
Edward riddles

Edward riddles

Q: What does Edward possess that can crack codes and open minds? A: A cryptic key to intellect. Q: In the realm of words, what turns silent but is always ...

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Quinn riddles

Quinn riddles

Q: I start with Q and end with N, I’m in the middle of questions, who am I? A: Quinn Q: I’m a puzzle, a conundrum to decipher, what’s my ...

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Nguyen riddles

Nguyen riddles

Question: What is a Nguyen’s favorite type of music? Answer: Hip-“Nguyen” Question: What did the Nguyen say when asked about their favorite hobby? Answer: “Nguyening” things up! Question: What’s a ...

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Gwen riddles

Gwen riddles

Question: I start with “G” and end with “N”, I have a silent “W” in between, what am I? Answer: Gwen Question: I am a name that’s a synonym for ...

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Ben riddles

Ben riddles

Q: Why did Ben talk to his shadow? A: Because he wanted to have a Ben-to-Ben conversation. Q: How does Ben organize a space party? A: He planet with Ben-nevolence. ...

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Alex riddles

Alex riddles

Question: What is always in front of you but can never be seen? Answer: The letters in “Alex”! Question: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. What am ...

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Angie riddles

Angie riddles

Question: I am tall when I’m young and short when I’m old. What am I? Answer: A candle. Question: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. What am ...

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Kaitlyn riddles

Kaitlyn riddles

Q: I am a mystery with a name, a puzzle that’s never the same. Who am I? A: Kaitlyn Q: In the realm of riddles, I wear a cloak of ...

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Nora riddles

Nora riddles

Question: What can you catch but not throw? Answer: A cold or Nora virus. less Copy code Question: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? Answer: ...

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Peter riddles

Peter riddles

Question: What does Peter never want, but always receive? Answer: Attention. Question: What is Peter’s favorite type of exercise? Answer: Running for president (Peter President). Question: What did Peter say ...

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Hailey riddles

Hailey riddles

What is as captivating as a sunrise and as mysterious as the moon, always leaving you intrigued? Hailey’s thoughts. What is a kaleidoscope of laughter and curiosity, with a touch ...

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Brooke riddles

Brooke riddles

Question: What is always in front of Brooke but can never be seen? Answer: Her future. Question: What runs but never walks, murmurs but never talks, has a bed but ...

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Hannah riddles

Hannah riddles

Question: What is always with you, but often goes unnoticed? Answer: Hannah’s presence. Question: What is a mystery that walks on two legs? Answer: Hannah, shrouded in curiosity. Question: What ...

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Antonia riddles

Antonia riddles

Question: I start with “A” and end with “A”, I’m found in the middle of “Antonia”, what am I?Answer: The letter “N”. Question: I’m a silent observer, always present but ...

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Emanuel riddles

Emanuel riddles

Q: What is always present but never seen, whispers wisdom yet remains unseen? A: Emanu-el’s echo. Q: What is a river without water, a forest without trees, yet holds the ...

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Jake riddles

Jake riddles

What’s always following Jake but never catches up?Answer: His shadow. What gets wetter as it dries, yet Jake never complains about?Answer: His towel. What is it that Jake can hold ...

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Isabella riddles

Isabella riddles

Question: What is always in Isabella’s hands but never gets tired? Answer: Time, for she holds the power to mold it at her will. Question: What is the one thing ...

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Amanda riddles

Amanda riddles

Question: What is always in Amanda’s future, but never in her past? Answer: The letter “M”. Question: What belongs to Amanda but others use it more than she does? Answer: ...

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Ella riddles

Ella riddles

Question: I start with an “E” and end with an “A”, I’m found in the sky and on the ground, What am I? Answer: Ella (E starts, A ends, can ...

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Candace riddles

Candace riddles

Q: I sparkle in the day, twinkle in the night; who am I in the world of light? A: Candace, the radiant sun! Q: I’m a puzzle of letters, an ...

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Melissa riddles

Melissa riddles

Q: I’m a whisper on the breeze, a secret in the trees, who am I?A: Melissa, the elusive muse of nature’s secrets. Q: In the garden of names, I bloom ...

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Megan riddles

Megan riddles

Q: I’m bright and full of spark, but I can’t be ignited. Who am I? A: Megan’s smile. Q: I’m elusive yet omnipresent, forever dancing in shadows. What am I? ...

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Kayla riddles

Kayla riddles

Q: I’m a name that means “pure,” with charm that’s sure to allure. What am I? A: Kayla Q: In a garden of letters, I’m the one that starts with ...

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Kobi riddles

Kobi riddles

What is always with Kobi, yet never holds him back? Which three letters can turn Kobi into a sparkling gem? What flies without wings and can solve Kobi’s mysteries? What ...

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Nicholas riddles

Nicholas riddles

What is always with Nicholas, yet never seen? What is the one thing Nicholas can never escape? What travels with Nicholas through time and space? What is the first thing ...

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