- What has a crown but cannot rule? A head of hair.
- What can be cracked, yet holds the mind intact? An eggshell.
- What is a puzzle without pieces, yet houses all mysteries? The human skull.
- What can be turned, twisted, yet never undone? A thought.
- What can be empty yet full of ideas? A mind.
- What can wear many hats but has no body? A mannequin’s head.
- What has no eyes, yet can see through walls? A camera.
- What can be hard as rock, yet soft as silk? A pillow.
- What can be measured in inches, but holds infinite thoughts? A tape measure.
- What can be brushed but never grows? Teeth.
- What can carry memories but never forgets? A brain.
- What can be filled with dreams, yet never sleeps? An imagination.
- What can wear a helmet, yet never ride a bike? A mannequin’s head.
- What can be cut, styled, but never feels pain? Hair.
- What can wear headphones, yet hears no sound? A mannequin’s head.
- What can be turned side to side, yet always stays in place? A neck.
- What can be a temple, a fortress, yet cradle vulnerability? A head.
- What can be bald, yet holds infinite wisdom? A sage.
- What can be a hive, buzzing with thoughts, yet keeps its secrets locked tight? A mind.
- What can wear a hat, yet never feels the cold? A mannequin’s head.
- What can be a tower of strength, yet crumbles under pressure? A neck.
- What can be a canvas for thoughts, yet paints no pictures? A mind.
- What can be a vessel for knowledge, yet never sails? A brain.
- What can be a drum for ideas, yet never beats? A head.
- What can be a beacon of light, yet harbors darkness? A skull.
- What can be a maze of thoughts, yet holds the key to understanding? A mind.
- What can be a fountain of ideas, yet never runs dry? A brain.
- What can be a fortress of dreams, yet never defends? A pillow.
- What can be a vault of memories, yet guards its secrets fiercely? A head.
- What can be a sculpture of expression, yet remains unmoved? A face.
- What can be a field of play, yet never competes? A mind.
- What can be a theater of dreams, yet never performs? A head.
- What can be a library of thoughts, yet never lends its books? A brain.
- What can be a conductor of ideas, yet never leads an orchestra? A mind.
- What can be a nest of worries, yet never flies away? A head.
- What can be a furnace of creativity, yet never burns out? A mind.
- What can be a well of emotions, yet never overflows? A head.
- What can be a harbor of hopes, yet never sets sail? A mind.
- What can be a tower of dreams, yet never reaches the sky? A head.
- What can be a reservoir of knowledge, yet never floods? A brain.
Another Head riddles
- What has a crown but can’t rule a kingdom?
- What can be turned from side to side but has no neck?
- What is always on top but never wears a hat?
- What can think without a brain?
- What is the part of you that’s always looking forward?
- What can be heavy, yet you never notice its weight?
- What can nod but cannot speak?
- What can be kissed but has no lips?
- What has a face but no expression?
- What can hold secrets without a lock?
- What is the house but has no walls?
- What can be scratched but feels no itch?
- What can be filled with thoughts but holds no liquid?
- What can wear glasses but can’t see?
- What can be bruised but feels no pain?
- What can be massaged but has no muscles?
- What can be covered but never gets cold?
- What can be combed but has no hair?
- What can be bumped but doesn’t move?
- What can be broken without cracking?
- What has a temple but isn’t a place of worship?
- What can be measured but has no length?
- What can wear a crown of hair but isn’t royalty?
- What can be turned left and right but has no steering wheel?
- What can be filled with dreams but never sleeps?
- What can be pierced but doesn’t bleed?
- What can be wrapped in thoughts but isn’t a gift?
- What can be a home to ideas but has no walls?
- What can be held high but isn’t a trophy?
- What can be washed but isn’t clothing?
- What can be a puzzle but has no pieces?
- What can be covered in makeup but isn’t a face?
- What can be a tower of thoughts but has no height?
- What can be a library but has no books?
- What can be spun but isn’t a toy?
- What can be a vessel of knowledge but isn’t a book?
- What can be a theater of imagination but has no stage?
- What can be a canvas of emotions but isn’t a painting?
- What can be cracked but isn’t an egg?
- What can be a fortress of memories but has no walls?
Getting over with Head riddles
- What can be a mountain of thoughts but has no peaks?
- What can be a compass of ideas but has no needle?
- What can be a gallery of images but has no frames?
- What can be a nest of dreams but has no birds?
- What can be a garden of memories but has no flowers?
- What can be a fortress of fears but has no walls?
- What can be a vault of secrets but has no lock?
- What can be a stage of emotions but has no actors?
- What can be a maze of thoughts but has no dead ends?
- What can be a reservoir of knowledge but has no water?
- What can be a chamber of echoes but has no sound?
- What can be a mirror of reflections but has no glass?
- What can be a sanctuary of solitude but has no doors?
- What can be a fountain of ideas but has no water?
- What can be a puzzle of mysteries but has no clues?
- What can be a harbor of ambitions but has no ships?
- What can be a forest of dreams but has no trees?
- What can be a labyrinth of questions but has no answers?
- What can be a sanctuary of silence but has no mute button?
- What can be a treasure trove of thoughts but has no gold?
Table of Contents