Question: What is the most polite crime? Answer: Trespassing… on someone’s ego. Question: What do you call a joke that offends a vampire? Answer: A stake pun. Question: What offends ...
Nate riddles
Question: I speak without a voice, yet echo through the air. What am I? Answer: Nate’s subtle whispers. Question: I have keys but no locks. I have space but no ...
Apex riddles
What stands tall without a spine, crowned with stars, yet never shines? (Answer: Mountain) I’m the crown of the sky, where eagles dare to fly. What am I? (Answer: Summit) ...
Vikavolt riddles
Question: What insect zaps with electric might, soaring high in the darkest night? Answer: Vikavolt Question: In fields of green, where sparks ignite, which creature dazzles with electric light? Answer: ...
Paula riddles
Question: Who can weave words into webs of wonder, leaving minds entangled in thought? Answer: Paula, the Riddle Spinner. Question: Who dances with shadows and whispers with the wind, leaving ...
Bingo riddles
Question: I’m a game of chance, with numbers galore, where squares are marked, and daubers explore. What am I? Answer: Bingo! Question: I’m the letter that leads to delight, the ...
Coding riddles
Question: What do you call a function that calls itself? Answer: A recursive function. Question: What’s a programmer’s favorite place to hang out in a mall? Answer: The data arcade. ...
Pool riddles
Q: What did the pool table say to the cue ball? A: “Roll with me, and we’ll make waves.” Q: Why did the cue stick break up with the chalk? ...
Perla riddles
Question: What is small, round, and has a shiny exterior, yet holds secrets within? Answer: A perla bead. Question: I am often found hidden in oysters deep, prized for my ...
Evan riddles
Question: I am a mystery wrapped in curiosity, who am I? Answer: Evan Question: What starts with “e” and ends with “n”, puzzling minds from beginning to end? Answer: Evan ...
Crossword riddles
Question: What’s a three-letter word for a grid-filling game? Answer: Art Question: This word means both an area of white squares and a type of bread. Answer: Rye Question: A ...
Fullest riddles
What’s fullest when it’s empty, but emptiest when it’s full? A sponge. What grows fuller the more you take away? A hole. What can fill a room but takes up ...
Ouija riddles
Q: What word is whispered by the spirits when the planchette rests on “YES”? A: Affirmation. Q: What entity communicates through the Ouija board, spelling out messages letter by letter? ...
Domino riddles
What can fill a room but takes up no space?Answer: Silence I have a heart that doesn’t beat. I can strike but not bleed. What am I?Answer: A Golem What ...
Empoleon riddles
What avian sovereign boasts fins and steel? Who glides through icy depths, a regal zeal? Which Pokémon’s crown glistens with frosty might? In Sinnoh’s waters, who rules the aquatic night? ...
Particular riddles
What has keys but can’t open locks? (A piano) What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? (The future) What gets wetter as it dries? (A towel) ...
Fefe riddles
What is always in front of you but can never be seen? Answer: Tomorrow (FeFe) What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A piano (FeFe) What is full of ...
Pong riddles
Question: What can bounce back without ever leaving its place? Answer: A pong ball on the edge of a paddle. Question: What is a paddle’s favorite type of music? Answer: ...
Andrew riddles
Question: What do you call Andrew when he’s in a boat?Answer: A nautical navigator, sailing with prowess and glee. Question: What’s Andrew’s favorite type of weather?Answer: A misty morning, where ...
Dodgeball riddles
Question: What do you call it when a dodgeball player is always out? Answer: A disqualified dodger! Question: What’s a dodgeball player’s favorite type of music? Answer: Dodge and roll! ...
Waiting riddles
Q: I can be long or short, but I’m never still. What am I? A: Time Q: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs? A: ...
Escape riddles
Question: I’m a vessel of liberation, yet I never sail the seas. What am I? Answer: A key. Question: I have no wings, yet I soar beyond bounds. What am ...
Puzzle riddles
What has keys but can’t open locks? Answer: A piano. I have cities but no houses, mountains but no trees, and water but no fish. What am I? Answer: A ...
Blacephalon riddles
Question: I’m a fiery spectacle, a celestial dancer, yet my steps leave no trace. Who am I? Answer: Blacephalon, the Nebula Waltzer. Question: What bursts forth in a kaleidoscope of ...
Checkers riddles
What always ends up being cornered but never feels trapped? (A checker piece) What jumps without legs and captures without hands? (A checker) What can move forward but never backward? ...
Mack riddles
Question: What can Mack hold in his hands without ever touching it? Answer: A conversation. Question: What is it that Mack can catch but not throw? Answer: Attention. Question: What ...
Bowling riddles
Q: What is always at the center of attention on the bowling alley? A: The pins! Q: What goes down but never stays down on the bowling lane? A: The ...
Bulbasaur riddles
What plant-like Pokémon basks in the sun? (Bulbasaur) Which creature’s bulb glows in the dark? (Bulbasaur) Who starts small but grows mighty with time? (Bulbasaur) Which Pokémon’s seed holds untold ...
Rakan riddles
Q: I am a shadow in the night, a whisper in the wind. Who am I? A: Rakan, the elusive trickster. Q: In the dance of shadows, who leads with ...
Capture riddles
Q: I can hold you tight without a hand. What am I? A: A hug. Q: I have keys but no locks, and you can enter but not go outside. ...
Alexis riddles
Question: What is Alexis’ favorite letter? Answer: “I”, because it stands at the center of her brilliance. Question: What did Alexis say to the riddle about her? Answer: “You’ve unlocked ...
Gallade riddles
What creature is noble and gallant, with blades for arms, yet lacks a knight’s armor? (Answer: Gallade) What Pokémon wields psychic might, its presence a blade in the night? (Answer: ...
Lottery riddles
What lottery number never goes to school? Why did the lottery player bring a ladder? What’s a lottery’s favorite plant? What did the skeptical mathematician say about the lottery? Why ...
Bortles riddles
1. What is never seen but always lurking, a mystery to behold? A bortle’s answer, in the night, it’s sold. 2. What’s a celestial body, not a star or a ...
Ivan riddles
Question: What does Ivan hold in his hands, yet never touches? Answer: A secret. Question: What is Ivan’s favorite kind of math? Answer: Riddleometry. Question: What is always in front ...
Putt riddles
Question: What has a hole but can’t be filled with water? Answer: A golf putt. Question: What is small, white, and determined to reach its destination? Answer: A golf ball ...
Raichu riddles
Question: What do you call a Raichu who loves to dance?Answer: Cha-Chu! Question: What’s a Raichu’s favorite subject in school?Answer: Electric Current Events! Question: What do you get when you ...
Checkmate riddles
Question: What is the ultimate fate of the king when surrounded by his enemies on all sides? Answer: Checkmate. Question: What’s the term for the move that declares the end ...
Jenga riddles
Question: What do you call it when a Jenga tower collapses because of an earthquake? Answer: A seismic shift! Question: Why did the Jenga tower go to school? Answer: To ...
Amumu riddles
Q: What is Amumu’s favorite way to communicate? A: Emote-ional expression! Q: What does Amumu use to fix his broken heart? A: Band-Ages! Q: What’s Amumu’s preferred genre of music? ...
Anthony riddles
Q: I am always present but can never be seen. Who am I? A: Anthony’s thoughts. Q: What gets sharper as it gets shorter, and Anthony always carries it? A: ...
Die riddles
1. I’m rolled in games, but never in bed. What am I? (Answer: A die) 2. I have six faces but no eyes to see. What am I? (Answer: A ...