- Question: I have keys but cannot open any locks, I have space but no room, what am I?
- Answer: Annette’s smile.
- Question: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
- Answer: Annette’s future.
- Question: What has a heart but no other organs?
- Answer: Annette’s love.
- Question: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. What am I?
- Answer: Annette’s name.
- Question: What gets wetter as it dries?
- Answer: Annette’s tears.
- Question: What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
- Answer: Annette’s name.
- Question: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
- Answer: The letter ‘N’, just like in Annette.
- Question: What has a head, a tail, but no body?
- Answer: Annette’s coin.
- Question: What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
- Answer: Annette’s thoughts.
- Question: What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it?
- Answer: Annette’s silence.
- Question: What can you catch but not throw?
- Answer: Annette’s attention.
- Question: What has a neck but no head?
- Answer: Annette’s bottle.
- Question: What comes once in a year, twice in a month, but never in a week?
- Answer: The letter ‘E’, like in Annette.
- Question: What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?
- Answer: Annette’s piano.
- Question: What can be cracked, made, told, and played?
- Answer: Annette’s joke.
- Question: What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive?
- Answer: Annette’s glove.
- Question: What is easy to get into but hard to get out of?
- Answer: Annette’s embrace.
- Question: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
- Answer: Annette’s penny.
- Question: What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
- Answer: Annette’s river.
- Question: What has keys but can’t open locks?
- Answer: Annette’s keyboard.
- What’s always with Annette but never speaks?
- What is the name of the book Annette never wrote?
- What’s something Annette can catch but never throw?
- What’s the favorite subject of Annette’s dreams?
- What belongs to Annette but others use it more often?
- What’s something Annette can break without touching?
- What runs around the house but never moves?
- What’s something Annette can hold without ever touching?
- What’s the only thing Annette can’t live without?
- What’s something Annette can keep after giving it away?
- What’s something Annette can see but others can’t?
- What’s the sweetest thing Annette owns?
- What’s something Annette can find but never search for?
- What’s something that starts and ends with Annette?
- What’s something Annette can buy but never own?
- What’s something Annette can travel on without moving?
- What’s the greatest treasure Annette possesses?
- What’s something Annette can have more of as she gives it away?
- What’s something Annette can solve without knowing the answer?
- What’s something Annette can create with just a thought?
Another Annette riddles
- What always follows Annette wherever she goes?
- What’s something Annette can measure but never see?
- What’s something Annette can hide but never seek?
- What’s the one thing Annette can’t escape?
- What’s something Annette can plant but never harvest?
- What’s something Annette can count but never touch?
- What’s the source of Annette’s endless energy?
- What’s something Annette can hold onto forever?
- What’s something Annette can break with just a word?
- What’s the key to unlocking Annette’s heart?
- What’s something Annette can create but never destroy?
- What’s something Annette can navigate without a map?
- What’s the secret ingredient to Annette’s happiness?
- What’s something Annette can give away but always keep?
- What’s something Annette can win without competing?
- What’s the melody that plays in Annette’s mind?
- What’s something Annette can hold onto but never grab?
- What’s the destination of Annette’s wildest dreams?
- What’s something Annette can build without lifting a finger?
- What’s the one thing Annette can’t live without?
- What’s the one thing Annette always carries but never holds?
- What’s something Annette can collect but never display?
- What’s the one thing Annette can never run out of?
- What’s something Annette can build but never see?
- What’s the only thing Annette can give without losing?
- What’s the secret Annette keeps locked away in her heart?
- What’s something Annette can create with just a whisper?
- What’s the destination Annette’s compass always points to?
- What’s the one thing Annette can spend endlessly?
- What’s something Annette can sow but never reap?
- What’s the one thing Annette can’t buy but everyone desires?
- What’s the one thing Annette can’t buy but everyone desires?
- What’s something Annette can light but never extinguish?
- What’s the one thing Annette can keep without ever using?
- What’s the one thing Annette can capture in a memory?
- What’s something Annette can find without searching?
- What’s something Annette can connect without touching?
- What’s the one thing Annette can solve without understanding?
- What’s the one thing Annette can hold onto in a storm?
- What’s the one thing Annette can give that multiplies?
Getting over with Annette riddles
- What’s something Annette can paint but never touch?
- What’s the one thing Annette can build without any tools?
- What’s something Annette can weave but never unravel?
- What’s the one thing Annette can solve without a puzzle?
- What’s something Annette can plant but never water?
- What’s the one thing Annette can create without a blueprint?
- What’s the one thing Annette can keep without a lock?
- What’s something Annette can balance but never tip over?
- What’s the one thing Annette can light without a match?
- What’s something Annette can craft but never sell?
- What’s the one thing Annette can find without looking?
- What’s something Annette can mend but never tear?
- What’s the one thing Annette can give without receiving?
- What’s something Annette can gather but never scatter?
- What’s the one thing Annette can fill without emptying?
- What’s something Annette can embrace but never hold tight?
- What’s the one thing Annette can open without a key?
- What’s something Annette can discover but never explore?
- What’s the one thing Annette can cherish without a memory?
- What’s something Annette can share but never divide?
Table of Contents