What has teeth but never bites, and glides swiftly in icy fights? (A hockey puck) What object dances on ice, chased by players precise? (The puck) What glides on ice ...
Frame riddles
Question: I am a window to the world, yet I have no glass. What am I? Answer: A picture frame. Question: I hold memories dear, yet I am never seen. ...
Jelly riddles
What wobbles without legs, and brings joy in its jiggly dance? Jelly! What’s a gelatinous delight that wiggles with delight but never speaks? Jelly! What quivers in anticipation, waiting to ...
Keyboard riddles
Question: What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A keyboard. Question: What travels around the world but stays in one corner of the keyboard? Answer: The spacebar. Question: What ...
Finger riddles
Question: I am slender and long, yet I cannot walk or run. What am I? Answer: A finger Question: I point to the sky but cannot reach it. What am ...
Coffin riddles
What has keys but can’t open locks? (A piano, when it’s in a coffin.) What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? (A stamp on a coffin.) ...
Calculator riddles
Question: What do you call a calculator that can dance? Answer: A rhythmatician. Question: Why did the calculator break up with the pencil? Answer: It couldn’t handle its sharpness. Question: ...
Red riddles
What is red, juicy, and the favorite fruit of vampires? I’m a fiery hue, a symbol of love, and often associated with roses. What am I? What gets brighter as ...
Paddleboard riddles
Question: What has a nose but cannot smell? Answer: A paddleboard! Question: What glides gracefully on liquid glass? Answer: A paddleboard in serene waters! Another Paddleboard riddles Question: What glides ...
Brush riddles
Question: I have a handle but no hands, bristles but no hair. What am I? Answer: A paintbrush. Question: I sweep without a broom, cleanse without soap. What am I? ...
Retro riddles
Question: I’m round and shiny, spinning with glee. Put a needle on me, and I’ll play your memories. What am I? Answer: A vinyl record. Question: I’m not a book, ...
Birdhouse riddles
Question: What has a door but no key, a roof but no walls, and welcomes birds of all kinds? Answer: A birdhouse! Question: What structure stands tall yet never grows, ...
Backpack riddles
What has keys but can’t open locks? (A backpack) What can travel the world but stays in one place? (A backpack) What carries your load without ever complaining? (A backpack) ...
Cue riddles
Question: I’m whispered before action, yet never spoken aloud. What am I? Answer: Cue Question: I’m a silent prompter on life’s grand stage. What role do I play? Answer: Cue ...
Macaroni riddles
Q: What did the macaroni say to the cheese?A: Stop being so cheesy! Q: Why did the fusilli invite the penne to the party?A: They heard he had great twists! ...
Butt riddles
Question: What gets bigger the more you sit on it? Answer: A chair cushion. Question: What has cheeks but never blushes? Answer: A pair of buttocks. Question: What is always ...
Dental riddles
Q: What do you call a dentist’s favorite animal? A: A molar bear. Q: What did the tooth say to the departing dentist? A: “Don’t leave me hanging, I’m feeling ...
Screenshot riddles
Q: I capture moments, freeze time, yet hold no memories. What am I?A: A screenshot. Q: I’m a digital echo of a moment passed, a snapshot of the present. What ...
Labradoodle riddles
Question: What do you call a Labradoodle’s favorite type of music?Answer: Bark and Roll! Question: What did the Labradoodle say to the vacuum cleaner?Answer: “You suck up all the fun!” ...
The riddles
What has keys but can’t open locks? I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. What am I? The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am ...
Stick riddles
What stands tall without any legs or feet? It’s long and slender, yet can be strong. What am I? I’m often found in a forest, but I’m not a tree. ...
Protractor riddles
Q: What tool can measure angles with grace, yet holds no power to show your face? A: A protractor. Q: What’s circular but not a wheel, and helps you measure ...
Peloton riddles
Question: What travels the peloton’s winding roads but never tires? Answer: The determined spirit of every cyclist. less Copy code Question: What is the peloton’s favorite type of math? Answer: ...
Bottle riddles
What has a neck but no head, holds liquids but isn’t a bed? I’m transparent, yet I hold secrets. What am I? What gets filled without being touched? I’m the ...
Attack riddles
Question: What has a mouth but cannot eat, moves swiftly, and strikes without a sound? Answer: A whisper. Question: I am always hungry, I must be fed. The finger I ...
Pencil riddles
Question: What has lead but never follows? Answer: A pencil! less Copy code Question: What can draw without hands? Answer: A mechanical pencil! Question: What writes without ink? Answer: A ...
Headware riddles
1. I’m not a hat, but I sit atop your head, shielding you from the sun’s bright red. What am I? 2. I’m not a crown, yet I boast a ...
Frozen riddles
Q: I am born in fire but thrive in ice, what am I? A: Frostfire. Q: What falls from the sky as light as a feather but can bring an ...
Crystal riddles
What is as clear as glass but not made of sand, often held in a ring but not on a hand? Sparkling and bright, yet not made of light. What ...
Mayonaise riddles
Q: What do you call a sneaky jar of mayonnaise? A: A mayonaise-ninja! Q: Why did the mayonnaise break up with the mustard? A: Because it couldn’t ketchup! Q: What ...
Horseshoe riddles
Q: I’m crafted in iron, a symbol of luck, but never worn by a foot. What am I?A: A horseshoe Q: I hang above doorways, warding off ill, though I’ve ...
Boat riddles
What has sails but doesn’t breathe? (Answer: A sailboat) What can go up a river but never comes back? (Answer: A rowboat) What travels the world but stays in one ...
Document riddles
I’m a keeper of secrets, yet I’m always transparent. What am I? (Answer: Document) I hold the wisdom of the ages, yet I weigh nothing. What am I? (Answer: Document) ...
Mullet riddles
Q: What hairstyle reigns supreme with flair, a paradoxical mane that dares? A: The mullet, bold and rare! Q: What do you call a hairstyle that’s business up front and ...
Container riddles
I am tall and slender, yet I hold treasures within. What am I? (Answer: A bottle) I have keys but cannot open locks. What am I? (Answer: A keyboard) I ...
Golden riddles
1. I’m sought by kings but owned by none, I’m precious, rare, and shine like the sun. What am I? 2. I’m not made of metal, but I’m precious and ...
Pony riddles
Question: What kind of pony can you ride, but never touch? Answer: A shadow pony. Question: What type of pony has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A piano pony. ...
Waffle riddles
Question: What do you call a waffle that tells jokes?Answer: A waffle-comedian! Question: Why did the waffle go to therapy?Answer: Because it had too many layers to work through! Question: ...
Yours riddles
I’m a vessel for knowledge, yet hold no bound. What am I? I’m a whisper in the winds of your mind, echoing with wisdom. Who am I? I’m a mirror ...
Robe riddles
Q: I am worn by wizards and kings alike, yet have no crown nor wand in sight. What am I? A: A robe. Q: I cloak the night’s secrets and ...
Hook riddles
Question: What always gets caught but never complains? Answer: A fish on a hook. Question: What is both a tool and a trickster in the sea? Answer: A fishing hook. ...
Lamp riddles
What has a filament but never complains about being burnt out? A light bulb! What can brighten a room with a mere touch? A lamp! What shines brightest when darkness ...
Canoe riddles
Q: What did the canoe say to the river? A: “Let’s paddle through life together.” Q: What did the canoe name its autobiography? A: “From Sapling to Sail: A Canoe’s ...
Horse riddles
Question: What is a horse’s favorite kind of music? Answer: Neigh-soul! Question: What do you call a horse that lives next door? Answer: A neigh-bor! Question: Why did the horse ...
Key riddles
What can open any door, yet has no lock? (A key) What turns but has no hinges, unlocks but has no keyhole? (A clock) What is a map without landmarks, ...
Diaper riddles
Q: What is always in fashion, yet never seen on the runway? A: A diaper! Q: What gets heavier as it gets lighter? A: A used diaper! Q: What do ...
Cup riddles
Question: What has a mouth but can’t speak, and holds liquid without a leak? Answer: A cup. Question: I can be empty or full, handle with care or I’ll spill. ...
Stuck riddles
Question: What gets harder to break the more you try to solve it? Answer: A riddle. Question: What has keys but can’t open any doors? Answer: A piano. Question: What ...
Twirl riddles
Question: What has a spiral staircase for a body and loves to twirl in the wind? Answer: A tornado. Question: What can spin on its axis endlessly but never gets ...
Ring riddles
What has a golden circle but no end or beginning? (A wedding ring) Round and round it goes, never stopping, what is it? (A spinning ring) What sits on your ...
Clock riddles
Question: What has hands but can’t clap? Answer: A clock. Question: I have keys but can’t open locks. What am I? Answer: A wind-up clock. Question: What has a face ...
Explosive riddles
What is a firework’s favorite type of humor? Answer: PUN-derful! What’s a dynamite’s favorite kind of music? Answer: BOOM-bastic tunes! What do you call an explosive dog? Answer: A bomb-barker! ...
Typical riddles
Q: What has keys but can’t open locks? A: A piano. Q: What gets wetter as it dries? A: A towel. Q: What has a head and a tail but ...
Router riddles
1. I connect you far and wide, without me, you’d have to confide. What am I? 2. I’m not a computer, but I connect them all. Guess who I am ...
Tuba riddles
Q: Why did the tuba go to the gym?A: It wanted to work on its brass muscles. Q: What’s a tuba’s favorite dessert?A: Bass-oon cake. Q: How did the tuba ...
Kazoo riddles
Question: I’m small and humble, yet I can make quite a buzz. What am I? Answer: A kazoo! Question: I’m not a bee, but I sure can hum. What instrument ...
Roof riddles
What has a peak but no mountain underneath? It shields from rain, sun, and snow, what am I? What structure stands tall yet never walks? I’m above you but not ...
Pan riddles
What can be cracked without breaking, filled without pouring, and yet still hold the weight of the world? (An egg in a frying pan) What gets hotter the more it’s ...
Vacuum riddles
Question: What kind of vacuum can clean up a room without ever being plugged in?Answer: A tornado! Question: What’s a vacuum’s favorite dance?Answer: The Suck-shuffle! Question: What did the vacuum ...
Dasani riddles
Q: I’m a liquid embrace, clear as the sky. What am I? A: Dasani, the pure aqua jewel in a bottle. less Copy code Q: I’m the thirst-quencher in a ...
Pancake riddles
Q: What kind of music do pancakes listen to? A: Syruphony. Q: What did the pancake say to the baseball player? A: “Batter up!” Q: Why was the pancake always ...
Flyer riddles
Question: I soar through the sky without a care, my feathers a marvel, beyond compare. What am I? Answer: A majestic eagle. Question: I’m tiny and quick, with iridescent hues, ...
Oven riddles
Question: I have a door but no hinges, a chamber but no bed. What am I? Answer: An oven. Question: I have a fiery heart but no flames, a crusty ...
Bolt riddles
Q: What kind of bolt can you always count on? A: A lightning bolt. Q: What bolt can hold a secret? A: A bolt of fabric. Q: What bolt can ...
Hammock riddles
What swings between earth and sky, cradling dreams as time flies by? (Answer: Hammock) What hangs like a cloud, inviting repose with every sway? (Answer: Hammock) What holds you aloft, ...
Spinning riddles
What spins faster as it gets smaller? I can spin but never get dizzy. What am I? What goes round and round the wood but never cuts it? I have ...
Cream riddles
Q: I’m smooth and white, yet not ice, not dream. What am I? A: Cream Q: I’m churned but not turned, spread but not bread. What am I? A: Cream ...
Picture riddles
What has keys but can’t open locks? (A piano) What can be cracked, made, told, and played? (A joke) What has a neck but no head? (A bottle) What has ...
Hands riddles
What has five fingers but isn’t alive? I have no bones, no muscles, no skin, but I can open and close. What am I? What can you hold without ever ...
Earring riddles
What dangles from a lobe but isn’t alive? It’s not alive, but it hangs from ears. What is it? Round and shiny, I dangle with grace. What am I? What ...
Ship riddles
What has keys but can’t open locks? A ship’s piano. What has a bow but doesn’t shoot arrows? A ship’s bow. What has sails but isn’t a kite? A ship. ...
Ink riddles
Question: I flow from pens, yet I’m not a river. What am I? Answer: Ink Question: I darken the page, yet bring stories to light. What am I? Answer: Ink ...
Shoulder riddles
Q: I’m a joint that aids in mobility, yet I have no limbs. What am I? A: The shoulder! Q: What body part can shrug off burdens and bear the ...
Football riddles
What runs around the field but never moves? The sideline! What has a net but cannot catch? A goal! What is a football player’s favorite type of dog? A receiver! ...
Orange riddles
Q: I’m round and juicy, with a vibrant hue. What am I?A: An orange! Q: I’m the sun’s gift in a spherical form, a citrus delight to weather the storm. ...
Line riddles
Question: What can be drawn but never erased?Answer: A line. Question: What divides without scissors?Answer: A line. Question: What’s always straight but never narrow?Answer: A line. Question: What connects two ...
Motor riddles
Question: I have keys but cannot open locks. I have a starter but cannot start. What am I? Answer: A car ignition. Question: I have teeth but don’t bite. I ...
Hoe riddles
What is a gardener’s favorite tool for storytelling? A tale-hoe! What do you call a farming implement that loves to gossip? A hoe-and-tell! What tool does a vegetable garden use ...
Example riddles
Question: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. What am I? Answer: An echo. Question: What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? Answer: A ...
Nutshell riddles
What is always in a nutshell, yet never stays the same? A secret whispered, a treasure untold, what am I? Round and small, yet holds vast wisdom. What is it? ...
Hard riddles
What begins soft but grows harder with time? What is as solid as a rock yet shatters with a single word? What is harder to catch the faster you run? ...
Fries riddles
What do you call a potato’s secret agent?A: A Fry-spy! Why did the french fry go to therapy?A: It had too many issues with its potato self-esteem! What do you ...
Heirloom riddles
Question: I am passed down through generations, cherished and admired. Yet, I am never owned. What am I?Answer: A legacy. Question: I am old as time, yet always new. I ...
Details riddles
What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A piano. What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? Answer: The future. What has a head and a ...
Chain riddles
Q: I bind together, yet can also restrain. What am I? A: A chain. Q: What can be long or short, but always strong, connecting one to another? A: A ...
Ikea riddles
1. Im a shelf without a back, where items stack, what am I? 2. Im a maze of rooms, where furniture blooms, what am I? 3. Im flat-packed and tight, ...
Mouse riddles
Question: What do you call a mouse that loves to read? Answer: A bookmouse! Question: What do you get when you cross a mouse with a bicycle? Answer: A squeaky-clean ...
Glass riddles
Question: I am delicate yet strong, transparent yet colorful. What am I? Answer: Stained glass Question: I’m a vessel for both water and wishes, but break me, and dreams may ...
Chihuly riddles
What glass marvels dance with light, in gardens day and night? In spheres of color, I’m spun with grace, who am I in Chihuly’s embrace? Not a plant, nor a ...
Ace riddles
Q: What card is always considered the highest in a deck? A: The ace. Q: What playing card is known as the “one-eyed jack”? A: The ace of spades. Q: ...
Hoover riddles
Q: What has a mouth but doesn’t speak, sucks up crumbs with ease, and dances across the floor? A: A hoover. Q: What whistles while it works, inhaling dust with ...
Twix riddles
What do you call a magician’s favorite Twix bar? A caramel conjurer! Why did the Twix bar go to school? To become a crunchy scholar! What do you get when ...
Crayon riddles
Q: What is a crayon’s favorite type of music? A: Colorful tunes! Q: What did the crayon say to the paper? A: Let’s stick together and make something beautiful! Q: ...
Round riddles
I’m round and plump, yet I cannot bounce. What am I? Answer: A tomato. I’m round and shiny, with craters galore. What am I? Answer: The moon. I’m round and ...
Pebble riddles
Q: I’m small and round, tossed by the sea. What am I? A: A pebble. Q: Though I’m solid, I’m often skipped. What am I? A: A pebble across a ...
Screwed riddles
What gets tighter when you screw it, yet holds everything together? (A screw) What’s the tool that tightens but can also loosen the grip of chaos? (A screwdriver) What has ...
Mum riddles
Question: What has a heart but never beats, speaks without words, and holds the universe in its embrace? Answer: Mum’s love. Question: What is the first light of dawn, the ...
Pinecone riddles
What whispers in the forest, a cone in hand, yet never speaks a word? Answer: A pinecone, the arboreal sage. What clings to the boughs like a jeweled embrace, a ...
Barrel riddles
Q: I’m round and hollow, yet hold treasures untold. What am I? A: A barrel. Q: I’m filled with spirits but never drink. What am I? A: A whiskey barrel. ...
Pit riddles
Q: What is a pit’s favorite game? A: Mind the Gap Q: What did the grape say when it fell into the pit? A: I’ve hit rock bottom! Q: What ...