
Nacho riddles

Nacho riddles

Question: What do you call a nacho that isn’t yours? Answer: Not-chos! Question: What do you get when you cross a nacho with a laptop? Answer: Chip technology! Question: Why ...

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Water riddles

Water riddles

Question: What runs but never walks, murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, and a mouth but never eats? Answer: A river. Question: What is always thirsty ...

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Jelly riddles

Jelly riddles

What wobbles without legs, and brings joy in its jiggly dance? Jelly! What’s a gelatinous delight that wiggles with delight but never speaks? Jelly! What quivers in anticipation, waiting to ...

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Heffer riddles

Heffer riddles

Question: What do you call a heifer who loves to dance? Answer: A moo-ving groover! Question: Why did the heifer bring a ladder to the field? Answer: To reach the ...

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Purple riddles

Purple riddles

Question: I am a royal hue, a blend of red and blue. What am I? Answer: Purple Question: I’m a flower known for my fragrant purple blooms. What am I? ...

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Thistle riddles

Thistle riddles

1. I am prickly yet regal, with purple hue, what am I? 2. Crowned in thorns, I stand tall and proud, who am I? 3. My leaves are like swords, ...

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Red riddles

Red riddles

What is red, juicy, and the favorite fruit of vampires? I’m a fiery hue, a symbol of love, and often associated with roses. What am I? What gets brighter as ...

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Martini riddles

Martini riddles

Q: I’m shaken, not stirred, with vermouth’s embrace. What am I? A: A Martini! Q: What cocktail’s essence lies in a glass, an olive’s touch, and a twist? A: The ...

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Cherry riddles

Cherry riddles

Q: I’m red and juicy, a fruit that’s quite merry, what am I? A: A cherry! Q: I’m a tiny orb with a pit inside, what fruit hides in my ...

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Corn riddles

Corn riddles

Q: What do you call a funny corn? A: A corny jokester! Q: What do you get when you cross a kernel with a sheep? A: Popcorn fleece! Q: Why ...

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Icecream riddles

Icecream riddles

Question: What do you call an ice cream that tells jokes?Answer: A pun-delicious cone! Question: What do you get when you cross an ice cream with a vampire?Answer: Frostbite! Question: ...

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Nashville riddles

Nashville riddles

Question: I’m where the Grand Ole Opry reigns supreme, yet I’m not a kingdom. What am I? Answer: Nashville, the throne of country music. Question: I’m a street where boots ...

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Macaroni riddles

Macaroni riddles

Q: What did the macaroni say to the cheese?A: Stop being so cheesy! Q: Why did the fusilli invite the penne to the party?A: They heard he had great twists! ...

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Avocado riddles

Avocado riddles

Question: What do you call an avocado that’s a great listener?Answer: An avoca-ear. Question: Why did the avocado go to school?Answer: To become avo-cademic. Question: What did the avocado say ...

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Picnic riddles

Picnic riddles

Question: What gets eaten at every picnic but never gets full?Answer: A blanket Question: What is always the last thing to arrive at a picnic?Answer: The ants Question: What do ...

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Vomit riddles

Vomit riddles

Q: What is the stomach’s rebellious dance called? A: The hurl-a-baloo. Q: What’s the chewed-up feast that always returns for an encore? A: Regurgi-taste. Q: What’s a queasy sailor’s favorite ...

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Alabama riddles

Alabama riddles

Question: I’m a city in Alabama known for my role in the Civil Rights Movement. Who am I? Answer: Birmingham Question: I’m a river in Alabama that flows through the ...

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Mimosa riddles

Mimosa riddles

Question: I blush at the touch of dawn, yet vanish with the day’s first yawn. What am I? Answer: Morning’s Mimosa. Question: I’m a beacon of warmth in the chill ...

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Chef riddles

Chef riddles

Q: What kind of chef can you hire to fix your sink? A: A soup-er plumber! Q: What did the chef say to the sushi? A: Wasa-bae! Q: Why did ...

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Bottle riddles

Bottle riddles

What has a neck but no head, holds liquids but isn’t a bed? I’m transparent, yet I hold secrets. What am I? What gets filled without being touched? I’m the ...

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Wisconsin riddles

Wisconsin riddles

What Wisconsin city is known for its breathtaking views and vibrant art scene? Answer: Milwaukee (Mural-kee) What famous rock formation in Wisconsin is said to resemble a giant’s thumbprint? Answer: ...

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Fruit riddles

Fruit riddles

I am small and red, but pack a punch in flavor. What am I? (Answer: Strawberry) I’m yellow when I’m ripe, and you can find me in tropical climates. What ...

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Dragonfruit riddles

Dragonfruit riddles

Question: What is a dragonfruit’s favorite dance move? Answer: The Dragon Twist! Question: What did the dragonfruit say to the curious explorer? Answer: “Peel the mystery, taste the magic!” Question: ...

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Guacamole riddles

Guacamole riddles

Question: What do you call a nervous bowl of guacamole?Answer: A “guac-anxious” dip! Question: What did the avocado say to the onion in the guacamole?Answer: “You give me layers of ...

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Tailgate riddles

Tailgate riddles

Q: What gets hotter as the party kicks off, but cools down when it’s time to leave? A: The grill! Q: What opens wide to reveal a feast, yet closes ...

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Frozen riddles

Frozen riddles

Q: I am born in fire but thrive in ice, what am I? A: Frostfire. Q: What falls from the sky as light as a feather but can bring an ...

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Mayonaise riddles

Mayonaise riddles

Q: What do you call a sneaky jar of mayonnaise? A: A mayonaise-ninja! Q: Why did the mayonnaise break up with the mustard? A: Because it couldn’t ketchup! Q: What ...

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Caffeine riddles

Caffeine riddles

Question: I’m a little bean that perks you up, what am I? Answer: Coffee Question: I’m bitter and black, but I bring you joy in every sip. What am I? ...

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Fishing riddles

Fishing riddles

Question: What kind of fish can perform surgery? Answer: A sturgeon. Question: What fish is the best detective? Answer: The in-vest-igator. Question: Why did the fish blush? Answer: Because it ...

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Nice riddles

Nice riddles

Question: What starts and ends with a smile and is always polite? Answer: A nice conversation. Question: What is the sweetest thing a bee can say? Answer: Nice to bee ...

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Clover riddles

Clover riddles

Q: I’m green, but not a tree. What am I? A: Clover! Q: What plant brings luck in threes? A: Clover! Q: What’s a tiny green charm that hides in ...

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Sweet riddles

Sweet riddles

What gets sweeter as it dries? Answer: A raisin. What is always full but never satisfied? Answer: A jar of honey. What has a heart but doesn’t beat? Answer: A ...

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Anchovy riddles

Anchovy riddles

Question: I’m tiny and silver, packed with a punch. What am I? Answer: An anchovy! Question: I’m often found in cans, small and curled. What fish am I? Answer: An ...

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Ghana riddles

Ghana riddles

Question: I am a river that flows through Ghana, yet I am not blue. What am I? Answer: The Volta River. Question: I’m a symbol of royalty, adorned with the ...

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Waffle riddles

Waffle riddles

Question: What do you call a waffle that tells jokes?Answer: A waffle-comedian! Question: Why did the waffle go to therapy?Answer: Because it had too many layers to work through! Question: ...

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Obesity riddles

Obesity riddles

Question: What’s a vessel that carries extra cargo and never sets sail?Answer: The human body with excess weight. Question: What can grow bigger with every meal but never gets satisfied?Answer: ...

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Russia riddles

Russia riddles

Question: What is the colossus that spans two continents yet remains elusive to the grasp of time? Answer: The mighty city of Istanbul, a historical gateway between Europe and Asia, ...

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European riddles

European riddles

Question: I am a famous tower, standing tall and proud. People flock to see me, high above the crowd. What am I? Answer: The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. Question: ...

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Green riddles

Green riddles

Question: What is a green jacket that everyone wants to win?Answer: The Masters’ Tournament jacket. Question: I can be as light as a feather, yet no man can hold me ...

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Cold riddles

Cold riddles

What begins as a shiver, dances on your skin, and ends as a sneeze? What freezes with a touch, yet melts with a glance? What is the chilly ninja that ...

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Poke riddles

Poke riddles

Question: What do you call a mischievous Pikachu with a sharp sense of humor?Answer: A jolting jester! Question: What Pokémon is always up for a battle, but never throws a ...

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Cup riddles

Cup riddles

Question: What has a mouth but can’t speak, and holds liquid without a leak? Answer: A cup. Question: I can be empty or full, handle with care or I’ll spill. ...

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Zucchini riddles

Zucchini riddles

What is small, green, and can be spiralized? A zucchini! What vegetable is a favorite among gardeners and pasta lovers alike? Zucchini! What’s a squash that often sneaks into bread ...

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Japan riddles

Japan riddles

Question: I am a traditional Japanese garment worn on special occasions. What am I? Answer: Kimono Question: I am a famous Japanese dish made from vinegared rice and various toppings. ...

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Rutabaga riddles

Rutabaga riddles

Question: What vegetable is both a root and a crown? Answer: The rutabaga! Question: What’s a turnip’s suave cousin? Answer: The rutabaga! Question: What’s purple, yellow, and delicious all over? ...

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Coconuts riddles

Coconuts riddles

What’s full of milk but never cries? What’s a hairy sphere that loves to swing? What’s a tree’s treasure that defies gravity? What’s a brown bombshell with a secret stash? ...

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Squid riddles

Squid riddles

Q: What did the squid say to the shrimp who asked for a loan? A: “Sorry, I’m a little short on ink!” Q: Why don’t squid like to share their ...

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Eggplant riddles

Eggplant riddles

Question: What do you call an eggplant that’s good at math? Answer: An eggplant-algebraic genius! javascript Copy code Question: Why did the eggplant break up with the tomato? Answer: Because ...

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Celebration riddles

Celebration riddles

Q: What kind of cake is always celebrating? A: A confetti cake! Q: What do balloons do when they’re having a party? A: They “inflate” the fun! Q: What did ...

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Sustainable riddles

Sustainable riddles

Q: I am tall and strong, yet I bend with ease. What am I? A: A bamboo stalk. Q: I am old and wise, yet I provide life anew. What ...

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Grape riddles

Grape riddles

What fruit is purple, small, and round, often used to make wine? What juicy fruit grows in clusters on vines and can be green, red, or purple? What fruit is ...

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Karp riddles

Karp riddles

Q: I’m a slippery fellow, elusive and sleek, found in rivers and streams, with scales unique. What am I? A: A karp! Q: In the water I glide, my colors ...

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Pan riddles

Pan riddles

What can be cracked without breaking, filled without pouring, and yet still hold the weight of the world? (An egg in a frying pan) What gets hotter the more it’s ...

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Fish riddles

Fish riddles

What fish is always ready to lend an ear? An al-cat-fish! Which fish is the most musical? The bassoon fish! What fish is the best at math? The counting fish! ...

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Chicago riddles

Chicago riddles

Q: I stand tall but have no feet, yet I’m admired by those I meet. What am I? A: The Willis Tower (formerly known as the Sears Tower). Q: I ...

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Lettuce riddles

Lettuce riddles

Question: What do you call a lettuce with a PhD? Answer: A smarty-crisp! Question: What did the lettuce say to the celery? Answer: Quit stalking me, you’re making me wilt! ...

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Goudah riddles

Goudah riddles

What kind of cheese is always ready to go on an adventure? Goudah! What cheese is known for its calm demeanor? Goudah, because it’s always so mellow! Which cheese can ...

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Dasani riddles

Dasani riddles

Q: I’m a liquid embrace, clear as the sky. What am I? A: Dasani, the pure aqua jewel in a bottle. less Copy code Q: I’m the thirst-quencher in a ...

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Pancake riddles

Pancake riddles

Q: What kind of music do pancakes listen to? A: Syruphony. Q: What did the pancake say to the baseball player? A: “Batter up!” Q: Why was the pancake always ...

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Oven riddles

Oven riddles

Question: I have a door but no hinges, a chamber but no bed. What am I? Answer: An oven. Question: I have a fiery heart but no flames, a crusty ...

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Bread riddles

Bread riddles

Q: What do you call a bread that tells jokes? A: A pun-pernickel! Q: What kind of bread can fly? A: Loaf-air! Q: Why did the bread go to school? ...

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Tomato riddles

Tomato riddles

Q: What did the tomato say to the salad? A: “Lettuce be friends!” Q: Why did the tomato turn red? A: Because it saw the salad dressing! Q: What do ...

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Lily riddles

Lily riddles

Question: I’m a flower with grace so divine, in ponds and gardens, I often shine. What am I? Answer: Lily Question: In colors diverse, I come to play, my fragrance ...

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Quesadilla riddles

Quesadilla riddles

What’s a quesadilla’s favorite game? Tic-tac-toe with cheese! Why did the quesadilla go to school? To get a little more ‘grate’ knowledge! What’s a quesadilla’s preferred music genre? Wrap music! ...

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Rooster riddles

Rooster riddles

Q: What does a rooster wear to a fancy event? A: Feathered tails. Q: Why did the rooster join a band? A: Because it had excellent egg-beat. Q: How does ...

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Mandarin riddles

Mandarin riddles

Q: I’m a fruit that’s round and orange, with a peel you can remove. What am I? A: Mandarin orange Q: I’m small and juicy, resembling a tiny sun. Peel ...

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Taco riddles

Taco riddles

Question: What do you call a taco that can play music? Answer: A maraca-cado taco! Question: What kind of taco can fly? Answer: A queso-fueled taco-copter! Question: Why did the ...

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Cider riddles

Cider riddles

What is a cider’s favorite dance move? Answer: The apple shuffle! What did the apple say to the cider maker? Answer: Press me into greatness! What kind of cider is ...

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Meatball riddles

Meatball riddles

What’s round, savory, and loves to roll? (Answer: A meatball) What’s the Italian favorite that’s a ball of delight? (Answer: Meatball) What bounces in a pan and brings joy to ...

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Canard riddles

Canard riddles

What bird quacks while flying? A canard! What fowl is known for telling tall tales? The canard! What bird always seems to have its head in the clouds? The canard! ...

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Cream riddles

Cream riddles

Q: I’m smooth and white, yet not ice, not dream. What am I? A: Cream Q: I’m churned but not turned, spread but not bread. What am I? A: Cream ...

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Brittany riddles

Brittany riddles

Question: I am a mystical site where ancient stones stand tall, echoing tales of bygone eras. What am I?Answer: Carnac’s Megaliths Question: I am a shimmering jewel nestled amidst the ...

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Pub riddles

Pub riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks in the pub? Answer: A piano. Question: What runs around the pub but doesn’t move? Answer: A bar stool. Question: What gets ...

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Bourbon riddles

Bourbon riddles

What bourbon is always there to lend an ear? Answer: Listener’s Bourbon. Which bourbon is a mathematician’s favorite? Answer: Fraction’s Choice. What bourbon is known for its agility? Answer: Swift ...

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Orange riddles

Orange riddles

Q: I’m round and juicy, with a vibrant hue. What am I?A: An orange! Q: I’m the sun’s gift in a spherical form, a citrus delight to weather the storm. ...

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Dairy riddles

Dairy riddles

What dairy delight dons a crown? – A cheese king! What’s the dairy product that’s never shy? – Bold butter! What dances in a glass and comes from a cow? ...

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Amaretto riddles

Amaretto riddles

Question: What is as smooth as velvet, yet packs a punch like a hidden gem? Answer: Amaretto, the liquid gold of Italy. Question: What whispers of almonds and hints of ...

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Papaya riddles

Papaya riddles

What’s small, round, and orange on the inside, but green on the outside? (A papaya!) What tropical fruit is always ready for a party? (The papaya, it’s always ripe!) What’s ...

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Mint riddles

Mint riddles

Q: What is a mint’s favorite type of math?A: Multi-mint-ial equations! Q: What did the peppermint say to the spearmint?A: “You’re just not mint for me.” Q: What do you ...

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Olive riddles

Olive riddles

Question: I’m plump and green, yet some find me blackened. What am I? Answer: An olive. Question: I’m harvested in groves, pressed for my oil, and adored as an appetizer. ...

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Cereal riddles

Cereal riddles

What cereal is a detective’s favorite? Sherlock Flakes! Which cereal is a vampire’s top choice? Count Chocula’s Fangtastic Bites! What cereal do ghosts eat for breakfast? Boo Berry Crunch! Which ...

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Churro riddles

Churro riddles

Q: What do you call a churro’s favorite dance move?A: The twist and twirl! Q: What do churros use to unlock doors?A: A cinnamon key! Q: Why did the churro ...

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Samosa riddles

Samosa riddles

Q: I’m a crispy delight, a triangle so neat, Filled with potatoes and spices, I’m a savory treat. A: What am I? (Samosa) less Copy code Q: In golden hues, ...

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Fries riddles

Fries riddles

What do you call a potato’s secret agent?A: A Fry-spy! Why did the french fry go to therapy?A: It had too many issues with its potato self-esteem! What do you ...

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Pear riddles

Pear riddles

Question: What is a pear’s favorite game to play? Answer: Pear-shooting hoops! Question: What did the pear say to the apple during the race? Answer: “You’re just a fruit fly ...

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Heirloom riddles

Heirloom riddles

Question: I am passed down through generations, cherished and admired. Yet, I am never owned. What am I?Answer: A legacy. Question: I am old as time, yet always new. I ...

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Gumbo riddles

Gumbo riddles

Q: What do you call a gumbo that’s also a skilled musician?A: Jazzgumbo! php Copy code Q: Why did the okra break up with the roux?A: It felt too gumbo-tional. ...

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Sour riddles

Sour riddles

Question: What fruit is a sour sun-kissed delight, yet still manages to bring a smile? Answer: The radiant lemon! Question: What’s small, green, and packs a tangy punch, making mouths ...

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Bee riddles

Bee riddles

Question: What do you call a bee that can’t make up its mind? Answer: A maybee. Question: What do you get when you cross a bee with a doorbell? Answer: ...

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Korean riddles

Korean riddles

Question: What has a mouth but never speaks? Answer: ?? (Hangul) Question: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? Answer: ?? (Future) Question: What is full ...

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Citrus riddles

Citrus riddles

Q: What citrus fruit is always found in a prison? A: Lime behind bars. Q: What citrus fruit is a vampire’s favorite? A: Blood orange. Q: What citrus fruit can ...

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Cappuccino riddles

Cappuccino riddles

Question: What do you call a cappuccino that tells secrets?Answer: A frothy whisper. Question: What’s a cappuccino’s favorite movie genre?Answer: Steamy romance. Question: What does a cappuccino wear to a ...

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Twix riddles

Twix riddles

What do you call a magician’s favorite Twix bar? A caramel conjurer! Why did the Twix bar go to school? To become a crunchy scholar! What do you get when ...

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Maine riddles

Maine riddles

What’s the rocky crown that Maine wears with pride? (Answer: Acadia National Park) Which town in Maine boasts a name as sweet as its blueberry pies? (Answer: Blue Hill) What’s ...

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Wonton riddles

Wonton riddles

What’s a wonton’s favorite dance move? Answer: The noodle twist! What did the wonton say to the soup? Answer: “Swim with me and let’s make waves!” Why did the wonton ...

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Sugar riddles

Sugar riddles

Question: I’m the tiny granules that make your coffee sweet, what am I? Answer: Sugar Question: I’m the secret ingredient in your favorite cake, what am I? Answer: Sugar Question: ...

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Duck riddles

Duck riddles

Q: What do you call a duck that steals? A: A “quacktitioner.” Q: What do you call a duck that loves to dance? A: Disco duck. Q: Why did the ...

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Round riddles

Round riddles

I’m round and plump, yet I cannot bounce. What am I? Answer: A tomato. I’m round and shiny, with craters galore. What am I? Answer: The moon. I’m round and ...

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Jaime riddles

Jaime riddles

Q: I am elusive yet always present, a whisper in the wind, a flicker in the dark. Who am I?A: Jaime’s elusive shadow. Q: I am the mirror of truth, ...

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Pastry riddles

Pastry riddles

Question: What do you call a pastry that’s always happy? Answer: A joy puff! Question: What pastry is the favorite of mathematicians? Answer: Pi-stachio pie! Question: What pastry has a ...

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