- What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
- Answer: Your future. Just like Mahabir’s wisdom guiding your path.
- What is full of holes but still holds water?
- Answer: A sponge. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, full of wisdom yet permeable.
- What belongs to you but is used more by others?
- Answer: Your name. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, shared and revered by many.
- What has keys but can’t open locks?
- Answer: A piano. Just like Mahabir’s words unlocking minds.
- What travels around the world but stays in one corner?
- Answer: A stamp. Just like Mahabir’s message spreading globally but rooted in his teachings.
- What can be cracked, made, told, and played?
- Answer: A joke. Just like Mahabir’s wit and humor in his parables.
- What has a heart but no other organs?
- Answer: A deck of cards. Just like Mahabir’s compassion.
- What is light as a feather but even the world’s strongest cannot hold for long?
- Answer: Breath. Just like Mahabir’s fleeting words, powerful yet ephemeral.
- What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks?
- Answer: A river. Just like Mahabir’s constant flow of wisdom.
- What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
- Answer: The letter “M”. Just like Mahabir’s rare insights.
- What has roots that nobody sees, is taller than trees, up, up it goes, and yet never grows?
- Answer: A mountain. Just like Mahabir’s unwavering principles.
- What is it that’s always coming but never arrives?
- Answer: Tomorrow. Just like Mahabir’s promise of enlightenment, always on the horizon.
- What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?
- Answer: Silence. Just like the profound stillness in Mahabir’s presence.
- What is it that you can keep after giving it to someone else?
- Answer: Your word. Just like Mahabir’s trustworthiness.
- What is full of holes but can still hold a lot of wisdom?
- Answer: A sieve. Just like Mahabir’s teachings filtering out ignorance.
- What gets wet while drying?
- Answer: A towel. Just like Mahabir’s disciples, learning and evolving.
- What has a neck but no head?
- Answer: A bottle. Just like Mahabir’s vessel of enlightenment.
- What is it that has a beginning, middle, and end, but never moves?
- Answer: A story. Just like the tales of Mahabir’s wisdom, timeless and stationary.
- What is it that grows when it’s fed, but dies when it’s given water?
- Answer: Fire. Just like the passion ignited by Mahabir’s teachings, flourishing with knowledge but extinguished by doubt.
- What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
- Answer: A coin. Just like Mahabir’s insights, valuable on both sides, yet grounded.
- What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a hundred years?
- Answer: The letter “I”. Just like Mahabir’s focus on self-awareness and introspection.
- What has a ring but no finger?
- Answer: A phone. Just like Mahabir’s messages connecting people across distances.
- What is it that’s always in front of you but can’t be seen?
- Answer: The future. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, guiding towards enlightenment.
- What is it that you can keep after giving it away?
- Answer: A promise. Just like the trust Mahabir instills in his followers.
- What can be seen once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years?
- Answer: The present. Just like Mahabir’s emphasis on living in the moment.
- What has keys that open no locks, yet they unlock your mind?
- Answer: A keyboard. Just like Mahabir’s words typed into the minds of his followers.
- What has a heart that doesn’t beat?
- Answer: Art. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, resonating with emotion but not physicality.
- What can be caught but not thrown?
- Answer: A cold. Just like Mahabir’s wisdom, spreading effortlessly.
- What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
- Answer: A clock. Just like Mahabir’s guidance, keeping time with the universe.
- What is full of holes but can hold water?
- Answer: A cloud. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, vast and encompassing.
- What can be heard and caught but never seen?
- Answer: An echo. Just like Mahabir’s words reverberating through time.
- What is always hungry but never eats?
- Answer: Fire. Just like the hunger for knowledge ignited by Mahabir’s teachings.
- What is it that flies without wings?
- Answer: Time. Just like Mahabir’s enlightenment, transcending physical limitations.
- What has eyes but cannot see?
- Answer: A needle. Just like Mahabir’s discernment, seeing beyond the surface.
Another Mahabir riddles
- What is it that travels around the world while staying in the same place?
- Answer: A stamp. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, spreading far and wide while rooted in truth.
- What has keys but can’t open any locks?
- Answer: A piano. Just like Mahabir’s words, unlocking minds instead of physical barriers.
- What can fill a room but takes up no space?
- Answer: Light. Just like Mahabir’s enlightenment, illuminating even the darkest corners.
- What has a head, a tail, but no body?
- Answer: A coin. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, valuable from all angles yet intangible.
- What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?
- Answer: Silence. Just like Mahabir’s profound silence, shattered by the mere mention of his wisdom.
- What has keys but can’t open locks, and rooms but no doors?
- Answer: A keyboard. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, unlocking minds and exploring vast landscapes of thought.
- What has a neck but no head?
- Answer: A bottle. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, containing the elixir of enlightenment.
- What has a face but no eyes, hands but no arms?
- Answer: A clock. Just like Mahabir’s guidance, marking the passage of time with precision.
- What has a tongue but cannot taste?
- Answer: A shoe. Just like Mahabir’s words, walking the path of enlightenment.
- What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks?
- Answer: A river. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, flowing with wisdom but remaining serene.
- What has roots as nobody sees, is taller than trees, up it goes but never grows?
- Answer: A mountain. Just like Mahabir’s steadfastness, towering over obstacles but never changing.
- What can be opened but never closed?
- Answer: A book. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, opening minds to endless possibilities.
- What has a bed but never sleeps, a mouth but never eats?
- Answer: A river. Just like Mahabir’s wisdom, endlessly flowing without rest.
- What has wings but can’t fly?
- Answer: A plane. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, soaring above worldly concerns.
- What is it that can speak without a voice?
- Answer: The wind. Just like Mahabir’s whispers of enlightenment, heard by those who listen closely.
- What can be measured but has no length, width, or height?
- Answer: Time. Just like Mahabir’s enlightenment, transcending physical dimensions.
- What can you catch but never throw?
- Answer: A cold. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, easily caught but difficult to release.
- What is it that you can see in the mirror but cannot touch?
- Answer: Reflection. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, seen in the actions of his followers but untouched by material desires.
- What can travel all around the world while staying in one corner?
- Answer: A stamp. Just like Mahabir’s message, spreading globally while originating from a single source.
- What is it that has keys but can’t open locks, and rooms but no doors?
- Answer: A keyboard. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, unlocking the potential of minds without physical barriers.
- What has a face but no eyes, hands but no arms?
- Answer: A clock. Just like Mahabir’s guidance, marking the passage of time without interference.
- What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
- Answer: The future. Just like Mahabir’s vision, guiding his followers towards enlightenment.
- What has a heart but no other organs?
- Answer: A deck of cards. Just like Mahabir’s compassion, expressed through his teachings.
- What has wings but can’t fly?
- Answer: A plane. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, transcending worldly limitations.
- What can be cracked, made, told, and played?
- Answer: A joke. Just like Mahabir’s humor, breaking barriers and spreading joy.
- What is full of holes but can hold a lot of wisdom?
- Answer: A sieve. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, filtering out ignorance and retaining knowledge.
- What has roots as nobody sees, is taller than trees, up it goes but never grows?
- Answer: A mountain. Just like Mahabir’s enlightenment, towering over worldly concerns yet remaining unchanged.
- What has a neck but no head?
- Answer: A bottle. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, containing the elixir of spiritual knowledge.
- What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks?
- Answer: A river. Just like Mahabir’s wisdom, flowing with continuous enlightenment.
- What has keys that open no locks, and space but no room?
- Answer: A keyboard. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, unlocking minds and transcending physical boundaries.
- What is full of holes but still holds water?
- Answer: A sponge. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, absorbing knowledge while retaining its essence.
- What is it that travels around the world but always stays in one spot?
- Answer: A stamp. Just like Mahabir’s message, spreading far and wide while rooted in his teachings.
- What is it that gets wetter as it dries?
- Answer: A towel. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, becoming more profound as they are contemplated.
- What has a bed but never sleeps, and a mouth but never eats?
- Answer: A river. Just like Mahabir’s wisdom, ever-flowing and sustaining life without rest.
Getting over with Mahabir riddles
- What is it that has keys but can’t open locks, and melodies but no sound?
- Answer: A piano. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, unlocking minds and harmonizing thoughts without physical constraints.
- What has a heart but no pulse, and speaks without a voice?
- Answer: Love. Just like Mahabir’s compassion, felt deeply without the need for words.
- What is it that can travel the world while staying in the same place?
- Answer: A stamp. Just like Mahabir’s message, reaching all corners of the earth while originating from his wisdom.
- What can be heard without ears and seen without eyes?
- Answer: Thoughts. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, penetrating the mind and illuminating understanding.
- What is it that can be broken without being touched?
- Answer: A promise. Just like Mahabir’s trust, fragile yet enduring when kept.
- What has wings but can’t fly, and words but can’t speak?
- Answer: A book. Just like Mahabir’s writings, carrying knowledge and wisdom without physical movement.
- What is it that can be given freely but cannot be taken back?
- Answer: Time. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, once imparted, forever influencing those who receive it.
- What is it that has a face but no expression, and hands but no touch?
- Answer: A clock. Just like Mahabir’s guidance, marking the passage of time with impartiality.
- What is it that is always hungry, yet never eats?
- Answer: Fire. Just like the thirst for knowledge ignited by Mahabir’s teachings.
- What has a bed but never sleeps, and a mouth but never eats?
- Answer: A river. Just like Mahabir’s wisdom, flowing endlessly without rest.
- What is it that can be seen in the mind’s eye but not with the physical eye?
- Answer: Dreams. Just like Mahabir’s visions, inspiring followers to seek enlightenment.
- What can be caught but never thrown?
- Answer: A cold. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, easily grasped but challenging to let go.
- What is it that can be found once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
- Answer: The letter “M”. Just like Mahabir’s unique insights, rarely occurring but deeply profound.
- What has a face but no expression, and hands but no arms?
- Answer: A clock. Just like Mahabir’s timeless wisdom, impartial and ever-present.
- What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks?
- Answer: A river. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, constantly flowing with enlightenment.
- What is it that can be given to others but always returns to its giver?
- Answer: Kindness. Just like Mahabir’s teachings, spreading goodwill and returning to those who share it.
- What is it that can be seen in the dark but not in the light?
- Answer: Stars. Just like Mahabir’s wisdom, shining brightly in times of darkness.
Table of Contents