Answer: A rhythmatician. Question: Why did the calculator break up with the pencil? Answer: It couldn’t handle its sharpness. Question: ...

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Cousin riddles

Cousin riddles

Question: What is always by your side but isn’t your sibling? Answer: Your cousin! Question: Who shares your family tree but isn’t a direct branch? Answer: Your cousin! Question: What ...

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Tail riddles

Tail riddles

Q: I wiggle and squirm, yet I have no head. What am I? A: A tail! Q: I’m slender and long, but not a snake. I’m covered in fur and ...

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Bog riddles

Bog riddles

Question: I’m a cloak of darkness, yet I bring life to the bog. What am I?Answer: Nightshade Question: I’m cold and slick, yet I harbor warmth within. What am I?Answer: ...

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Optical riddles

Optical riddles

Question: What has an eye but cannot see? Answer: A needle. Question: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? Answer: The future. Question: What can travel ...

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Paddleboard riddles

Paddleboard riddles

Question: What has a nose but cannot smell? Answer: A paddleboard! Question: What glides gracefully on liquid glass? Answer: A paddleboard in serene waters! Another Paddleboard riddles Question: What glides ...

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Classic riddles

Classic riddles

I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I? Answer: An Echo The more you take, ...

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Martini riddles

Martini riddles

Q: I’m shaken, not stirred, with vermouth’s embrace. What am I? A: A Martini! Q: What cocktail’s essence lies in a glass, an olive’s touch, and a twist? A: The ...

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Brush riddles

Brush riddles

Question: I have a handle but no hands, bristles but no hair. What am I? Answer: A paintbrush. Question: I sweep without a broom, cleanse without soap. What am I? ...

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Cherry riddles

Cherry riddles

Q: I’m red and juicy, a fruit that’s quite merry, what am I? A: A cherry! Q: I’m a tiny orb with a pit inside, what fruit hides in my ...

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Annette riddles

Annette riddles

Question: I have keys but cannot open any locks, I have space but no room, what am I? Answer: Annette’s smile. Question: What is always in front of you but ...

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Nate riddles

Nate riddles

Question: I speak without a voice, yet echo through the air. What am I? Answer: Nate’s subtle whispers. Question: I have keys but no locks. I have space but no ...

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Icecream riddles

Icecream riddles

Question: What do you call an ice cream that tells jokes?Answer: A pun-delicious cone! Question: What do you get when you cross an ice cream with a vampire?Answer: Frostbite! Question: ...

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Airbending riddles

Airbending riddles

Q: What whispers softly but moves mountains with ease?A: Airbending Q: What dances in unseen currents, painting the sky with grace?A: The airbender’s touch Q: What caresses the leaves and ...

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Birdhouse riddles

Birdhouse riddles

Question: What has a door but no key, a roof but no walls, and welcomes birds of all kinds? Answer: A birdhouse! Question: What structure stands tall yet never grows, ...

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Game riddles

Game riddles

What has keys but can’t open locks? I follow you wherever you go but never move. What am I? Throw me out the window, but you’ll leave a grieving widow. ...

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Cue riddles

Cue riddles

Question: I’m whispered before action, yet never spoken aloud. What am I? Answer: Cue Question: I’m a silent prompter on life’s grand stage. What role do I play? Answer: Cue ...

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Macaroni riddles

Macaroni riddles

Q: What did the macaroni say to the cheese?A: Stop being so cheesy! Q: Why did the fusilli invite the penne to the party?A: They heard he had great twists! ...

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Butt riddles

Butt riddles

Question: What gets bigger the more you sit on it? Answer: A chair cushion. Question: What has cheeks but never blushes? Answer: A pair of buttocks. Question: What is always ...

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Dental riddles

Dental riddles

Q: What do you call a dentist’s favorite animal? A: A molar bear. Q: What did the tooth say to the departing dentist? A: “Don’t leave me hanging, I’m feeling ...

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Screenshot riddles

Screenshot riddles

Q: I capture moments, freeze time, yet hold no memories. What am I?A: A screenshot. Q: I’m a digital echo of a moment passed, a snapshot of the present. What ...

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Labradoodle riddles

Labradoodle riddles

Question: What do you call a Labradoodle’s favorite type of music?Answer: Bark and Roll! Question: What did the Labradoodle say to the vacuum cleaner?Answer: “You suck up all the fun!” ...

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Olivia riddles

Olivia riddles

Question: What has a name that means “olive tree” and a personality as vibrant as its color? Answer: Olivia, the lively olive! Question: Who is the queen of whimsy, with ...

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Picnic riddles

Picnic riddles

Question: What gets eaten at every picnic but never gets full?Answer: A blanket Question: What is always the last thing to arrive at a picnic?Answer: The ants Question: What do ...

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Humour riddles

Humour riddles

What has keys but can’t open locks? A piano! Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field! What do you call fake spaghetti? An ...

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Quinn riddles

Quinn riddles

Q: I start with Q and end with N, I’m in the middle of questions, who am I? A: Quinn Q: I’m a puzzle, a conundrum to decipher, what’s my ...

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The riddles

The riddles

What has keys but can’t open locks? I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. What am I? The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am ...

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Stick riddles

Stick riddles

What stands tall without any legs or feet? It’s long and slender, yet can be strong. What am I? I’m often found in a forest, but I’m not a tree. ...

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Solution riddles

Solution riddles

What gets wetter as it dries? A towel. What has keys but can’t open locks? A piano. What has a head and a tail but no body? A coin. What ...

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Steven riddles

Steven riddles

Question: Who is always there to lend a hand and never fails to understand? Answer: Steven, the empathetic friend. Question: What travels the world but stays in one place, bringing ...

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Mimosa riddles

Mimosa riddles

Question: I blush at the touch of dawn, yet vanish with the day’s first yawn. What am I? Answer: Morning’s Mimosa. Question: I’m a beacon of warmth in the chill ...

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Peloton riddles

Peloton riddles

Question: What travels the peloton’s winding roads but never tires? Answer: The determined spirit of every cyclist. less Copy code Question: What is the peloton’s favorite type of math? Answer: ...

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Hiking riddles

Hiking riddles

Question: What always leads the way but never takes a step? Answer: A trail marker. Question: What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A map. Question: What gets wetter ...

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Joe riddles

Joe riddles

Q: What did Joe say when he found a lost treasure map?A: “X marks the spot where adventure begins!” Q: Why did Joe bring a ladder to the library?A: Because ...

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Bottle riddles

Bottle riddles

What has a neck but no head, holds liquids but isn’t a bed? I’m transparent, yet I hold secrets. What am I? What gets filled without being touched? I’m the ...

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Badger riddles

Badger riddles

What animal is black and white and digs with might? (A badger) Who wears a stripe and digs all night? (A badger) Which creature is wise with a furry disguise? ...

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Harp riddles

Harp riddles

Question: I’m adorned with strings, yet I never wear a bow. What am I? Answer: A harp. Question: What instrument has a heart of wood but speaks with the voice ...

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Wisconsin riddles

Wisconsin riddles

What Wisconsin city is known for its breathtaking views and vibrant art scene? Answer: Milwaukee (Mural-kee) What famous rock formation in Wisconsin is said to resemble a giant’s thumbprint? Answer: ...

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Pencil riddles

Pencil riddles

Question: What has lead but never follows? Answer: A pencil! less Copy code Question: What can draw without hands? Answer: A mechanical pencil! Question: What writes without ink? Answer: A ...

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Fruit riddles

Fruit riddles

I am small and red, but pack a punch in flavor. What am I? (Answer: Strawberry) I’m yellow when I’m ripe, and you can find me in tropical climates. What ...

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Swag riddles

Swag riddles

What’s always in style, but never goes out of fashion? Answer: Confidence What accessory can make even the simplest outfit shine? Answer: A smile What’s a pirate’s favorite clothing item? ...

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Sports riddles

Sports riddles

Question: I have nets, a court, and a shuttlecock. What sport am I?Answer: Badminton Question: I’m a game of kings played on a board, with pieces that move as knights ...

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Bear riddles

Bear riddles

What bear can you find in your refrigerator? Answer: Polar bear. Which bear is always on a diet? Answer: A “slim” bear. What bear is excellent at math? Answer: An ...

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Guacamole riddles

Guacamole riddles

Question: What do you call a nervous bowl of guacamole?Answer: A “guac-anxious” dip! Question: What did the avocado say to the onion in the guacamole?Answer: “You give me layers of ...

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Congress riddles

Congress riddles

Q: What is always being debated but never fully resolved in Congress? A: The national debt. Q: What has many members but never agrees unanimously? A: Congress. Q: What is ...

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Unintended riddles

Unintended riddles

What starts as a whisper, grows into a shout, yet was never intended to be heard? Answer: Echo What flies without wings, leaving trails unseen, a serendipitous journey, though unintended, ...

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Orchid riddles

Orchid riddles

What flower is a silent symphony of grace, its name whispered in the gardens of old? Answer: Orchid What blooms in secrecy, its beauty a whispered secret among the petals? ...

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Tailgate riddles

Tailgate riddles

Q: What gets hotter as the party kicks off, but cools down when it’s time to leave? A: The grill! Q: What opens wide to reveal a feast, yet closes ...

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Literature riddles

Literature riddles

Q: I’m a tale of star-crossed lovers, penned by Shakespeare’s quill. Who am I? A: Romeo and Juliet Q: In Hogwarts halls, I’m found, a magical sport with brooms abound. ...

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Gym riddles

Gym riddles

Question: What exercise do ghosts love to do at the gym?Answer: Ghoul-tine presses! Question: What do you call a weightlifter who doesn’t believe in lifting heavy?Answer: A light believer! Question: ...

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Mayonaise riddles

Mayonaise riddles

Q: What do you call a sneaky jar of mayonnaise? A: A mayonaise-ninja! Q: Why did the mayonnaise break up with the mustard? A: Because it couldn’t ketchup! Q: What ...

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Hello riddles

Hello riddles

Q: What word starts conversations and ends silences?A: Hello! Q: What’s the verbal key that opens the door to connection?A: Hello! Q: What’s a word that travels the world, yet ...

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Baby riddles

Baby riddles

Question: What has a soft spot but can’t be squished?Answer: A baby’s head! Question: What is small, pink, and full of noise?Answer: A baby in a tutu! Question: What flies ...

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Caffeine riddles

Caffeine riddles

Question: I’m a little bean that perks you up, what am I? Answer: Coffee Question: I’m bitter and black, but I bring you joy in every sip. What am I? ...

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Nice riddles

Nice riddles

Question: What starts and ends with a smile and is always polite? Answer: A nice conversation. Question: What is the sweetest thing a bee can say? Answer: Nice to bee ...

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Troll riddles

Troll riddles

Question: I dwell beneath bridges, waiting to play. Who am I? Answer: The troll, cunning and sly, ready to challenge any passerby. Question: In caverns deep, my lair does hide. ...

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Sweet riddles

Sweet riddles

What gets sweeter as it dries? Answer: A raisin. What is always full but never satisfied? Answer: A jar of honey. What has a heart but doesn’t beat? Answer: A ...

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Ape riddles

Ape riddles

Q: What’s an ape’s favorite snack? A: Banana splits! Q: What do you call an ape that’s good at math? A: An algeb-ape! Q: Why did the ape bring a ...

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Mullet riddles

Mullet riddles

Q: What hairstyle reigns supreme with flair, a paradoxical mane that dares? A: The mullet, bold and rare! Q: What do you call a hairstyle that’s business up front and ...

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Pony riddles

Pony riddles

Question: What kind of pony can you ride, but never touch? Answer: A shadow pony. Question: What type of pony has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A piano pony. ...

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Waffle riddles

Waffle riddles

Question: What do you call a waffle that tells jokes?Answer: A waffle-comedian! Question: Why did the waffle go to therapy?Answer: Because it had too many layers to work through! Question: ...

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Yours riddles

Yours riddles

I’m a vessel for knowledge, yet hold no bound. What am I? I’m a whisper in the winds of your mind, echoing with wisdom. Who am I? I’m a mirror ...

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Jazz riddles

Jazz riddles

Q: What instrument can jazz up any tune with its sultry tones, yet remains cool as a cucumber? A: The saxophone. Q: I’m a rhythm keeper, tapping away with finesse, ...

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Hook riddles

Hook riddles

Question: What always gets caught but never complains? Answer: A fish on a hook. Question: What is both a tool and a trickster in the sea? Answer: A fishing hook. ...

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Lamp riddles

Lamp riddles

What has a filament but never complains about being burnt out? A light bulb! What can brighten a room with a mere touch? A lamp! What shines brightest when darkness ...

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Lizard riddles

Lizard riddles

What creature slinks with scales so bright, blending with day and blending with night? Who is the master of disguise, changing colors before your eyes? What reptile’s tail can break, ...

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Phlegm riddles

Phlegm riddles

Question: What sticky substance guards the gates of our respiratory realm, yet often finds itself expelled? Answer: Phlegm. Question: What is the silent guardian that lurks in the shadows of ...

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Constipation riddles

Constipation riddles

Q: What did the constipated mathematician say? A: “I’m feeling a little backed up.” Q: What did the constipated computer programmer say? A: “I think I need to debug my ...

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Lake riddles

Lake riddles

Question: What has a bed but never sleeps? Answer: A lake. Question: I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. ...

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Charity riddles

Charity riddles

Question: What is always in need of more but never asks for itself?Answer: Charity. Question: What grows when you give it away?Answer: Kindness. Question: What is the one thing you ...

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Dolphin riddles

Dolphin riddles

What mammal glides through the sea, so free? A dolphin! Who’s the ocean’s acrobat, with flips and spins? The playful dolphin grins! What creature greets the dawn with clicks and ...

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Imagination riddles

Imagination riddles

Question: I can soar without wings, and paint without a brush. What am I? Answer: Imagination less Copy code Question: What is the key that unlocks the door to worlds ...

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Acapella riddles

Acapella riddles

Q: What is a singer’s favorite kind of car? A: A cappella-co! Q: What did the a cappella group do when they were hungry? A: They went to the “Choir-nery”! ...

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