Q: What do you call two lesbians in a canoe? A: Row-mantic partners. Q: What did the lesbian vampire say to her girlfriend? A: “I’ll love you for all eterni-tee.” ...
What am I? I’m sought by many, adored by the masses, yet hidden in plain sight. Answer: Fame. What starts with a click, mesmerizes with its pixels, and garners millions ...
Question: What’s the daring feat when the light’s red and you cross the street?Answer: Jaywalking! Question: In urban ballet, I take my chance, defying rules with a sideways glance. What ...
Question: What kind of tree is always fair in its decisions?Answer: Just-ice tree. Question: What is the fairest place in the library?Answer: The reading circle. Question: What makes a baker ...
Question: I am a bridge that spans across cultures, languages, and traditions. What am I? Answer: A smile. less Copy code Question: I am the language of the heart, spoken ...
Question: What is the favorite dessert of a voting machine?Answer: Electoral icing. Question: What do you call a group of politicians voting on lunch?Answer: A caucus buffet. Question: What’s a ...
Q: What is it that comes when darkness falls, yet leaves when dawn calls? A: Curfew Q: I’m a decree of the night, when shadows grow tall. What am I? ...
What has keys but can’t open doors? (A piano on the street) What is full of holes but still holds water? (A bucket with cracks, carried by the homeless) What ...
What gets wetter as it dries, revealing a hidden prize? What has a hood but no engine, and can be trimmed or tamed? What’s prized for its delicate petals but ...
Q: What crime is a ghost’s favorite? A: Identity theft. Q: What do you call a criminal snowman? A: Frost felon. Q: Why did the detective bring a pencil to ...
Q: What’s as useless as a screen door on a submarine? A: Your brain when you’re trying to think. Q: What’s uglier than a troll with a bad haircut? A: ...