
Lab riddles

Lab riddles

Q: I have keys but open no locks, I have space but no room. What am I in the lab? A: A spectrophotometer. less Copy code Q: I’m a tiny ...

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Litigator riddles

Litigator riddles

Question: What do you call a litigator who can navigate any legal maze? Answer: A juris-trickster. Question: What’s the litigator’s favorite type of footwear? Answer: Lawsuits. Question: What’s a litigator’s ...

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Doctor riddles

Doctor riddles

Q: What type of doctor is always on call? A: A cardiologist, because they’re always ready to mend broken hearts. Q: Why did the doctor carry a ladder? A: To ...

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Amish riddles

Amish riddles

Q: What has no buttons, yet is always well-dressed in simplicity? A: An Amish quilt. Q: What can be built without nails or screws, yet holds generations together? A: An ...

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Captain riddles

Captain riddles

What captain is always at the helm but never steers the ship? Answer: Captain’s Chair. Which captain can sail without a ship? Answer: Captain of the Airwaves. What captain is ...

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Python riddles

Python riddles

Q: What do you call a snake that is good at math? A: A pi-thon. php Copy code Q: Why did the Python programmer go broke? A: Because he used ...

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Apartment riddles

Apartment riddles

Q: I’m filled with beds but never sleep, stacked with books but never read. What am I? A: A bookcase Q: I have keys but no locks, you enter but ...

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Troubadour riddles

Troubadour riddles

Question: I travel from town to town, spreading tales and song. Who am I? Answer: The troubadour Question: What wears a cloak of rhymes and strums a melody divine? Answer: ...

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Chef riddles

Chef riddles

Q: What kind of chef can you hire to fix your sink? A: A soup-er plumber! Q: What did the chef say to the sushi? A: Wasa-bae! Q: Why did ...

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Joe riddles

Joe riddles

Q: What did Joe say when he found a lost treasure map?A: “X marks the spot where adventure begins!” Q: Why did Joe bring a ladder to the library?A: Because ...

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Gym riddles

Gym riddles

Question: What exercise do ghosts love to do at the gym?Answer: Ghoul-tine presses! Question: What do you call a weightlifter who doesn’t believe in lifting heavy?Answer: A light believer! Question: ...

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Baby riddles

Baby riddles

Question: What has a soft spot but can’t be squished?Answer: A baby’s head! Question: What is small, pink, and full of noise?Answer: A baby in a tutu! Question: What flies ...

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Fishing riddles

Fishing riddles

Question: What kind of fish can perform surgery? Answer: A sturgeon. Question: What fish is the best detective? Answer: The in-vest-igator. Question: Why did the fish blush? Answer: Because it ...

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Consular riddles

Consular riddles

Question: What is the preferred currency in the realm of diplomatic negotiations? Answer: Trust, for it holds the highest value in consular exchanges. Question: What is the elusive code whispered ...

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Mullet riddles

Mullet riddles

Q: What hairstyle reigns supreme with flair, a paradoxical mane that dares? A: The mullet, bold and rare! Q: What do you call a hairstyle that’s business up front and ...

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Colonel riddles

Colonel riddles

Question: What did the colonel say to the disobedient soldier?Answer: “At ease, soldier, your insubordination is making me see red.” Question: What do you call a colonel who loves to ...

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Jazz riddles

Jazz riddles

Q: What instrument can jazz up any tune with its sultry tones, yet remains cool as a cucumber? A: The saxophone. Q: I’m a rhythm keeper, tapping away with finesse, ...

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Hook riddles

Hook riddles

Question: What always gets caught but never complains? Answer: A fish on a hook. Question: What is both a tool and a trickster in the sea? Answer: A fishing hook. ...

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Charity riddles

Charity riddles

Question: What is always in need of more but never asks for itself?Answer: Charity. Question: What grows when you give it away?Answer: Kindness. Question: What is the one thing you ...

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Jewelry riddles

Jewelry riddles

Q: I am worn on the finger, but I’m not a ring. What am I?A: A nail polish ring. Q: I’m not metal, but I shine bright. What am I?A: ...

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Paladin riddles

Paladin riddles

Question: What is a paladin’s favorite part of a book? Answer: The knight’s tale. php Copy code Question: What weapon do paladins use to navigate? Answer: A moral compass. Question: ...

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Biderman riddles

Biderman riddles

Question: What can Biderman break without touching it? Answer: Silence. Question: What is always in front of Biderman but can never be seen? Answer: The future. Question: What belongs to ...

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Hilarious riddles

Hilarious riddles

Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth? A: A gummy bear! Q: Why did the tomato turn red? A: Because it saw the salad dressing! Q: What ...

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Army riddles

Army riddles

What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? (Answer: The future) What has keys but can’t open locks? (Answer: A computer keyboard) What can fly without wings? ...

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Khan riddles

Khan riddles

Question: I am the sovereign of the steppe, commanding vast lands without peer. Who am I? Answer: The Khanate. Question: Born from the womb of the wild, my rule spans ...

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Bridesmaids riddles

Bridesmaids riddles

Question: Who dances in unity, a sisterhood so bright? Answer: Bridesmaids in dresses, a breathtaking sight. Question: Who stands by the bride with grace and poise? Answer: Bridesmaids, her allies ...

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Nguyen riddles

Nguyen riddles

Question: What is a Nguyen’s favorite type of music? Answer: Hip-“Nguyen” Question: What did the Nguyen say when asked about their favorite hobby? Answer: “Nguyening” things up! Question: What’s a ...

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Playmaker riddles

Playmaker riddles

Question: I am the conductor of the game, orchestrating every move. What am I? Answer: The quarterback. Question: I dance with the ball at my feet, weaving through defenders. Who ...

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Baseball riddles

Baseball riddles

Question: What is the baseball player’s favorite part of the house? Answer: The home plate. Question: What do baseball players eat before a game? Answer: Home runs. Question: Why did ...

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Rooster riddles

Rooster riddles

Q: What does a rooster wear to a fancy event? A: Feathered tails. Q: Why did the rooster join a band? A: Because it had excellent egg-beat. Q: How does ...

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Pub riddles

Pub riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks in the pub? Answer: A piano. Question: What runs around the pub but doesn’t move? Answer: A bar stool. Question: What gets ...

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Hands riddles

Hands riddles

What has five fingers but isn’t alive? I have no bones, no muscles, no skin, but I can open and close. What am I? What can you hold without ever ...

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Lifeguard riddles

Lifeguard riddles

Q: What do lifeguards never do at the beach?A: Sink into the sand—they always stay afloat! Q: Why did the lifeguard bring a ladder to the pool?A: To reach new ...

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Librarian riddles

Librarian riddles

Question: What kind of key opens the librarian’s heart? Answer: A bookworm. Question: Why did the librarian bring a ladder to work? Answer: To reach the high shelves of knowledge. ...

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Hoe riddles

Hoe riddles

What is a gardener’s favorite tool for storytelling? A tale-hoe! What do you call a farming implement that loves to gossip? A hoe-and-tell! What tool does a vegetable garden use ...

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Van riddles

Van riddles

Question: What runs but never walks, murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps? Answer: A van! Question: What travels the streets with a silent grace, carrying treasures ...

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Runner riddles

Runner riddles

Q: What flies without wings, yet races across land? A: The swift runner. Q: What has a stride without feet, and never tires in its feat? A: The relentless runner. ...

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Sister riddles

Sister riddles

Question: What is always by your side, yet can drive you crazy with a single glance? Answer: A sister! Question: What is the one person you can count on to ...

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Chain riddles

Chain riddles

Q: I bind together, yet can also restrain. What am I? A: A chain. Q: What can be long or short, but always strong, connecting one to another? A: A ...

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Coaching riddles

Coaching riddles

Question: What is the key that unlocks a client’s potential? Answer: Empowering questions. Question: What is the bridge between where a client is and where they want to be? Answer: ...

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Doberman riddles

Doberman riddles

What is the Doberman’s favorite type of music? Answer: Rhythm and Blues. What do you call a Doberman who loves to surf? Answer: A Wave Rider. Why did the Doberman ...

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Boxer riddles

Boxer riddles

Question: What do you call a boxer’s favorite insect?Answer: A jab-berfly. Question: Why did the boxer go to the bank?Answer: To check his balance. Question: What do you get when ...

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Ace riddles

Ace riddles

Q: What card is always considered the highest in a deck? A: The ace. Q: What playing card is known as the “one-eyed jack”? A: The ace of spades. Q: ...

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Jaime riddles

Jaime riddles

Q: I am elusive yet always present, a whisper in the wind, a flicker in the dark. Who am I?A: Jaime’s elusive shadow. Q: I am the mirror of truth, ...

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Teamwork riddles

Teamwork riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A piano – it requires teamwork to play beautiful music. Question: What grows bigger the more you share it? Answer: Knowledge ...

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Pitbull riddles

Pitbull riddles

Question: What do you call a Pitbull who loves to play hide and seek?Answer: A master of “paws” and conceal. Question: What did the Pitbull say to the squirrel?Answer: “Stop ...

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Warrior riddles

Warrior riddles

Question: I am forged in the fires of battle, yet I bring peace to kingdoms. What am I? Answer: A diplomatic warrior. Question: I wear no armor, yet I am ...

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Investor riddles

Investor riddles

Question: I start with an “I” and end with an “R”, I’m a process that brings wealth near. What am I? Answer: Investor Question: I’m not a bank, but I’m ...

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Cleaning riddles

Cleaning riddles

Q: I’m a dirt detective, in corners I lurk, with bristles so swift, what am I at work?A: Broom Q: I spin, I swirl, a tornado in hand, water I ...

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Smith riddles

Smith riddles

Q: What kind of smith can fix broken hearts?A: A love-smith. Q: What did the digital blacksmith create?A: Passwords. Q: What do you call a smith who crafts dreams?A: A ...

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Senior riddles

Senior riddles

Question: What gets sharper as it ages?Answer: Wisdom. Question: What is the senior’s favorite key on the keyboard?Answer: The “Ctrl” key, for they’ve mastered control over life’s shortcuts. Question: What ...

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Monk riddles

Monk riddles

Question: I speak without a voice, yet I echo wisdom through the ages. Who am I? Answer: The silent monk, whose words resonate in the stillness of contemplation. less Copy ...

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Ben riddles

Ben riddles

Q: Why did Ben talk to his shadow? A: Because he wanted to have a Ben-to-Ben conversation. Q: How does Ben organize a space party? A: He planet with Ben-nevolence. ...

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Rat riddles

Rat riddles

Q: What creature dashes through alleys with ease, yet never loses its cheese? A: A nimble rat! Q: What rodent wears a thief’s mask but steals no treasure? A: The ...

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Model riddles

Model riddles

Q: I stand tall without a spine, yet I’m not made of bone. What am I? A: A **mannequin**. Q: I am a reflection of perfection, but I’m not alive. ...

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Dentist riddles

Dentist riddles

Question: What do you call a dentist’s advice? Answer: Tooth wisdom. Question: Why did the dentist become a detective? Answer: To uncover plaque’s secrets. Question: What did the tooth say ...

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Alex riddles

Alex riddles

Question: What is always in front of you but can never be seen? Answer: The letters in “Alex”! Question: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. What am ...

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Cartooning riddles

Cartooning riddles

Q: What did the pencil say to the cartoonist? A: “You’re sketchy!” Q: Why did the cartoon character bring a ladder to the art studio? A: To reach new heights! ...

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Boxing riddles

Boxing riddles

Q: What piece of equipment never tires of counting punches? A: The tally-ho counter. Q: What did the coach say to the lazy boxer? A: “Stop shadowboxing and start throwing ...

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Proton riddles

Proton riddles

Q: What do you call a proton that’s always positive? A: An upbeat particle! Q: What’s a proton’s favorite party trick? A: Ionizing the dance floor! Q: Why did the ...

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Optometry riddles

Optometry riddles

Question: What do you call a nearsighted detective? Answer: Sherlock Myopia Question: Why did the optometrist bring a pencil to the eye exam? Answer: To take a “pupil” test. Question: ...

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Baguette riddles

Baguette riddles

Q: What’s a baguette’s favorite dance move?A: The bread-roll! Q: Why did the baguette apply for a job?A: It wanted to get a “crust”worthy position! Q: What did the baguette ...

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Hammer riddles

Hammer riddles

Question: What has a head, a face, and never wearies of striking? Answer: A hammer. Question: What tool is a carpenter’s best friend, yet fears the touch of water? Answer: ...

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Stihl riddles

Stihl riddles

Question: What gets sharper as it gets older? Answer: A well-used STIHL chainsaw blade. Question: What cuts through wood with ease but isn’t a saw? Answer: A STIHL brush cutter. ...

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Alexa riddles

Alexa riddles

What has no body, but can answer any question? (Alexa) Who never sleeps, yet always listens? (Alexa) What echoes without making a sound? (Alexa) Who’s the silent sentinel of the ...

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Shaman riddles

Shaman riddles

Q: I am the whisper of the wind and the murmur of the trees, yet I carry the weight of the world’s secrets. What am I? A: The Shaman’s Breath. ...

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Theatre riddles

Theatre riddles

Question: What always takes the center stage but never says a word? Answer: The spotlight. Question: What is the actor’s favorite part of the tree? Answer: The stage branches. Question: ...

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Bull riddles

Bull riddles

Question: What do you call a bull who likes to take a break? Answer: A “moo-dle” bull. Question: What did the bull say to the matador? Answer: “Let’s skip the ...

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Airport riddles

Airport riddles

What can fly without wings and has gates but no fences? (Answer: An airplane) What is always on time but never stays in one place? (Answer: A clock in the ...

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Parmesan riddles

Parmesan riddles

Question: What do you call a cheese that isn’t yours? Answer: Parmesan. Question: What cheese is always ready to party? Answer: Parmesan – it’s grate for any occasion! Question: What ...

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Corporate riddles

Corporate riddles

Question: I am the heart of every business, yet I cannot be touched. What am I?Answer: Trust. Question: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?Answer: The ...

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Retirement riddles

Retirement riddles

Q: What starts with “R” and brings joy after years of toil? A: Retirement! Q: What is a golden chest that holds the treasure of leisure? A: A retirement savings ...

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Necromancer riddles

Necromancer riddles

Question: What is a necromancer’s favorite type of party? Answer: A graveyard bash! Question: What do you call a necromancer’s pet skeleton? Answer: Bone-afide companion. Question: Why did the necromancer ...

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Fireman riddles

Fireman riddles

Question: What always runs but never walks, often murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, and can be fought by brave fireman? Answer: A raging fire. Question: ...

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Tooth riddles

Tooth riddles

Question: I’m a tiny guardian of your grin, sharp and white. What am I? Answer: Tooth enamel. Question: I’m silent but powerful, grinding away without a sound. What am I? ...

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Barber riddles

Barber riddles

Q: What has a sharp wit and trims with flair?A: A barber’s chair. Q: What can cut without leaving a trace?A: A barber’s embrace. Q: What whispers secrets as it ...

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Lawyer riddles

Lawyer riddles

Q: What do you call a lawyer who doesn’t chase ambulances? A: Retired! Q: Why did the lawyer bring a ladder to court? A: To reach the high bar! Q: ...

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Monday riddles

Monday riddles

Question: What’s the favorite day of the week for a lazy cat? Answer: Meownday. Question: Why did the calendar go to therapy? Answer: It had a case of the Monday ...

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Database riddles

Database riddles

Question: What database term is a synonym for a digital storehouse of information and also shares its name with a large gathering of people? Answer: Crowdsource Question: What do you ...

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Partner riddles

Partner riddles

Q: I’m your counterpart in every venture, your ally in every scheme. What am I? A: Your shadow. Q: I’m your silent confidant, whispering secrets without a sound. Who am ...

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House riddles

House riddles

What has keys but can’t open locks? A piano. What gets wetter as it dries? A towel. What has a face but cannot see? A clock. What has a neck ...

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Stroganoff riddles

Stroganoff riddles

Q: What do you call a stroganoff that’s always in a hurry? A: Swift Stroganoff! Q: What’s a stroganoff’s favorite dance move? A: The Beefy Boogie! Q: Why did the ...

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Liver riddles

Liver riddles

Q: I filter toxins and aid in digestion, what am I? A: The liver! Q: I’m shaped like a half-moon, yet I’m no celestial body. What am I? A: The ...

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Maintain riddles

Maintain riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks, yet helps to maintain the flow of information? Answer: A keyboard. Question: I can break without being held, and maintain order when ...

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Peter riddles

Peter riddles

Question: What does Peter never want, but always receive? Answer: Attention. Question: What is Peter’s favorite type of exercise? Answer: Running for president (Peter President). Question: What did Peter say ...

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Programmer riddles

Programmer riddles

Question: What do programmers use to brush their teeth?Answer: A bit brush. Question: Why was the programmer cold?Answer: Because they left their Java. Question: What did the HTML say to ...

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Entrepreneur riddles

Entrepreneur riddles

Question: What starts with a pitch and ends with a deal? Answer: An entrepreneur’s journey. Question: What’s the entrepreneur’s favorite game? Answer: Riskopoly. Question: What’s the entrepreneur’s preferred accessory? Answer: ...

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Pirate riddles

Pirate riddles

Q: What’s a pirate’s favorite letter of the alphabet?A: Arrr! You might think it’s R, but it’s the C they love, for the sea! Q: Why did the pirate go ...

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Farm riddles

Farm riddles

Question: What is a farmer’s favorite kind of math?Answer: Multi-pli-cation! Question: What do you call a chicken staring at a lettuce?Answer: A chicken sees a salad! Question: What do you ...

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Nun riddles

Nun riddles

What is a nun’s favorite type of music? Answer: A-cappella. Why did the nun bring a ladder to the convent? Answer: To reach new heights in her faith. What do ...

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Compete riddles

Compete riddles

Question: I am a game where players vie for control, with pawns, knights, and a queen. What am I?Answer: Chess Question: What sport requires players to knock down pins with ...

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Helpful riddles

Helpful riddles

Q: I’m a box that holds the key to knowledge, yet I have no lock. What am I? A: A library. Q: I am always in front of you but ...

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Agile riddles

Agile riddles

Question: I am the cornerstone of agile, breaking work into manageable chunks. What am I? Answer: User Story Question: I help teams visualize their work and progress, standing tall with ...

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Tool riddles

Tool riddles

I have teeth but never bite, a long nose but no sense of smell. What am I? (Answer: Pliers) I have a sharp tongue yet I’m not one to speak. ...

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Printing riddles

Printing riddles

Question: What is always on the cutting edge of printing technology?Answer: The paper trimmer! Question: What do you call a printer’s favorite dessert?Answer: JPEG jam! Question: What did the ink ...

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Hr riddles

Hr riddles

Question: What always goes up but never comes down in the world of HR?Answer: Employee engagement! Question: What is the favorite tool of HR professionals for time management?Answer: The chronometer! ...

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Military riddles

Military riddles

What flies without wings, strikes without hands, and pierces without a sword? Answer: A missile. What has keys but can’t open locks, has a top but can’t hold anything, and ...

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Andrew riddles

Andrew riddles

Question: What do you call Andrew when he’s in a boat?Answer: A nautical navigator, sailing with prowess and glee. Question: What’s Andrew’s favorite type of weather?Answer: A misty morning, where ...

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Hotel riddles

Hotel riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A hotel reception desk. Question: What has many rooms but no walls? Answer: A hotel on a beach. Question: What is ...

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Undercover riddles

Undercover riddles

Question: What gets shorter when you add two letters to it? Answer: “Short” becomes “shorter” when you add “er” making it go undercover. Question: What has keys but can’t open ...

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