Q: What weighs more than a ton of feathers and can make time stand still?A: An elephant with a watch that boasts the weight of a galaxy. Q: What can ...
Blend riddles
Q: What do you get when you mix a detective with a scientist? A: Blendecipher Q: What blends effortlessly with both coffee and conversation? A: Brewguage Q: What’s the result ...
Offence riddles
Question: What is the most polite crime? Answer: Trespassing… on someone’s ego. Question: What do you call a joke that offends a vampire? Answer: A stake pun. Question: What offends ...
Flabbergasted riddles
Question: What word describes the feeling when you’re stunned by surprise?Answer: Flabbergasted! Question: What’s the reaction when a rabbit learns to juggle?Answer: It leaves you flabber-gasted! Question: What do you ...
Abbreviation riddles
Question: What abbreviation makes the world go ’round? Answer: RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) Question: What abbreviation is a magician’s favorite? Answer: ABRA (Alakazam, Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo, Razzle-Dazzle) Question: What abbreviation is always ...
The riddles
What has keys but can’t open locks? I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. What am I? The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am ...
Hello riddles
Q: What word starts conversations and ends silences?A: Hello! Q: What’s the verbal key that opens the door to connection?A: Hello! Q: What’s a word that travels the world, yet ...
GATE PUN riddles
Q: What did the electrical engineer say to the computer scientist at the GATE exam? A: “Let’s conduct ourselves with ohm-ility and byte the competition!” Q: Why did the software ...
Approval riddles
What says “yes” without speaking? I am what you seek when seeking a nod of agreement. What am I? What gives the green light without being a traffic signal? What ...
Pronoun riddles
I am elusive, often hiding in plain sight. Who am I? I can represent a group or an individual. What pronoun might I be? Without me, sentences lack clarity and ...
Facepalm riddles
What did the clumsy computer say to the user? – “Ctrl + facepalm” Why did the mathematician facepalm? – Because he realized he was dividing by zero. Why did the ...
Goodbye riddles
Question: What word starts with a ‘G’ and ends with a ‘d’, signaling the end of a meeting? Answer: Goodbye! Question: What disappears when you say it? Answer: Silence. Question: ...
Behead riddles
What word, when you behead it, becomes a famous bird? Answer: “Peacock” (Remove the “P” to get “Eacock”) What word, when beheaded, transforms into a musical instrument? Answer: “Flute” (Remove ...
Adverb riddles
I’m the silent observer, always watching from afar. What am I? – Stealthily What moves without legs and speaks without a voice? – Wisely What flies without wings and can ...
Multilingual riddles
Question: What starts in English, travels through French, and ends in Spanish? Answer: The word “revolution.” Question: What is a word in every language but pronounced differently? Answer: Silence. Question: ...
Latin riddles
Quid est, quod in caelo volat noctu, sed in die latet subter terram? (Answer: Stellae – Stars) Quis est homo qui caput habet, sed oculi non videt? (Answer: Statua – ...
Longest riddles
Q: I start at the beginning of time and space, and I never truly end. What am I? A: Eternity Q: I have keys but no locks, and I open ...
Homophone riddles
Question: What kind of tree can you carry in your hand? Answer: Palm (palm / psalm) Question: What animal never tells the truth? Answer: Liar (liar / lyre) Question: What’s ...
Appreciation riddles
Q: I’m a feeling cherished by all, yet I can’t be seen or touched. What am I? A: Appreciation Q: I come in many forms, from a simple nod to ...
Thanks riddles
What is the word that means gratitude and sounds like a gesture? Answer: Thanks What’s the feeling that’s like a warm hug for the heart? Answer: Appreciation What’s the one ...
Spanish riddles
¿Qué cosa es, que mientras más le quitas, más grande se hace? (El agujero) ¿Qué cosa es, que siempre sube y nunca baja? (La edad) ¿Qué tiene un ojo pero ...
Formal riddles
1. I stand tall in pinstripes, a symbol of power and might, yet I’m silent in the face of your words. What am I? 2. I’m the nobleman of punctuation, ...
Plethora riddles
Q: I am a linguistic mosaic, a myriad of expressions. What am I? A: Plethora less Copy code Q: In the lexicon’s carnival, I’m the grand spectacle. What word am ...
Metaphor riddles
Question: What is a shimmering cloak that veils truth, yet reveals deeper meanings? Answer: Metaphor. Question: What is a whispering muse, guiding thoughts through the labyrinth of language? Answer: Simile. ...
Alliteration riddles
What creature carries colorful coats but cannot paint? Answer: Chameleon What whispers through the wheat fields and wears a white wig? Answer: Wind What mighty mountain melts like marshmallows in ...
Eggcited riddles
Q: What did the egg say to the flour? A: “Let’s get cracking together and make something eggstraordinary!” Q: Why was the egg so good at playing hide and seek? ...
Shit riddles
What gets stinky when it’s left out too long? What’s brown and sticky and often found on sidewalks? What’s the one thing that everyone tries to avoid, yet can’t live ...
Namaste riddles
Question: What is the celestial whisper that unites souls? Answer: Namaste Question: What gesture bridges the earthly and divine? Answer: Folding palms in Namaste Question: What word echoes the harmony ...
Jokes riddles
Why did the scarecrow win an award?Because he was outstanding in his field! What did one plate say to the other?“Lunch is on me!” Why don’t skeletons fight each other?They ...
German riddles
Frage: Ich bin schwarz und weiß und lebe im Wald. Wer bin ich?Antwort: Ein Dachs. Frage: Ich bin groß und stark, trinke aber nicht. Was bin ich?Antwort: Ein Baum. Frage: ...
Yik riddles
What is Yik’s favorite mode of transportation?Answer: A thought train, speeding through the corridors of the mind. What is the currency in Yik’s realm?Answer: Riddles, where each answer holds the ...
Name riddles
What name is a musical note but also a term for a collection of stitches in knitting? Which name sounds like a precious metal but is also the title of ...
Homonymic riddles
Question: What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A piano. Question: What has a bark but no bite? Answer: A tree. Question: What runs but never walks? Answer: A ...
Word riddles
Question: What is a word that begins with “t”, ends with “t”, and has “t” in the middle? Answer: A teapot. php Copy code Question: What word becomes shorter when ...
Definition riddles
Q: I am a whisper in the wind, a fleeting thought in your mind. What am I? A: Definition less Copy code Q: I’m a shadow of meaning, a silhouette ...
Homophonic riddles
What do you call a sunflower that loves to travel? Answer: A globe-trotter (globe trotter) What kind of tree is always crying? Answer: A weeping willow (weeping/willow) What did the ...
Sarcasm riddles
Q: Oh, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? A: No, I just enjoy starting my day with a challenge. Q: Are you always this sarcastic? ...
Melvyn riddles
Question: What is Melvyn’s favorite type of music? Answer: Riddle-rock! Question: What does Melvyn use to unlock the secrets of the universe? Answer: His enigmatic key of curiosity! Question: What ...
Oun riddles
Question: What starts with ‘o,’ ends with ‘n,’ and is a unit of currency in the virtual world? Answer: Bitcoin Question: What is a synonym for ‘discovery’ that rhymes with ...
Cunt riddles
What gets wetter as it dries, revealing a hidden prize? What has a hood but no engine, and can be trimmed or tamed? What’s prized for its delicate petals but ...
Luan riddles
Q: What starts in darkness, embraces the dawn, and ends in whispers? A: Luan. Q: I have keys but open no locks, I have space but no room. What am ...
Lol riddles
Q: What do you call a computer that laughs? A: A LOL-puter! less Copy code Q: Why did the LOLcat become a chef? A: Because it wanted to make the ...
Response riddles
What speaks without a voice, listens without ears, and always responds when addressed? (An echo) What is a question that has no answer but can respond with infinite possibilities? (A ...
Grammar riddles
What is the noun’s favorite game? Answer: Pronoun-tag! Which punctuation mark is a bodybuilder’s favorite? Answer: The comma, because it lifts clauses! What do you call a group of musical ...
Pac riddles
Question: What is a pac’s favorite mode of transportation? Answer: Train-pac-ulation! php Copy code Question: What do you call a pac who loves to tell jokes? Answer: A jest-pac! Question: ...
Anti riddles
What breaks when spoken but never shattered? (Silence) What’s a paradox to time, always present yet never bound? (Eternity) What grows when shared but diminishes when hoarded? (Knowledge) What’s a ...
Ack riddles
What word begins and ends with “ack” and means to understand or comprehend? What fruit is always ready to lend an ear and listens intently? (Pine-ack-le) What do you call ...
Bi riddles
Question: I am a word that means having two opposite meanings. What am I? Answer: Bi-antonym. Question: I am a creature with two distinct forms, flying high and swimming deep. ...
Oyasumi riddles
Question: What falls asleep when the moon rises but wakes up with the sun’s embrace? Answer: Oyasumi, the dreams of the night. Question: What whispers softly before the world slumbers, ...
Thesaurus riddles
Question: I am the scribe of synonyms, the oracle of equivalents. What am I? Answer: Thesaurus Question: I’m a lexical labyrinth, where words intertwine. What am I? Answer: Thesaurus Question: ...
English riddles
What begins and has no end, yet is always found between letters? I’m a word of letters three, add two and fewer you’ll see. What am I? What has keys ...
Cheesy riddles
Q: What kind of cheese is made backward?A: Edam Q: What cheese can you use to disguise a small horse?A: Mascarpone Q: Why did the cheese go to therapy?A: It ...
Pregnant riddles
Question: What has a due date but no appointment? Answer: A pregnant woman. Question: What grows without water and kicks from within? Answer: A baby in the womb. Question: What ...
Doggo riddles
What kind of dog loves to take baths? A sham-poodle! Which dog breed can tell time? A watch-hound! What do you call a dog magician? A labracadabrador! What did the ...
Vocabulary riddles
Question: I am a word that starts with “e” but only has one letter. What am I?Answer: An envelope. Question: I am a word of letters three, add two more, ...
Homographic riddles
What has a bark but no bite?A tree or a dogwood? What has keys but can’t open locks?A piano or a computer keyboard? What is both sharp and dull?A knife ...
Define riddles
What am I? I am a paradox, a puzzle, and a perplexity. What defines me cannot contain me. What am I? I am weightless, yet can weigh heavy on the ...
Alphabet riddles
Question: What letter is always trying to find the middle ground? Answer: T (it’s always in the center of “middle”!) Question: Which letter is a hero in the sky? Answer: ...
Vernacular riddles
Question: What’s a Southern drawl’s favorite dessert?Answer: Slow churned ice cream! Question: What do you call a Texan cowboy’s favorite beverage?Answer: Sarsaparilla swig! Question: What’s a New Yorker’s preferred mode ...
Onomatopoeia riddles
Question: What sound does a duck make when it’s happy?Answer: Quackstastic! Question: What do you call a cheerful cat’s meow?Answer: Purrific! Question: What sound does a contented bee make?Answer: Buzzilicious! ...