Business & Economics

Tax riddles

Tax riddles

Question: What’s the accountant’s favorite dessert? Answer: A “tax” return cake! Question: What do you call a room full of tax auditors? Answer: A “tax” haven! Question: Why did the ...

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Headline riddles

Headline riddles

Question: What’s always breaking but never needs fixing? Answer: A headline. Question: What flies without wings yet captures attention? Answer: A captivating headline. Question: What speaks without words yet tells ...

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Keyboard riddles

Keyboard riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A keyboard. Question: What travels around the world but stays in one corner of the keyboard? Answer: The spacebar. Question: What ...

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Calculator riddles

Calculator riddles

Question: What do you call a calculator that can dance? Answer: A rhythmatician. Question: Why did the calculator break up with the pencil? Answer: It couldn’t handle its sharpness. Question: ...

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Comittee riddles

Comittee riddles

Question: What is a committee’s favorite way to make decisions? Answer: By reaching a con-sensus! Question: What’s the favorite snack of a committee member? Answer: De-bait and chips! Question: Why ...

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Review riddles

Review riddles

Question: What’s always the first step in a review? Answer: Opening the gate to knowledge. Question: What do reviewers use to explore the depths of understanding? Answer: Their curiosity compass. ...

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Bottle riddles

Bottle riddles

What has a neck but no head, holds liquids but isn’t a bed? I’m transparent, yet I hold secrets. What am I? What gets filled without being touched? I’m the ...

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Euro riddles

Euro riddles

Question: What has the power to bridge nations but fits in the palm of your hand? Answer: The Euro coin. Question: What currency can open doors to the treasures of ...

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Philanthropy riddles

Philanthropy riddles

Question: What is a treasure you can give without losing? Answer: Kindness. Question: What starts with a single act but can echo through eternity? Answer: Generosity. Question: What currency holds ...

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Container riddles

Container riddles

I am tall and slender, yet I hold treasures within. What am I? (Answer: A bottle) I have keys but cannot open locks. What am I? (Answer: A keyboard) I ...

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Google riddles

Google riddles

What’s a virtual vault, a digital lair, where bytes are guarded with the utmost care? What’s the genie of the web, granting wishes with each click, but demands no lamp ...

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Sustainable riddles

Sustainable riddles

Q: I am tall and strong, yet I bend with ease. What am I? A: A bamboo stalk. Q: I am old and wise, yet I provide life anew. What ...

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Bourbon riddles

Bourbon riddles

What bourbon is always there to lend an ear? Answer: Listener’s Bourbon. Which bourbon is a mathematician’s favorite? Answer: Fraction’s Choice. What bourbon is known for its agility? Answer: Swift ...

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Microsoft riddles

Microsoft riddles

Q: What is Microsoft’s favorite kind of weather? A: Cloudy, with a chance of Azure. Q: What did the Windows computer say to the printer? A: “You’re tonerific!” Q: Why ...

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Copyright riddles

Copyright riddles

Q: What is the author’s silent ally, guarding their creations with invisible armor? A: Copyright. Q: What legal concept ensures that your ideas are shielded from the claws of plagiarism? ...

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Cereal riddles

Cereal riddles

What cereal is a detective’s favorite? Sherlock Flakes! Which cereal is a vampire’s top choice? Count Chocula’s Fangtastic Bites! What cereal do ghosts eat for breakfast? Boo Berry Crunch! Which ...

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Quality riddles

Quality riddles

What is the invisible artisan that, once embraced, transforms the mundane into excellence? I’m a measure of brilliance, a whisper in craftsmanship’s ear. What am I? Which five letters hold ...

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Van riddles

Van riddles

Question: What runs but never walks, murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps? Answer: A van! Question: What travels the streets with a silent grace, carrying treasures ...

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Data riddles

Data riddles

Question: What gets sharper the more you use it, but never cuts anything? Answer: A database index. Question: What travels around the world but stays in one corner? Answer: Data ...

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Ikea riddles

Ikea riddles

1. I’m a shelf without a back, where items stack, what am I? 2. I’m a maze of rooms, where furniture blooms, what am I? 3. I’m flat-packed and tight, ...

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Coaching riddles

Coaching riddles

Question: What is the key that unlocks a client’s potential? Answer: Empowering questions. Question: What is the bridge between where a client is and where they want to be? Answer: ...

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Twix riddles

Twix riddles

What do you call a magician’s favorite Twix bar? A caramel conjurer! Why did the Twix bar go to school? To become a crunchy scholar! What do you get when ...

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Scam riddles

Scam riddles

What’s always in your pocket but never spends a dime? (Answer: A hole in your pocket) What promises fortune but delivers only deception? (Answer: A pyramid scheme) What’s invisible but ...

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Teamwork riddles

Teamwork riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A piano – it requires teamwork to play beautiful music. Question: What grows bigger the more you share it? Answer: Knowledge ...

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Investor riddles

Investor riddles

Question: I start with an “I” and end with an “R”, I’m a process that brings wealth near. What am I? Answer: Investor Question: I’m not a bank, but I’m ...

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Kickoff riddles

Kickoff riddles

Question: What starts every game but never finishes? Answer: The kickoff! Question: What launches the battle of wits on the field? Answer: The kickoff! Question: What’s the spark that ignites ...

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Elevator riddles

Elevator riddles

Q: I move up without taking a step, bringing you to heights you can’t prep. What am I? A: An elevator. Q: I’m a vertical transporter, no need for stairs. ...

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Draft riddles

Draft riddles

I can cool you down on a hot summer day, yet I’m not water. What am I? Answer: A draft. What sweeps through the room but cannot be seen? Answer: ...

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App riddles

App riddles

1. I’m a digital pocket for your thoughts, a place where words are bought. What am I? 2. I’m a box of knowledge, a pocket guide, but I don’t need ...

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Bank riddles

Bank riddles

Question: What bank never carries money?Answer: A riverbank! Question: What kind of bank never needs to restock its ATMs?Answer: A piggy bank! Question: What bank can you always count on?Answer: ...

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Electronics riddles

Electronics riddles

Q: I am the conductor of the digital symphony, the brain of computers. What am I? A: Microprocessor Q: I’m a gatekeeper of information, flipping between 0s and 1s. What ...

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Lift riddles

Lift riddles

Question: What always goes up and down but never moves? Answer: A lift. Question: What has buttons but can’t be sewn? Answer: An elevator. Question: What carries people without legs? ...

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Hardware riddles

Hardware riddles

I’m the brain of the computer, yet I’m not alive. What am I? (Answer: CPU) I have keys but can’t open locks. What am I? (Answer: Keyboard) I’m a box ...

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Store riddles

Store riddles

Question: I’m tall when I’m young and short when I’m old. What am I? Answer: A candle in a store. Question: What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A ...

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Expansion riddles

Expansion riddles

Question: What starts small but grows infinitely, reaching into the vastness of space and time? Answer: A seed. Question: What expands with each breath, filling the voids between moments, yet ...

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Brick riddles

Brick riddles

Question: What gets stronger when you build with it, yet weaker when you break it? Answer: A brick. Question: What is hard as a rock, yet can shatter like glass? ...

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Airport riddles

Airport riddles

What can fly without wings and has gates but no fences? (Answer: An airplane) What is always on time but never stays in one place? (Answer: A clock in the ...

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Corporate riddles

Corporate riddles

Question: I am the heart of every business, yet I cannot be touched. What am I?Answer: Trust. Question: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?Answer: The ...

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Database riddles

Database riddles

Question: What database term is a synonym for a digital storehouse of information and also shares its name with a large gathering of people? Answer: Crowdsource Question: What do you ...

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Entrepreneur riddles

Entrepreneur riddles

Question: What starts with a pitch and ends with a deal? Answer: An entrepreneur’s journey. Question: What’s the entrepreneur’s favorite game? Answer: Riskopoly. Question: What’s the entrepreneur’s preferred accessory? Answer: ...

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Compete riddles

Compete riddles

Question: I am a game where players vie for control, with pawns, knights, and a queen. What am I?Answer: Chess Question: What sport requires players to knock down pins with ...

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Newspaper riddles

Newspaper riddles

What is black and white and read all over? (A newspaper) What spreads the news without speaking a word? (Print) What’s full of stories but can’t talk? (Newspaper) What gets ...

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Money riddles

Money riddles

Question: What kind of tree can you carry in your hand? Answer: A palm tree—money grows on it! Question: What has a head and a tail but no body? Answer: ...

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Agile riddles

Agile riddles

Question: I am the cornerstone of agile, breaking work into manageable chunks. What am I? Answer: User Story Question: I help teams visualize their work and progress, standing tall with ...

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Capitalism riddles

Capitalism riddles

Q: What system thrives on competition and greed, yet claims to promote innovation and progress? A: Capitalism. Q: What force drives individuals to amass wealth, yet often leaves others destitute ...

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Security riddles

Security riddles

Question: I am a shield for your data, yet easily bypassed with a simple guess. What am I?Answer: Password Question: I am a gatekeeper of networks, filtering the good from ...

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Participation riddles

Participation riddles

Question: What starts with “p” and ends with “t” and is essential for teamwork? Answer: Participation Question: What is the key that unlocks the doors of collaboration? Answer: Involvement Question: ...

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Hr riddles

Hr riddles

Question: What always goes up but never comes down in the world of HR?Answer: Employee engagement! Question: What is the favorite tool of HR professionals for time management?Answer: The chronometer! ...

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Tequila riddles

Tequila riddles

Q: I’m derived from the heart of agave, aged to perfection in oak embrace. What am I? A: Tequila, the golden elixir of the sun-soaked fields. Q: Born in blue, ...

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Hotel riddles

Hotel riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A hotel reception desk. Question: What has many rooms but no walls? Answer: A hotel on a beach. Question: What is ...

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Cheeto riddles

Cheeto riddles

Q: What do you call a Cheeto with a black belt? A: Karate Crunch! Q: What did the Cheeto say to the popcorn? A: Let’s stick together! Q: Why did ...

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Starbucks riddles

Starbucks riddles

Q: What do you call a cup of coffee that’s always running late? A: An espresso tardy. Q: What did the barista say to the coffee bean who couldn’t stop ...

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Business riddles

Business riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks?Answer: A spreadsheet. Question: What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?Answer: A stamp. Question: What has a neck but ...

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Flip riddles

Flip riddles

Question: What can go up a chimney down but can’t go down a chimney up? Answer: An umbrella. Question: What has a face but can’t smile? Answer: A clock. Question: ...

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Formal riddles

Formal riddles

1. I stand tall in pinstripes, a symbol of power and might, yet I’m silent in the face of your words. What am I? 2. I’m the nobleman of punctuation, ...

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Cpa riddles

Cpa riddles

Question: What profession balances the books with finesse, ensuring every penny finds its place? Answer: CPA Question: What financial wizard holds the keys to unlocking the mysteries of tax codes ...

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Juul riddles

Juul riddles

What’s a whisper that dances on lips, yet leaves a cloud in its wake? (Answer: Juul) What’s a pocket-sized genie that grants a fleeting escape? (Answer: Juul) What’s a modern-day ...

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Pharmacy riddles

Pharmacy riddles

Question: What has a hundred eyes but cannot see?Answer: A pharmacy barcode scanner. Question: What gets shorter when you add two letters to it?Answer: Rx (Prescription). Question: What travels around ...

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Percent riddles

Percent riddles

Question: What percent of the alphabet is in the word “percent”? Answer: 44% (7 out of 16 letters) Question: If a pie chart represents 360 degrees, what percent does each ...

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Ladder riddles

Ladder riddles

Question: What can carry you up high without wings or strings? Answer: A ladder! Question: What stands tall but never grows? Answer: A ladder! Question: What helps you reach new ...

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Mcdonalds riddles

Mcdonalds riddles

Question: What’s crisp, golden, and always in a rush? Answer: A French fry on its way to catch the next McDrive-thru. Question: What do you call a burger that tells ...

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Intern riddles

Intern riddles

Question: What’s an intern’s favorite punctuation mark? Answer: The “semicolon”, because it’s always eager to learn and connect! Question: What do interns use to fix computer bugs? Answer: Their “debugging” ...

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Cmyk riddles

Cmyk riddles

Q: What color is both bold and serene, made by combining cyan and magenta? A: Purple Q: I’m the primary color that signifies excitement and warmth, what am I? A: ...

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Diy riddles

Diy riddles

What has keys but can’t open locks, turns screws without a twist, and is your go-to when a DIY fix is on the list? What transforms chaos into order, takes ...

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Corp riddles

Corp riddles

Question: I am the bridge between ambition and reality, the currency of dreams. What am I? Answer: Opportunity Question: I am where deals are sealed and fortunes are made, yet ...

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Accounting riddles

Accounting riddles

Why was the accountant always cool under pressure? Because they had a high tolerance for assets! What do you call an accountant who loves to travel? A nomadic net income ...

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Restaurant riddles

Restaurant riddles

Question: What kind of restaurant only serves left-handed people? Answer: A southpaw café. Question: What restaurant is always busy but never serves food? Answer: The Waiting Room Diner. Question: What ...

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Costco riddles

Costco riddles

Q: I’m a warehouse of goods, a shopper’s delight, where aisles are vast and prices are right. What am I? A: Costco less Copy code Q: I’m a place where ...

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Chip riddles

Chip riddles

Question: I’m small yet mighty, a silicon heart’s beat, what am I? Answer: A microchip. Question: I’m a binary whisperer, decoding the digital tapestry. What do you call me? Answer: ...

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T-account riddles

T-account riddles

Question: I’m always on the left, never on the right. What am I? Answer: Debit Question: I’m the counterpart of debit, balancing the scales. What am I? Answer: Credit Question: ...

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Marketing riddles

Marketing riddles

Q: What kind of marketing strategy is always on the move? A: Mobile marketing! Q: What marketing tactic is like a good book? A: Storytelling marketing! Q: What’s the marketer’s ...

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Email riddles

Email riddles

Q: What email can never be sent? A: A stamp. Q: What did one email say to the other in a fight? A: “You’ve got too much attachment!” Q: Why ...

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Appliance riddles

Appliance riddles

1. I spin without moving, and my job is to clean. What am I? A washing machine. css Copy code 2. I’m cold as ice but can make things hot ...

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Shoes riddles

Shoes riddles

What has a sole but no soul? Which shoe is always ready to dance? What type of shoe is best at math? What shoe can you never wear out? What ...

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Deli riddles

Deli riddles

Question: What deli delight loves to wrap itself in a cozy blanket? Answer: A snug salami! Question: What kind of cheese is made backward? Answer: Edam (Made spelled backwards)! Question: ...

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Chair riddles

Chair riddles

What sits without a body, yet supports the weary? Answer: A chair. What whispers in silence, a throne without speech? Answer: A vacant chair. What has legs but can’t walk, ...

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Divestment riddles

Divestment riddles

Question: I’m what you do to let go of carbon sins, Answer: Divestment, where the green journey begins. Question: What’s the financial remedy for a fossil fuel spree? Answer: Divestment, ...

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Hvac riddles

Hvac riddles

Q: I am silent but mighty, circulating unseen. What am I?A: The humble air duct. Q: I’m measured in BTUs but never lose my cool. What am I?A: An air ...

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Typography riddles

Typography riddles

Question: I am tall and slender, yet I hold the weight of words. What am I?Answer: The letter “I” (in lowercase). Question: I have a head, a foot, but no ...

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Blockchain riddles

Blockchain riddles

What am I that records every transaction, unchanging and secure, in a decentralized fashion? I’m a chain of blocks, not made of metal or wood, but of cryptographic links. What ...

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Cyber riddles

Cyber riddles

Q: What has a heart that doesn’t beat? A: A computer motherboard. Q: I can be cracked, made, told, and played. What am I? A: A password. Q: What never ...

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Logistics riddles

Logistics riddles

Question: What travels the world but stays in one corner? Answer: A stamp on a package. Question: What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A keyboard in a warehouse. ...

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Bitcoin riddles

Bitcoin riddles

Question: What gets stronger with every block added, yet remains intangible? Answer: Bitcoin’s security. Question: What travels the world without ever leaving the blockchain? Answer: A Bitcoin transaction. Question: What ...

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Boss riddles

Boss riddles

Question: What kind of boss is always on time? Answer: A clock-in boss. Question: What kind of boss never gets lost? Answer: A GPS boss. Question: What kind of boss ...

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Graphic riddles

Graphic riddles

1. I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water. What am I? (A map) 2. I’m a colorful arc in the sky, after ...

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Interview riddles

Interview riddles

Question: I have keys but no locks, and I enter but never leave. What am I?Answer: A keyboard during a virtual interview. Question: What starts with “e” and ends with ...

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Design riddles

Design riddles

Q: I’m a canvas without paint, a stage without actors. What am I? A: A blank webpage. Q: I’m a bridge between chaos and clarity, chaos and clarity. What am ...

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Invitation riddles

Invitation riddles

What is sent but never received? Answer: An invitation. What opens doors to joyous occasions? Answer: A party invitation. What is welcomed with eagerness but cannot enter? Answer: An RSVP ...

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Shopping riddles

Shopping riddles

Question: What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A shopping cart! Question: What can be cracked, made, told, and sold, but never bought? Answer: A joke in the shopping ...

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Alliance riddles

Alliance riddles

Q: What is the silent agreement between wind and sail?A: An alliance. Q: In unity we stand, in separation we fall, what am I?A: An alliance. Q: What do you ...

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Lottery riddles

Lottery riddles

What lottery number never goes to school? Why did the lottery player bring a ladder? What’s a lottery’s favorite plant? What did the skeptical mathematician say about the lottery? Why ...

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Power riddles

Power riddles

Riddle: I am a silent force, yet I can move mountains. What am I? Answer: Gravity. Riddle: I crackle and surge, lighting up the night. What am I? Answer: Electricity. ...

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Accountant riddles

Accountant riddles

Question: What did the accountant say to the missing pencil?Answer: “You can’t run, but you can hide your point!” Question: Why did the accountant bring a ladder to work?Answer: Because ...

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Carpool riddles

Carpool riddles

Q: What vehicle carries a crowd without wheels or wings? A: A carpool! Q: What’s the road’s favorite group activity? A: Carpooled singing sessions! Q: What travels in packs but ...

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Branding riddles

Branding riddles

Q: I’m the silent ambassador of your brand, yet I speak volumes. What am I?A: Your logo. Q: I’m a brief glimpse of your brand’s essence, catching eyes in an ...

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Presentation riddles

Presentation riddles

Q: What runs but never walks, murmurs but never talks, and has a slide but never presents? A: A PowerPoint presentation. Q: What is a speaker’s greatest asset, yet it’s ...

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Leasing riddles

Leasing riddles

Question: What’s a landlord’s favorite time of the year? Answer: Lease-tober, when everyone’s signing! Question: What’s a tenant’s favorite type of workout? Answer: The lease squat – bending over backwards ...

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Hamburger riddles

Hamburger riddles

Q: What did the hamburger say to the cheese when they met at the party? A: “You make me melt with delight!” Q: Why did the hamburger break up with ...

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Technology riddles

Technology riddles

What runs without legs, tweets without wings, and leaves you scrolling for hours? Answer: A smartphone. What has keys but can’t open locks, space but no room, and time but ...

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Dubai riddles

Dubai riddles

I’m a towering marvel that kisses the sky, where the clouds seem to shy away. What am I? (Answer: Burj Khalifa) I’m a golden dhow sailing through the sands, a ...

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