- What flies without wings, yet needs no plane? (Time)
- What runs but never tires, speaks but never breathes? (A river)
- What has keys but can’t open locks, and space but no room? (A keyboard)
- What can fill a room but takes up no space? (Light)
- What breaks but never falls, and speaks without a voice? (Dawn)
- What can be cracked, made, and told, yet never held? (A joke)
- What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? (A stamp)
- What begins with an ‘e’ and ends with an ‘e’, yet only contains one letter? (An envelope)
- What has a face but no eyes, hands but no fingers? (A clock)
- What can you catch but never throw? (A cold)
- What has a bed but never sleeps, and a mouth but never eats? (A river)
- What grows when it eats, but dies when it drinks? (A candle)
- What gets wetter as it dries? (A towel)
- What belongs to you, but others use it more than you do? (Your name)
- What has a neck but no head? (A bottle)
- What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? (The letter ‘m’)
- What can you hold without touching or using your hands? (A conversation)
- What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it? (Silence)
- What has keys but can’t open locks, and can click without a mouse? (A keyboard)
- What is full of holes but still holds water? (A sponge)
- What can be opened but never closed, and shines brightest in the dark? (A book)
- What can speak every language known to man, yet never utter a word? (A map)
- What can be seen once in a lifetime, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? (A shooting star)
- What has a heart that doesn’t beat, and can be made of glass or stone? (A statue)
- What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? (A stamp)
- What has branches but no leaves, and tells tales without a voice? (A library)
- What is full of holes but still holds water? (A sponge)
- What can be given but never received, and stolen but never taken? (A promise)
- What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? (The future)
- What has a face but never frowns, and hands but never claps? (A clock)
- What can bring back the dead, make you cry, make you laugh, and make you young? (A memory)
- What can fly without wings, and cry without eyes? (A cloud)
- What can be held but never touched, and seen but never heard? (An opinion)
- What can be broken without being touched, and fixed without being repaired? (A promise)
- What can be caught but never thrown, and falls but never lands? (A cold)
- What can be lost but never found, and once given can never be returned? (Time)
- What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? (The future)
- What can be made to speak, yet has no voice of its own? (A puppet)
- What can be seen through, yet cannot be touched? (A window)
- What can be opened but never closed, and always leads you home? (A book)
Another Explain riddles
- What has a head but never sleeps, and a bed but never dreams? (A flower)
- What can be seen through darkness, and brings clarity to the blind? (Knowledge)
- What can be whispered but never heard, and holds secrets untold? (The wind)
- What can be seen in the sky but never touched, and can forecast the future? (A constellation)
- What can be cracked but never eaten, and made but never constructed? (A joke)
- What can be given freely but cannot be bought, and grows stronger with time? (Friendship)
- What has keys but can’t open locks, and words but never speaks? (A keyboard)
- What can be climbed without steps, and hides treasures within its folds? (A tree)
- What can be filled with words but remains silent, and can hold the wisdom of ages? (A book)
- What can be drawn but never erased, and reflects the world around it? (A mirror)
- What can break without being held, and sings but has no voice? (A heart)
- What can be cracked without being broken, and found where rivers flow? (An egg)
- What can be seen through a lens but never grasped, and captures moments in time? (A camera)
- What can be given but never taken, and is a treasure beyond measure? (Kindness)
- What can be traveled but never moved, and contains worlds within its pages? (A map)
- What can be built without bricks, and grows stronger with each use? (Trust)
- What can be seen in darkness but not in light, and is always changing but never moves? (A star)
- What can be found in an instant but takes a lifetime to master, and is the key to understanding? (Wisdom)
- What can be searched for but never found, and can break even the strongest bonds? (Betrayal)
- What can be filled with thoughts but remains empty, and is a vessel for imagination? (A blank page)
- What can be woven but never spun, and connects us across the miles? (A web)
- What can be seen in the night sky but never touched, and guides lost travelers home? (A star)
- What can be shared but never divided, and brings warmth to the coldest hearts? (Love)
- What can be broken without touch, and runs deep but never flows? (A promise)
- What can be seen through but never touched, and mirrors the world around us? (A window)
- What can be given freely but never returned, and holds the power to heal? (Forgiveness)
- What can be found in the darkest night but never in the brightest day, and reveals truths hidden in shadows? (A dream)
- What can be filled with tears but never cries, and marks the passage of time? (A clock)
- What can be built without bricks, and protects secrets within its walls? (A fortress)
- What can be found in every corner of the world but is always overlooked, and has the power to change destinies? (Opportunity)
- What can be spoken but never heard, and carries echoes of the past? (A memory)
- What can be seen in the distance but never reached, and inspires journeys of the soul? (A horizon)
- What can be broken without touch, and echoes through empty halls? (A silence)
- What can be built without hands, and shelters dreams within its walls? (Imagination)
- What can be found in every heart but is rarely shared, and holds the key to empathy? (Compassion)
- What can be seen in the mirror but never touched, and holds the reflection of our true selves? (A reflection)
- What can be whispered in the wind but never heard, and dances through fields of gold? (A secret)
- What can be given without cost but is priceless, and brightens even the darkest days? (Hope)
- What can be built without tools, and carries the weight of the world on its shoulders? (Strength)
- What can be sought but never found, and lies within the heart of every mystery? (An answer)
Getting over with Explain riddles
- What can be heard without ears, and can bring joy or sorrow with its melody? (Music)
- What can be seen in every corner of the world but is often ignored, and holds the key to understanding? (Beauty)
- What can be broken without touch, and flows like a river through time? (A promise)
- What can be filled with words but never speaks, and holds the wisdom of ages? (A book)
- What can be traveled without moving, and transports the mind to distant lands? (Imagination)
- What can be given freely but is priceless, and can mend even the deepest wounds? (Forgiveness)
- What can be found in the darkest depths but never seen, and illuminates the path forward? (Hope)
- What can be climbed without steps, and towers above the world below? (A mountain)
- What can be broken without touch, and lingers like a ghost in the shadows? (A heart)
- What can be seen in every language but remains unspoken, and can bridge even the widest divides? (A smile)
- What can be opened without a key, and reveals the wonders of the universe? (A telescope)
- What can be heard without ears, and whispers secrets in the night? (The wind)
- What can be seen through but never touched, and holds the dreams of those who gaze upon it? (A window)
- What can be built without bricks, and shelters dreams within its walls? (Imagination)
- What can be traveled without moving, and holds the key to endless possibilities? (The mind)
- What can be given without cost but is invaluable, and can bring light to the darkest places? (Kindness)
- What can be seen in the distance but never reached, and guides lost souls home? (A lighthouse)
- What can be broken without touch, and echoes through the chambers of the heart? (A promise)
- What can be found in every heart but is rarely spoken, and binds us together in empathy? (Compassion)
- What can be whispered in the night but never heard, and carries the dreams of those who sleep? (A wish)
Table of Contents