- Question: What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it, you’ll die?
- Answer: Nothing.
- Question: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
- Answer: The letter “m”.
- Question: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?
- Answer: An echo.
- Question: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
- Answer: Footsteps.
- Question: What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
- Answer: Your name.
- Question: What can be swallowed but can also swallow you?
- Answer: Pride.
- Question: I am not alive, but I grow; I don’t have lungs, but I need air; I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?
- Answer: Fire.
- Question: What has keys but can’t open locks?
- Answer: A piano.
- Question: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
- Answer: Footsteps.
- Question: What is full of holes but still holds water?
- Answer: A sponge.
- Question: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
- Answer: The future.
- Question: What is as light as a feather, yet the strongest man can’t hold it for much longer than a minute?
- Answer: Breath.
- Question: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
- Answer: A penny.
- Question: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
- Answer: Footsteps.
- Question: What has a heart that doesn’t beat?
- Answer: An artichoke.
- Question: What is it that given one, you’ll have either two or none?
- Answer: A choice.
- Question: What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
- Answer: A stamp.
- Question: What is at the end of a rainbow?
- Answer: The letter “w.”
- Question: What gets wetter as it dries?
- Answer: A towel.
- What is both a weapon and a shield in the hands of the faithful?
- What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time, the beginning of every end, and the end of every place?
- What is the path that the righteous tread, but the wicked fear to follow?
- What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it, you’ll die?
- What is the key that opens the door to heaven’s gate?
- What is the invisible hand that guides the destiny of believers?
- What is the sweetest fruit of patience and the balm of the soul?
- What is the bridge between doubt and faith, despair and hope?
- What is the silent voice that echoes through the chambers of the heart?
- What is the treasure that thieves cannot steal, nor moths destroy?
- What is the echo of prayer in the halls of eternity?
- What is the light that pierces through the darkness of ignorance?
- What is the foundation upon which the temple of wisdom is built?
- What is the compass that points towards the true north of righteousness?
- What is the cloak that covers the sins of the repentant?
- What is the mirror that reflects the soul’s true image?
- What is the language spoken by angels and understood by the pure of heart?
- What is the bond that unites the threads of fate?
- What is the flame that burns eternal in the sanctuary of devotion?
- What is the whisper that stirs the leaves of the sacred tree?
Another Religious riddles
- What is the celestial compass that guides the pilgrim’s journey?
- What is the armor worn by the devout in the battlefield of faith?
- What is the river that flows through the garden of paradise?
- What is the melody that resonates in the halls of heaven?
- What is the veil that separates the mortal from the divine?
- What is the seed that blossoms into the tree of life?
- What is the flame that dances atop the altar of devotion?
- What is the echo that reverberates in the sanctuary of the soul?
- What is the pearl found in the depths of contemplation?
- What is the key that unlocks the gates of wisdom?
- What is the scroll upon which destiny is written?
- What is the scent that lingers in the garden of prayer?
- What is the lantern that illuminates the darkest paths?
- What is the ladder that ascends to the realms of the divine?
- What is the mirror that reflects the truth of existence?
- What is the echo of hope in the chambers of despair?
- What is the jewel adorning the crown of righteousness?
- What is the dew that quenches the thirst of the soul?
- What is the song sung by the angels in the celestial choir?
- What is the breath that animates the clay of creation?
- What is the vessel that carries the elixir of divine grace?
- What is the beacon that shines brightest in the sea of darkness?
- What is the scroll that holds the secrets of the universe?
- What is the staff that supports the weary traveler on the path of righteousness?
- What is the crown bestowed upon the faithful servants of the divine?
- What is the echo of faith that resonates in the temple of the heart?
- What is the fountain from which flows the waters of eternal life?
- What is the echo of prayer that reverberates in the heavens?
- What is the shadow that follows the righteous in their journey?
- What is the honey that sweetens the words of the wise?
- What is the ink that writes the destiny of humankind?
- What is the chalice that holds the wine of redemption?
- What is the cloak that shields the faithful from the arrows of doubt?
- What is the anchor that secures the soul in the stormy seas of life?
- What is the fire that burns eternal in the hearth of devotion?
- What is the gatekeeper of the celestial realm?
- What is the echo of love that fills the void of despair?
- What is the echo of truth that reverberates through eternity?
- What is the bridge that spans the chasm between mortal and divine?
- What is the seed from which blooms the garden of enlightenment?
Getting over with Religious riddles
- What is the flame that ignites the soul’s journey towards enlightenment?
- What is the whisper that echoes in the chambers of the faithful heart?
- What is the bridge that spans the gap between mortal and divine?
- What is the light that guides the lost back to the path of righteousness?
- What is the melody that uplifts the spirits of the downtrodden?
- What is the shield that protects against the arrows of temptation?
- What is the breeze that carries the prayers of the faithful to the heavens?
- What is the sword that cuts through the veil of ignorance?
- What is the seed that grows into the tree of wisdom?
- What is the echo of hope that resounds in the darkest of nights?
- What is the river that washes away the sins of the repentant?
- What is the compass that points towards the true north of salvation?
- What is the key that unlocks the gates of paradise?
- What is the crown that adorns the brow of the righteous?
- What is the nectar that quenches the thirst of the soul?
- What is the scroll that reveals the mysteries of existence?
- What is the echo of faith that reverberates through the ages?
- What is the ladder that ascends to the realm of the divine?
- What is the ember that burns eternal in the heart of devotion?
- What is the echo of love that fills the void of despair?
Table of Contents