- What has keys but can’t open doors? (A piano on the street)
- What is full of holes but still holds water? (A bucket with cracks, carried by the homeless)
- What gets wetter as it dries? (A towel used to shelter the homeless)
- What belongs to you but others use it more? (A cardboard sign of a homeless person)
- What has a neck but no head? (A bottle collecting spare change)
- What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? (The future of a homeless person)
- What has cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water? (A homeless person’s dreams)
- What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? (A homeless person’s imagination)
- What has many keys but can’t open any locks? (A keychain without a home)
- What is heavy forward but backward its not? (The burden of homelessness)
- What is harder to catch the faster you run? (The solution to homelessness)
- What can be broken without being held? (A promise to help the homeless)
- What has branches and leaves but no trunk? (A makeshift shelter of branches and tarp)
- What runs but never walks, murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps? (A homeless person’s journey)
- What is bought by the yard but worn by the foot? (A donated blanket for the homeless)
- What has a head, a tail, but no body? (A coin tossed into a homeless person’s cup)
- What has keys that open no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in? (A keyboard for a street musician)
- What comes down but never goes up? (The economic prospects of the homeless)
- What can be felt but never touched? (The warmth of a distant memory for the homeless)
- What can be seen once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? (A chance to escape homelessness)
- What has a bed but never sleeps and a mouth but never eats? (A homeless shelter)
- What is as light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold it for long? (The weight of homelessness)
- What has no door, yet thieves enter from it? (The streets where the homeless reside)
- What goes up but never comes down? (The age-old struggle of homelessness)
- What has roots as nobody sees, is taller than trees, up up it goes, and yet never grows? (A homeless person’s aspirations)
- What can fill a room but takes up no space? (The presence of homelessness in society)
- What is easy to get into but hard to get out of? (The cycle of homelessness)
- What has a face but no eyes, hands but no arms? (A clock ticking away the homeless person’s time)
- What travels around the world while staying in a corner? (A homeless person’s story)
- What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? (A chance for a homeless person to start anew)
- What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? (The future of a homeless individual)
- What is it that the more you take, the more you leave behind? (The footsteps of a homeless person)
- What has a heart that doesn’t beat? (The generosity towards the homeless)
- What is filled with holes but can hold a lot of water? (A homeless person’s patched-up umbrella)
- What begins with T, ends with T, and has T in it? (A teapot shared among the homeless)
- What has keys but can’t open locks? (A piano on the street, played by a homeless musician)
- What has a neck but no head? (A bottle collecting change for the homeless)
- What can be cracked, made, told, and played? (A joke shared by the homeless)
- What word is spelled incorrectly in every dictionary? (The word “homeless”)
- What gets bigger when more is taken away? (The struggles of homelessness)
Another Homeless riddles
- What has keys but can’t unlock doors? (A set of lost keys found by a homeless person)
- What is fragile enough to break if you say its name? (A homeless person’s sense of dignity)
- What has a tail and a head, but no body? (A coin tossed into a homeless person’s cup)
- What can be held in your hand but not for long? (A fleeting moment of warmth for a homeless person)
- What has eyes but can’t see? (A dark alley where homeless shelters are hidden)
- What has a bottom at the top? (A bottle filled with hopes and dreams of the homeless)
- What runs but never walks, murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps? (A homeless person’s journey)
- What has rivers without water, forests without trees, and cities without people? (A homeless person’s perception of the world)
- What is hard to catch the faster you run? (The solution to homelessness)
- What has a head, a tail, but no body? (A coin tossed into a homeless person’s hat)
- What has many keys but can’t open locks? (A piano on the street, played by a homeless musician)
- What starts with an “e” and ends with an “e”, but only contains one letter? (An envelope filled with wishes for the homeless)
- What is full of holes but can still hold water? (A bucket used to collect rainwater by a homeless person)
- What can be shared but not given away? (A homeless person’s experiences)
- What has a neck but no head? (A bottle collecting spare change for the homeless)
- What can be felt but never touched? (The warmth of a distant memory for the homeless)
- What can be seen once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? (A chance for a homeless person to start anew)
- What has branches and leaves but no trunk? (A makeshift shelter of branches and tarp)
- What gets wetter as it dries? (A towel used for shelter by the homeless)
- What has a bed but never sleeps? (A homeless shelter)
- What belongs to the homeless without being owned?
- What is always on the move yet never travels?
- What can be full of holes but still hold water for the homeless?
- What has keys but can’t open locks for the homeless?
- What is a shelter without walls for those without a home?
- What is a bed without sheets for the homeless to sleep?
- What follows you wherever you go but never catches up?
- What can be heavy yet invisible to the eye?
- What can you lose every day and still have some left?
- What’s a roof without a house, giving shade to the homeless?
- What’s a table without legs, serving meals to those in need?
- What has hands but cannot clap for the homeless?
- What is fragile enough to break even without touching?
- What can you hear but not see, comforting the homeless at night?
- What gets wetter as it dries, a source of warmth for the homeless?
- What can be cracked, made of sorrow and struggle for the homeless?
- What can be shared but never given back?
- What is always hungry, devouring time and memories?
- What has roots nobody sees, yet it keeps the homeless grounded?
- What is a mirror without reflection, showing the faces of the forgotten?
Getting over with Homeless riddles
- What can be carried on the back but cannot be held?
- What is a room without doors, welcoming the homeless?
- What has many stories but no walls?
- What can be full of dreams but devoid of a bed?
- What is an empty vessel that holds hope for the homeless?
- What has no address but is always sought after?
- What is a map without a destination, guiding the homeless?
- What is built without bricks, a refuge for the destitute?
- What has eyes but cannot see, shedding light for the homeless?
- What is a wallet without money, offering nothing but compassion?
- What is a clock without hands, marking the passing of time for the homeless?
- What can be opened every night without a key?
- What is a tree without leaves, offering shade to the weary?
- What is a song without lyrics, soothing the souls of the homeless?
- What can be found in the heart of the city but belongs to no one?
- What is a bridge without ends, connecting the homeless to hope?
- What is a book without pages, containing the stories of the streets?
- What is a pot without a lid, simmering with solidarity?
- What can be built without bricks, a home for the heartbroken?
- What is a puzzle without pieces, waiting to be solved?
Table of Contents