
Graffiti riddles

Graffiti riddles

Q: What runs without legs, leaves its mark without hands, and speaks without words? A: Graffiti Q: What hides in plain sight, yet whispers tales of rebellion? A: Street art ...

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Tax riddles

Tax riddles

Question: What’s the accountant’s favorite dessert? Answer: A “tax” return cake! Question: What do you call a room full of tax auditors? Answer: A “tax” haven! Question: Why did the ...

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Headline riddles

Headline riddles

Question: What’s always breaking but never needs fixing? Answer: A headline. Question: What flies without wings yet captures attention? Answer: A captivating headline. Question: What speaks without words yet tells ...

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Hate riddles

Hate riddles

Question: I am cold as ice, yet burns with fervent spite. What am I? Answer: Hatred. Question: What grows stronger the more it is fed, yet consumes the one who ...

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Peace riddles

Peace riddles

Question: What is a peaceful traveler’s favorite mode of transportation?Answer: Tranquility Train. Question: What is the quietest room in the world?Answer: Serenity Chamber. Question: What do you call a peaceful ...

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Comittee riddles

Comittee riddles

Question: What is a committee’s favorite way to make decisions? Answer: By reaching a con-sensus! Question: What’s the favorite snack of a committee member? Answer: De-bait and chips! Question: Why ...

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Quote riddles

Quote riddles

Question: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. What am I? Answer: An echo. Question: I can be cracked, made, told, and played. What am I? Answer: A ...

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Euro riddles

Euro riddles

Question: What has the power to bridge nations but fits in the palm of your hand? Answer: The Euro coin. Question: What currency can open doors to the treasures of ...

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Congress riddles

Congress riddles

Q: What is always being debated but never fully resolved in Congress? A: The national debt. Q: What has many members but never agrees unanimously? A: Congress. Q: What is ...

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Lesbian riddles

Lesbian riddles

Q: What do you call two lesbians in a canoe? A: Row-mantic partners. Q: What did the lesbian vampire say to her girlfriend? A: “I’ll love you for all eterni-tee.” ...

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Philanthropy riddles

Philanthropy riddles

Question: What is a treasure you can give without losing? Answer: Kindness. Question: What starts with a single act but can echo through eternity? Answer: Generosity. Question: What currency holds ...

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Consular riddles

Consular riddles

Question: What is the preferred currency in the realm of diplomatic negotiations? Answer: Trust, for it holds the highest value in consular exchanges. Question: What is the elusive code whispered ...

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Colonel riddles

Colonel riddles

Question: What did the colonel say to the disobedient soldier?Answer: “At ease, soldier, your insubordination is making me see red.” Question: What do you call a colonel who loves to ...

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Ghana riddles

Ghana riddles

Question: I am a river that flows through Ghana, yet I am not blue. What am I? Answer: The Volta River. Question: I’m a symbol of royalty, adorned with the ...

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England riddles

England riddles

What’s an Englishman’s favorite type of tea? Answer: Legal-Tea (Legality) What is the busiest street in England? Answer: High-Street (High Street) What did the English muffin say to the toaster? ...

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Ironic riddles

Ironic riddles

Q: What is always coming but never arrives? A: Tomorrow. Q: What gets wetter as it dries? A: A towel. Q: What can travel around the world while staying in ...

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Russia riddles

Russia riddles

Question: What is the colossus that spans two continents yet remains elusive to the grasp of time? Answer: The mighty city of Istanbul, a historical gateway between Europe and Asia, ...

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European riddles

European riddles

Question: I am a famous tower, standing tall and proud. People flock to see me, high above the crowd. What am I? Answer: The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. Question: ...

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Macbeth riddles

Macbeth riddles

What noble thane, consumed by greed, met his demise in Birnam Wood? Who, driven by ambition and a prophecy, was crowned king but paid the ultimate fee? Which character, urged ...

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Biderman riddles

Biderman riddles

Question: What can Biderman break without touching it? Answer: Silence. Question: What is always in front of Biderman but can never be seen? Answer: The future. Question: What belongs to ...

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Army riddles

Army riddles

What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? (Answer: The future) What has keys but can’t open locks? (Answer: A computer keyboard) What can fly without wings? ...

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Khan riddles

Khan riddles

Question: I am the sovereign of the steppe, commanding vast lands without peer. Who am I? Answer: The Khanate. Question: Born from the womb of the wild, my rule spans ...

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Canard riddles

Canard riddles

What bird quacks while flying? A canard! What fowl is known for telling tall tales? The canard! What bird always seems to have its head in the clouds? The canard! ...

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Gender riddles

Gender riddles

Question: What starts with “G,” ends with “E,” and has a thousand stories to tell? Answer: Genderqueer! Question: I am neither he nor she, yet I exist. What am I? ...

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Scam riddles

Scam riddles

What’s always in your pocket but never spends a dime? (Answer: A hole in your pocket) What promises fortune but delivers only deception? (Answer: A pyramid scheme) What’s invisible but ...

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Investor riddles

Investor riddles

Question: I start with an “I” and end with an “R”, I’m a process that brings wealth near. What am I? Answer: Investor Question: I’m not a bank, but I’m ...

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Union riddles

Union riddles

Question: What happens when two rivers embrace? Answer: They form a union, flowing as one. Question: What brings together the sun and the moon? Answer: The twilight union, where day ...

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Sriracha riddles

Sriracha riddles

What’s the spicy sauce that’s always a hit at parties? Sriracha! What do you call a dragon that loves hot sauce? A Srirachagon! What sauce is the favorite of chili ...

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Hypocrisy riddles

Hypocrisy riddles

Q: What is it that speaks of virtue but thrives in vice?A: Hypocrisy. Q: What pretends to be noble but harbors duplicity?A: The mask of hypocrisy. Q: What claims purity ...

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Government riddles

Government riddles

What has keys but can’t open locks, rules the land but wears no crown? I’m a paradoxical code, deciphered by voters. What am I? What runs without legs, governs without ...

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General riddles

General riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A piano. Question: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs? Answer: A penny. Question: What gets ...

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Lawyer riddles

Lawyer riddles

Q: What do you call a lawyer who doesn’t chase ambulances? A: Retired! Q: Why did the lawyer bring a ladder to court? A: To reach the high bar! Q: ...

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Nazi riddles

Nazi riddles

Question: I am the symbol of hatred, with a cross and twisted arms, what am I? Answer: A swastika. Question: What do you call a leader with a toothbrush mustache? ...

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Ohio riddles

Ohio riddles

Question: What Ohio city is always happy to see you? Answer: Cheer-io (Chillicothe) Question: What Ohio town can you spell using only the first letters of colors? Answer: GRay (Gray) ...

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Money riddles

Money riddles

Question: What kind of tree can you carry in your hand? Answer: A palm tree—money grows on it! Question: What has a head and a tail but no body? Answer: ...

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Capitalism riddles

Capitalism riddles

Q: What system thrives on competition and greed, yet claims to promote innovation and progress? A: Capitalism. Q: What force drives individuals to amass wealth, yet often leaves others destitute ...

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Security riddles

Security riddles

Question: I am a shield for your data, yet easily bypassed with a simple guess. What am I?Answer: Password Question: I am a gatekeeper of networks, filtering the good from ...

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Participation riddles

Participation riddles

Question: What starts with “p” and ends with “t” and is essential for teamwork? Answer: Participation Question: What is the key that unlocks the doors of collaboration? Answer: Involvement Question: ...

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Election riddles

Election riddles

Q: What political event is a puzzle in itself? A: An election. Q: What voting process sounds like a sneeze? A: Ballot-choo! Q: What do politicians use to keep their ...

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Prison riddles

Prison riddles

Q: What is the prisoner’s favorite punctuation mark?A: The sentence. Q: What kind of keys do ghosts use to escape prison?A: Scream keys. Q: What did the calculator say to ...

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Israel riddles

Israel riddles

Question: I am a symbol of resilience, standing tall against adversity. What am I? Answer: The mighty olive tree, rooted in the soils of Israel. Question: I am a city ...

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Elizabeth riddles

Elizabeth riddles

Q: I am a royal lady, fair and bright, but I don’t sit on a throne of might. Who am I?A: Elizabeth the First, my reign was renowned, ruling England ...

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Guillotine riddles

Guillotine riddles

What has a sharp tongue but never speaks? (Answer: The Guillotine) What stands tall, yet always falls with a swift descent? (Answer: The Guillotine) What slices through lies but reveals ...

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Jail riddles

Jail riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A piano in the prison’s music room. Question: What travels around the jail but never leaves its cell? Answer: The rumor ...

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Overall riddles

Overall riddles

Question: I have keys but no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter, but you can’t go outside. What am I? Answer: A keyboard. Question: I’m not ...

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Diversity riddles

Diversity riddles

Q: I’m a bridge between cultures, a linguistic dance. What am I? A: Bilingualism Q: I’m the symphony of identities, echoing through time. What am I? A: Heritage Q: I’m ...

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Free riddles

Free riddles

What is always yours but others can use it more than you? What flies without wings and beckons without sound? What is a treasure yet cannot be bought, sold, or ...

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Jew riddles

Jew riddles

Question: What belongs to you but others use it more? Answer: Your name. Question: What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? Answer: A stamp. Question: What ...

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Insult riddles

Insult riddles

Q: What’s sharper than a serpent’s tooth and cuts deeper than a blade? A: Your tongue, for it spits venom with every word. Q: What’s as empty as a broken ...

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Spy riddles

Spy riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks?Answer: A spy’s codebook. Question: What travels around the world while staying in a corner?Answer: Secret intelligence. Question: I speak without a mouth ...

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Marijuana riddles

Marijuana riddles

Question: What do you call a stoner who becomes a musician? Answer: A high note. Question: What did the joint say to the bong? Answer: “Pass me a hit, I’m ...

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Fair riddles

Fair riddles

Question: What kind of tree is always fair in its decisions?Answer: Just-ice tree. Question: What is the fairest place in the library?Answer: The reading circle. Question: What makes a baker ...

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Cambodia riddles

Cambodia riddles

Q: I am a majestic structure in Cambodia, adorned with intricate carvings and steeped in history. What am I? A: Angkor Wat less Copy code Q: I am a famous ...

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Zion riddles

Zion riddles

Question: I am a towering sentinel, yet I never sleep. What am I? Answer: The skyscraper. Question: I have keys but cannot open locks. What am I? Answer: The keyboard ...

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War riddles

War riddles

I am the shield of nations, the harbinger of dread, yet I wield no blade. What am I? (Answer: Fear) I travel unseen, leaving destruction in my wake. What am ...

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Maga riddles

Maga riddles

What is the maga creature that dances in the shadows, casting spells with every step? Which maga marvel can weave dreams with its silver threads, creating tapestries of fantasy? What ...

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Candid riddles

Candid riddles

Q: What speaks its mind without uttering a word?A: A candid mirror. Q: What is the honest accountant’s favorite tool?A: The candid calculator. Q: What always tells the truth but ...

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Hero riddles

Hero riddles

Question: Who is the hero that wears a cape, fights crime, and swings through the city skyline?Answer: The masked marvel, known as the Urban Avenger, alias Spider Phantom! Question: Whose ...

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Judge riddles

Judge riddles

Question: What has a face but cannot see, hands but cannot touch, and judges without speaking? Answer: A clock. Question: I can bring joy or cause sorrow, reveal truth or ...

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Divestment riddles

Divestment riddles

Question: I’m what you do to let go of carbon sins, Answer: Divestment, where the green journey begins. Question: What’s the financial remedy for a fossil fuel spree? Answer: Divestment, ...

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Tupac riddles

Tupac riddles

Question: I’m a legendary rapper, known for my poetic flow. Who am I? Answer: Tupac Shakur Question: In death, I’m still alive through my music’s echo. Who am I? Answer: ...

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Freedom riddles

Freedom riddles

Question: I am a key that unlocks every door, yet I can’t be held or seen. What am I? Answer: Freedom Question: What breaks without being held and flies without ...

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Inclusivity riddles

Inclusivity riddles

Question: I am a bridge that spans across cultures, languages, and traditions. What am I? Answer: A smile. less Copy code Question: I am the language of the heart, spoken ...

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Gandhi riddles

Gandhi riddles

Question: I am a symbol of perseverance and strength, embodying truth in every step. Who am I? Answer: The Salt March led by Gandhi. less Copy code Question: I am ...

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Cyber riddles

Cyber riddles

Q: What has a heart that doesn’t beat? A: A computer motherboard. Q: I can be cracked, made, told, and played. What am I? A: A password. Q: What never ...

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Voting riddles

Voting riddles

Question: What is the favorite dessert of a voting machine?Answer: Electoral icing. Question: What do you call a group of politicians voting on lunch?Answer: A caucus buffet. Question: What’s a ...

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Legal riddles

Legal riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A piano – it’s a testament to harmony, not trespass. Question: What travels around the world but stays in one corner? ...

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Alliance riddles

Alliance riddles

Q: What is the silent agreement between wind and sail?A: An alliance. Q: In unity we stand, in separation we fall, what am I?A: An alliance. Q: What do you ...

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Law riddles

Law riddles

Q: What do you call a document that’s always in trouble with the law?A: Criminally charged paper. less Copy code Q: Why did the legal pad go to therapy?A: It ...

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Curfew riddles

Curfew riddles

Q: What is it that comes when darkness falls, yet leaves when dawn calls? A: Curfew Q: I’m a decree of the night, when shadows grow tall. What am I? ...

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Bait riddles

Bait riddles

Question: What hooks you in with its charm, but can also be a reel turn-off? Answer: A fisherman’s bait! Question: What’s the slippery trickster that lures fish to dine, but ...

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Feminist riddles

Feminist riddles

Q: What breaks chains without lifting a finger? A: Feminist ideology. Q: What grows stronger with every glass ceiling shattered? A: The resolve of feminism. Q: What sparks a revolution ...

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Canadian riddles

Canadian riddles

Question: What is a Canadian’s favorite type of math? Answer: Polar coordinates. Question: What’s a Canadian’s preferred way to catch a fish? Answer: With a hockey stick! Question: What do ...

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Nietzsche riddles

Nietzsche riddles

Question: I am the abyss that gazes back into you. Who am I? Answer: Nietzsche’s concept of the abyss, staring into the depths of existential uncertainty. Question: What is the ...

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Heroin riddles

Heroin riddles

Question: I am a silent whisper in the veins, a clandestine dancer in the shadows. What am I? Answer: Heroin. Question: I am the mistress of dreams, the harbinger of ...

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Political riddles

Political riddles

Q: What political figure is always lost? A: The wandering policy. Q: What’s the politician’s favorite type of math? A: Algebra, because they love finding ‘X’ without definite answers. Q: ...

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Trump riddles

Trump riddles

Question: What’s the one thing Trump can never buy? Answer: Humility. Question: What did Trump say to the mirror? Answer: “You’re hired.” Question: What’s Trump’s favorite type of music? Answer: ...

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Cunt riddles

Cunt riddles

What gets wetter as it dries, revealing a hidden prize? What has a hood but no engine, and can be trimmed or tamed? What’s prized for its delicate petals but ...

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Prostitution riddles

Prostitution riddles

Q: What gets passed around more than a secret in a brothel? A: A counterfeit bill. Q: What’s the only job where getting screwed is part of the deal? A: ...

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Feminism riddles

Feminism riddles

Question: What word starts with “F” and represents the fight for gender equality? Answer: Feminism Question: What movement advocates for the empowerment of women in all aspects of society? Answer: ...

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Opinion riddles

Opinion riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A piano, because it unlocks emotions through music. Question: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? Answer: ...

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Queen riddles

Queen riddles

Question: What is a queen’s favorite kind of precipitation? Answer: Reign! Question: What is a queen’s favorite part of a meal? Answer: The royal feast! Question: What did the queen ...

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Economics riddles

Economics riddles

Question: What always goes up but never comes down? Answer: Inflation Question: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs? Answer: A bear market Question: What ...

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Criminal riddles

Criminal riddles

Q: What crime is a ghost’s favorite? A: Identity theft. Q: What do you call a criminal snowman? A: Frost felon. Q: Why did the detective bring a pencil to ...

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Police riddles

Police riddles

What has a badge, can catch a thief, and wears a uniform, yet is not a superhero? What runs without legs, inspects crime scenes, and solves mysteries? What starts with ...

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Rule riddles

Rule riddles

What is a monarch’s favorite punctuation mark?Answer: The ruler. What governs the kingdom of chess?Answer: The rulebook. What dictates the fate of numbers?Answer: The rule of mathematics. What commands the ...

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Donald riddles

Donald riddles

Q: What do you call a duck with impeccable manners? A: Donaldiquette. Q: What did Donald say to his reflection? A: “You quack me up.” Q: Why did Donald bring ...

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American riddles

American riddles

What has cities but no buildings, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water? (A map) What has keys but can’t open locks? (A piano) What has a head, ...

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Leadership riddles

Leadership riddles

Question: What is the key that unlocks the potential of a team? Answer: Collaboration Question: What is the bridge between a vision and its realization? Answer: Strategy Question: What is ...

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Lobbyist riddles

Lobbyist riddles

Question: What is the lobbyist’s favorite currency? Answer: Influence, for it buys power without the need for coin. Question: What is the lobbyist’s most prized possession? Answer: Secrets, for they ...

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Pappu Pun riddles

Question: Why did Pappu Pun bring a ladder to the bar? Answer: Because he heard the drinks were on the house! Question: Why did Pappu Pun wear a chef’s hat ...

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Gun riddles

Gun riddles

Question: What has a mouth but never speaks, a barrel but never leaks?Answer: A gun. Question: What can pierce the sky yet fits in the palm of your hand?Answer: A ...

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Offensive riddles

Offensive riddles

Q: What’s as useless as a screen door on a submarine? A: Your brain when you’re trying to think. Q: What’s uglier than a troll with a bad haircut? A: ...

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Lannister riddles

Lannister riddles

Question: What is the Lannister’s favorite type of music? Answer: A lion’s roarchestra. Question: What do you call a Lannister who loves to gamble? Answer: A high-stakes lion. Question: What’s ...

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Egypt riddles

Egypt riddles

1. I am a symbol of life, with a body like a lion and a head like a man. Who am I? (Answer: Sphinx) 2. I am a river that ...

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Putin riddles

Putin riddles

Q: I am the master of the Kremlin, yet my power extends far beyond. Who am I? A: Putin Q: In the realm of politics, I am both revered and ...

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Hi riddles

Hi riddles

Question: What word starts with “hi” and ends with a cheer? Answer: Highfive Question: What’s a greeting that’s also a synonym for large? Answer: Hugantic Question: What do you say ...

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Republican riddles

Republican riddles

Question: What’s the preferred method of communication among conservative felines? Answer: Repurrtlican! Question: What do you call a GOP member’s favorite mode of transportation? Answer: The Right Wing! Question: What’s ...

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News riddles

News riddles

Question: What’s always in the news but never reads or watches it? Answer: Social media Question: What has hands but cannot applaud recent events? Answer: A clock Question: What’s the ...

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Kennedy riddles

Kennedy riddles

Question: I am the brother of a President, yet never held the office. Who am I? Answer: Robert Kennedy. Question: I am a speech that echoed through time with the ...

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