Flight riddles

100+ Flight riddles


100+ Flight riddles

  • Question: What flies without wings, yet never lands?
    Answer: A rumor.
  • Question: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
    Answer: The future.
  • Question: What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
    Answer: A stamp.
  • Question: What has keys but can’t open locks?
    Answer: A piano.
  • Question: What has a head and a tail but no body?
    Answer: A coin.
  • Question: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
    Answer: The letter ‘m’.
  • Question: What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
    Answer: Your name.
  • Question: What has many eyes but can’t see?
    Answer: A potato.
  • Question: What can travel all around the world while staying in a corner?
    Answer: A stamp.
  • Question: What has a neck but no head?
    Answer: A bottle.
  • Question: What runs around the whole yard without moving?
    Answer: A fence.
  • Question: What begins with T, ends with T, and has T in it?
    Answer: A teapot.
  • Question: What has keys but can’t open locks?
    Answer: A keyboard.
  • Question: What has to be broken before you can use it?
    Answer: An egg.
  • Question: What has a head and a tail but no body?
    Answer: A coin.
  • Question: What can be cracked, made, told, and played?
    Answer: A joke.
  • Question: What has cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and rivers, but no water?
    Answer: A map.
  • Question: What has a thumb and four fingers, but is not a hand?
    Answer: A glove.
  • Question: What comes down but never goes up?
    Answer: Rain.
  • Question: What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you do?
    Answer: Your name.
  • Question: What has feathers but can’t fly?
    Answer: A pillow.
  • Question: What has wings but never takes flight?
    Answer: A building.
  • Question: What flies high in the sky but has no wings?
    Answer: A kite.
  • Question: What is it that flies without wings and cries without eyes?
    Answer: Clouds.
  • Question: What goes up but never comes down?
    Answer: Age.
  • Question: What travels the world while staying in one spot?
    Answer: A stamp.
  • Question: What can soar through the air without ever leaving the ground?
    Answer: A dream.
  • Question: What can be seen in the sky but is not alive?
    Answer: Stars.
  • Question: What can fly without wings and cry without eyes?
    Answer: A cloud.
  • Question: What flies without wings, floats without sails, and moves without legs?
    Answer: A balloon.
  • Question: What has wings but can’t fly?
    Answer: A birdhouse.
  • Question: What can fly without feathers?
    Answer: A paper airplane.
  • Question: What is always on the move but never travels?
    Answer: Time.
  • Question: What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
    Answer: A stamp.
  • Question: What can fly without wings and is not a bird?
    Answer: A plane.
  • Question: What can be broken without being held?
    Answer: A promise.
  • Question: What flies without wings and is not an insect?
    Answer: A bat.
  • Question: What can soar through the air with no wings, yet never leaves the ground?
    Answer: A thought.
  • Question: What can fly without feathers and has no wings?
    Answer: A thought.
  • Question: What can fly without wings and has a tail?
    Answer: Smoke.

Another Flight riddles

  • What flies without wings and can land anywhere?
  • What kind of bird can carry the most weight?
  • What travels around the world but stays in one corner?
  • What has keys but can’t open locks?
  • What can soar through the sky without ever leaving the ground?
  • What can you catch but never throw?
  • What can be heard but never seen, and only flies when it’s calm?
  • What gets wetter the more it dries?
  • What can fly without wings and cry without eyes?
  • What has feathers but can’t fly?
  • What has a tail and a head but no body?
  • What can be found in the sky in the morning but not at night?
  • What can travel at incredible speeds but has no engine?
  • What can rise without ever going up?
  • What can you see with your eyes closed?
  • What has no hands, yet it can clap?
  • What is it that no man ever yet did see, which never was, but always will be?
  • What has a neck but no head?
  • What has wings but can’t fly?
  • What goes up but never comes down?
  • What has feathers but no wings, and can travel thousands of miles?
  • What flies higher than a bird but has no wings?
  • What is it that can fill a room but takes up no space?
  • What flies without an engine and leaves a trail of white behind?
  • What can fly without ever flapping its wings?
  • What has the ability to fly without ever moving?
  • What is it that can glide through the air but has no feathers?
  • What can travel through the sky without ever touching it?
  • What flies in the sky but never lands?
  • What is it that can take you far without ever moving?
  • What can rise above the clouds without wings?
  • What flies faster than a cheetah but makes no sound?
  • What can soar through the air but doesn’t breathe?
  • What flies without wings and can carry messages?
  • What can fly without feathers and doesn’t need food?
  • What can float in the air but weighs nothing?
  • What can fly without ever leaving the ground?
  • What can travel across continents without moving an inch?
  • What can fly higher than an eagle but never rests?
  • What can fly through the night without fear?

Getting over with Flight riddles

  • What can fly without wings and tells you the time?
  • What travels through the air but doesn’t cast a shadow?
  • What can float like a feather but never falls?
  • What can fly through a storm without fear?
  • What can reach the clouds but never gets wet?
  • What can fly without ever needing to eat?
  • What can glide through the air but doesn’t have feathers?
  • What can fly without an engine and carries people?
  • What can fly without wings and carry dreams?
  • What can fly without feathers and is filled with gas?
  • What can travel across oceans but never gets wet?
  • What can fly without wings and guides the way?
  • What can soar through the air but doesn’t need to rest?
  • What can fly through the night without a single sound?
  • What can rise high above the trees but is not a bird?
  • What can fly without feathers and carries whispers?
  • What can float in the sky but is not a cloud?
  • What can fly through the air but is not a plane?
  • What can glide through the sky but never leaves a trace?
  • What can fly without wings and reaches the stars?

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